
Is Christianity Superior To African Religion?

Most people would like to think that slavery is gone because the slaveships no longer ply the sea routes and the universal declaration of Human Right proclaimed in 1948 that “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude: Slavery and slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms”.

These efforts are born of noble struggles by well-meaning politicians who saw slavery from actual but horrific pictures of brutality and oppression. For example, a scholar Kelvin Bales in his book called, “Disposable People” comments thus: – “Slavery is an obscenity. It is not just stealing someone’s labour, it is the theft of an entire life”.

Slavery has a long and often ugly history. From the time of Nimrod of Babylon to the pharaohs of Egypt, powerful nations have enslaved their weaker neighbours and that serves as the saddest tales of human injustice.

When Greece rule the Mediterranean, many Greek families had at least one slave just as typical families in present age might own a car. The concept of master and slave caste with the former having a natural right to command whereas the latter were simply born to obey became a philosophical norm in Greece.

When Rome rose to apex rulership of global affairs, it promoted slavery and evidently hundreds of thousand of people were slaves. Millions of slaves were acquired through war conquests for the purpose of building monuments, minnings, farming and maids for the wealthy.

The slavery continued even after the fall of Roman Empire. History records that 10 percent of the labour force of medieval England were constituted by slaves. From the medieval days, no continents has suffered the ravages of slave trade and slavery as much as Africa. Over the course of that duration, an estimate of 18 million Africans were traded to Europeans as slaves.

As that is not enough, the Europeans carry out colonialism on African lands. The lands were partitioned amongst the colonial masters. These unholy trade and mischief rule gave birth and spread of Christianity on African lands.

The million pounds question is, can our captors give us salvation or is it the duty of a slave to struggle for his freedom?

When Hebrews were in Egyptian bondage, did pharaoh allow them to go? No, when Prophet Moses rose, he challenged against Egyptian rule and equally rejected both Egyptian religion. He made all battle against Pharaoh and his forces to free his people from Egyptian influence.

But in African situation, our political elites or leaders have toiled to lead us out of European rulership but made their religion part of our continental pride.

Again let us investigate on the flow chat or how Noah’s faith ran down to this era. After Prophet Noah’s demise, his two sons, Shem and Yahphet continued with his faith but they didn’t persist and later fall back to paganism as Ham.

For many centuries thereafter, Noah’s (true) faith lost while Ham’s (untrue) flourished as it became the universal faith patronized and influenced by tyrants on throne as Pharaohs, Nebuchadnezzar, Greeks and Roman Emperors and presently Pope of Christianity.

Noah’s faith resurface through Meshiyach Zedekiah whom the Bible corrupted as Melchizedek. The Meshiyach was from the linage of Yahphet and the Bible erroneously or deceitfully accounted that he has no earthily parents. That was a deceptive ploy by Hebrew mythology to express that Yahweh has never dealt with any other tribe except them.

Yahweh choose Meshiyach Zedekiah from the linage of Yahphet to represent him as was Noah. As usual, people rejected him but Abraham and few disciples recognized him as a chosen one from Yahweh.

When Meshiyach Zedekiah translated, the spiritual power came over to Abraham who was from the linage of Shem. Abraham married two wives, being Sarai and Hagai (her maid) Hagar gave birth to the first son of Abraham whose name was Ishmiah while aged Sarai conceived and gave birth to Isaac as the second son.

Because of Sarai’s devotion and submission to Abraham, she followed her husband on his new faith he acquired from Meshiyach Zedekiah while Hagai and his son Ishmiah hanged to the former tradition of Abraham. By this devotion, the spirit of Yahweh fell upon Isaac who transferred the way of Yahweh to his second son called Yacob.

Yacob begeth twelve sons who formed the nation of Hebrew. As a nation, they served as a chosen nation because the anointing of Yahweh was upon them as it ran down through their fathers.

Amongst the Hebrew nation, Yahweh raised many major and minor prophets to represent him especially whenever they rebel against Yahweh and adopt other nation’s idol worships.

They were enslaved by nations as Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Greek, Rome etc and in each of these slavery, they were forced to drop the doctrines of Yahweh that they inherited from their ancestors.

During the captivity of Hebrews under Rome, Yahoshea Meshiyach was born. As the expected Meshiyach, people thought that he will raise soldiers to fight against Roman colonial rule but he didn’t take such vain direction. Rather he raised disciples and thought them of true doctrine from Yahweh as was observed by Noah and other succeeding prophets who equally prophesied of his coming because spiritual freedom is more important than physical independence.

At that era, Yahoshea Meshiyach and his disciples represented Yahweh as against the Judiastic leaders who have been corrupted by Greek and Roman traditions. For the unbelief of the religious and political leaders of Hebrew, Yahoshea promised to take the kingdom of Yahweh to another nation. He equally promised his disciples of the coming comforter who is to continue from him. That promise meant transference of the anointing force to another people.

This prophecy came to pass through the birth of Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach of Nigeria who occupies the stool of the Comforter.

That is the final transfer of the spiritual rod from children of Shem to a Hamite (Black race).


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

(+234) 7066195260


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