

Why do Nigerians’ pursue shadow instead of the image? Why is everyone concentrating and deliberating on the collapsed building instead of the event surrounding the incidence (the jet that hovered very low over’ the building for four consecutive times). Thank God for the wisdom given to Prophet TB Joshua to put in place security measures around the church which enabled the whole world to see the truth of the incidence.

The question is: the jet that flew over the building is it Prophet TB Joshua’s private jet or is the SCOAN now an airport? Where is the jet from who sent it, and for what purpose? Why is it that the media houses are fast in spreading bad news, are these journalists from Nigeria? Let us agree that planes fly over buildings in Lagos just as people have been saying but, has it been noticed or ever recorded that a particular aircraft hovered very low over a particular building for four good times and after the collapse of the building never returned?

I have ‘been listening to interviews on TV concerning this issue, but I would like to comment on that of Wednesday the 24th of September on STY when Dele Asaju a public affairs analyst said “ What does Nigeria have to offer South Africa, is it money or job or infrastructure or medical’ attention?” is this man a true Nigerian? He also emphasized on the fact that South Africa is not following the matter dully. Is he instigating South Africa to revenge by killing Prophet TB Joshua or fighting Nigeria? He is displaying inferiority complex that maimed or forefathers during the colonial rule. Dele Asaju also said “the rate at which, church services are conducted is too much, Night Vigil, Night vigil, Night Vigil everyday. If you are a parent who gives your ‘child what he/she asks, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Thursday; you are for responsible’. This indirectly implies that God is irresponsible. May I let you know now that you are challenging God your maker. Why is he castigating Nigeria and instigating South Africa to revenge? Is this the character of a good

Let it be known to you that Prophet TB Joshua is the only major Prophet in the whole world and Nigeria has more than enough to offer South ‘Africa, spiritually, economically, socially and Africa, we don’t even want him to go anywhere and he is more important to us than the hole South Africa. Those who are always critical, about anything pertaining to the SCOAN and TB Joshua speak out of prejudice and under satanic and demonic influence, and they need Jesus and His power to deliver them from satanic influence.

When there was a storm on the sea, Jesus tackled the cause which was the wind before speaking calm to the sea as recorded in Mark 4:37 -z 39 of the Holy Bible. May God give us the wisdom to handle situations in time of need in Jesus name, ”

God allowed what happened to show that Prophet TB Joshua is the only major Prophet in the world for now. If there ‘was any other, God would have revealed it to him/her to tell Prophet TB Joshua, So you that are questioning why he did not see before it happened “I have God’s mandate to tell you to shut up your mouth for the sake of your future and generation ‘unborn”. Why did God not reveal it to you if you think you are worthy?

And to my’ dear Prophet, the Lord allowed this to draw you close ‘and not to relent in your effort despite what people will say. After all in the time of Eliha as recorded in 2 Kings 4:l527, ‘God did not reveal everything to the Prophet Elisha. This shows that this is not the first time God is hiding something from His Prophet. ”’


From Pastor Innocent .C. Banigo

Snr. Pastor Peculiar People Bible Church

Bonny, Rivers State, Nigeria

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