
Is Christianity Superior To African Religion?

In major occasions, false witnesses, evidences and exhibits harmonize to influence judgement against truth. The inglorious victory by falsehood in each moment ostracizes the hallowed truth and those who stand by it are persecuted. This is the agony of the entire humanity because while it is the truth of any matter that is to resolve it, majority queues behind deception which appears assuring and undisappointing but must at the conclusion of time lead its followers amiss.

All evidences and accounts from Holy Scriptures and religious history have proven again and again that Roman Empire was an ardent pagan sungod worshippers. This tradition was transferred to its church when the Emperors amalgamated various contending sungod religions in Rome with the sect of Yahosheans to give birth to universal faith or Roman Catholic Church.

For example, history recorded that Emperor Justinian gave the power of Rome to the Pope when he decreed that the Pope should be over all the Christian churches of the earth. The papacy was fully established in 538 AD.

The intention of Roman empire to formulate universal faith was not to uphold or promote the truth that was preached by Yahosheans from Hebrew but to impose Roman traditions upon the entire universe. Therefore the attitude of Emperors to achieve this design was to be followed up by the Popes who later took over from it.

For clearity, the Emperors of Rome connived with Hebrew leaders to kill Yahoshea Meshiyach, both forces jointly marched against Yahosheans (followers of Yahoshea) and visited them with persecutions, tortures and deaths. Many extracts from authoritative works by even Catholic dignitaries concerning the persecution prove that Yahosheanism and Christendom were two different opposing sects.

For instance Tacitus, a religious writer puts it this way, “the execution of followers of Yahoshea was made into a game, they were covered with skins of wild animals and torn to pieces by dogs. They were hung at torture stake. They were burnt, wrapped in flammable materials and set fire to illuminate the night”.

Remember all these account happened under the instruction of Emperor Nero. Let us continue with the persecution account, “To escape death, the Yahosheans had but to repudiate Yahoshea Meshiyach and sacrifice to the emperor. Some did, but many more were tortured to death rather than deny their master”.

Tactitus continued, “Roman Emperors foresaw that should the glad news of Yahoshea triumph, her temples and alters would be swept away, therefore she summoned her forces to destroy Yahosheanity. Followers of Yahoshea were stripped of their possessions and driven from their homes. Great numbers sealed their testimony with their blood, Noble and slave, rich and poor, learned and ignorant were alike slain without mercy”.

The account continues, “Beneath the hills outside the city of Rome, long galleries had been tunneled through earth and rocks, the dark and intricate network of passages extended for miles beyond the city walls. In these underground retreats, the followers of Yahoshea buried their dead ones, and here also when suspected, they found a home. Many were tortured for not accepting Emperors deliverance condition that they may obtain a better resurrection. The rejoice that they were accounted worthy to suffer for the truth, and songs of triumph ascended from the midst of the cracking flames”.

By the account of all early religious and history writers that covered the activities of Roman emperors against Yahosheans prove that it was against the Roman law to be a Yahoshean, such person was an automatic criminal.

When the church leader got control of the Roman nation, they continued to maltreat truth seeker or practitioners in the manner of the emperors. All Roman traditions were polished and rebranded to appears as doctrines approved by Yahoshea Meshiyach or his disciples. Pope being the head of Roman church uses states instrument to change all divine doctrines and creeds and imposed Roman traditions upon the universe and carried out severe torture against people who attempt to reverse to original and truthful faith as laid down by Yahoshea Meshiyach. By this attitude of Popes, Scriptures were banned from circulation and many sects or peoples who refused to surrender their scriptures were offenders that Holy Roman Order couldn’t tolerate.

For example Pope Innocent VIII ordered Roman soldiers to destroy the Waldensian missionaries because they refuse to reject holy scriptures. The popes order read as follows “That malicious and abominable sect of malignant, if they refuse to abjure, to be crushed like venomous snakes”.

This is the state for the formation of Christianity and our question today is that since the Christian faith is entirely pagan arrangement, is conversion of the world especially black race proper?

Is Christianity superior to African traditional religion? Can Christianity save an African?

Truly, all religious scholars have total agreement that Christianity is a rebranded Roman paganism which had is origin from ancient Babyon. African traditional religion itself is of pagan practices which were assembled by the ancient African natives. Both religions are heathenic in nature and practices.

Again students of social science and all such related courses are conclusive that modern civilization originate from Egypt of Negro (black) world. It is only white imitators that dismisses black race as a disreputable and inferior race. It is proven that all standards of human or civil development emerged from Negro world.

According to the teachings of Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach, the universe is made of three major races who are stems of three sons of Prophet Naoh being Yahphet, Shem and Ham. The children of Yahphet, Shem, and Ham are religiously identities as Yahphetites, Shemite and Hamites. The Yaphetes are the Orientals (Asians), the Shemites are the white race (Europeans) while the Hamites are the black race (Africans).

These three major races are identified as Mongloids, Caccusoids and Negroids in anthropology. The Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures bore that after the flood, Noah developed the character of drunkardness and therefore became reckless. This octitudal change didn’t go down well with Ham (father of blacks race) who is naturally disciplined. Ham wondered how his father as Prophet of Yahweh defeated all fake worshippers and pronounced the destruction of the world which came through flood should degenerate into negative way of life.

Going by such thought, Ham ran into deadlock with his father and other brothers. This led Ham to distance his father and even rejected has fathers faith being Yahwehism. He thereby founded his own religion and his children and subsequently generations therefore became the original founders of sungod worship.


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

(+234) 7066195260


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