

President-Goodluck-JonathanSomething To Offer: Let Election Campaign An Issue Based

Over the years Politicians were branded as either diabolic, unclean, liars, deceivers, not well to do or destructive fellows and of course anything negative is associated to them because of their actions, attitude, and lifestyles, hence many tend to dissociate selves from the game of power. The simple reason is that Politicians usually abandoned issues for discussion or deliberation and focus on smearing individuals who ordinarily would have something to offer just to pull such individuals down.

This act is done in other to win the conscience and sympathy of the electorate, but in most cases the electorates are not even enlightened rather they are equally deceived, robbed and forced in their ignorance to do the bidding of those who play around them.

The electorate ought to be properly educated on the processes of election, how to vote, when to vote and where to vote. Again, the blue prints if at all there is any by a contestant, need to be properly explained to the electorates, especially those at the grassroots other than deceiving them with the least N500 to get their hard earn single vote.

As orientation steps up, against the backdrop of the numerous reasons adduced by the publics (electorate , religious leaders, voters, Political supporters etc.); many Christians are beginning to embrace the awareness and appreciate the need to cast their votes as well as actively involved in the processes that produce leaders at the respective capacities.

It is kudos to the present leadership of President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, (GCFR) and the instrument of the Independent National Electoral Commission, (INEC) whose foresight in having transparent, free, fare and democratic feature in governance propels the citizenry into action.

The trend and wind of change in Nigeria’s political system which deserves applauses, however, needs change of characters of players in the polity, thereby all irrespective of social class could not only mingle but deliberate alike for the positive running of the country.

Corruption in Nigeria is all round affairs where almost every individual is involved; hence to eradicate or minimize it has become a very big task, but a task and act to be exemplified by just an individual.

Before the emergence of Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR, as President of Nigeria, there were no President, vice President that was widely abused and insulted in Nigeria yet he swallowed all, forging ahead and striving to make the country better.

It is on record that most Nigeria leaders of all categories were in a way allegedly guilty of one crime or the other and as such could not be given the chance to exercise leadership. The mistake however that they were allowed to take leadership position perhaps on their standing lies, propelled them to rather ruled than leading without respect to the people which resulted in amassing excessive wealth to themselves at the detriment of those around them.

Leadership is sacrosanct, and should be adored because it is instituted by the creator himself, therefore if anyone desires to lead, he must first purge himself of all ills, acknowledging the essence of leadership as an act to develop and better the already battered hope and conditions of the citizenry.

It is absolutely, falsehood to posit that development cannot occur in a short moment; the question is, could personal enrichment occurs in just four years? If the answer is in the affirmative then to develop the people and infrastructure could have definitely taken a centre stage within four years under review.

It is however, on this premise that this episode of Issues Abattoir examines the nature of campaign that could be embarked upon and the calibre of persons to be voted for, now that the 2015 electioneering campaign is underway.

Previous performance of an individual seeking any public or elective office should without fear of contradiction be X-rayed to give the future the expected confident, hope and liberation before such individual is eventually backed up to sail through.

It has been observed that over the years as said above, many had left or abandoned issues for discussion and dwell on personalities as subject for campaign. However, this is not fair in its entirety, though it is absolute to recall that issues revolve around individuals particularly those who have served in public capacity.

If you mention, arson as a case, it revolves around someone, talk of bad governance, it centres around a personality, notice tyranny in government, it is the drawing of an individual, so all forms of attitude is generally centered around certain individuals, therefore these must be scrutinized by the respective political parties before handing their flags, if indeed they are willing and ready to win the vote of the masses as every individual’s record is always available.

If the growing democracy deserves any change as postulated in many quarters it is the change of attitude, because if issues are discussed then there is the tendency to act according to and implement on the issues raised and discussed during campaign thus bringing about development.

Politicians seeking public offices should be asked to sign certain agreement or pact with the people before their elections otherwise the uncaring attitude would persist after the 2015 elections.

If there is any change to be made, now is the time for the needed change, beginning with the campaigns. ###


With James Mgboineme


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