
Your Questions Answered 2

Let me begin by saying a very big thank you to our numerous readers and followers who have taken time out to ask questions on this column. You have shown that you have refused to follow the pack of individuals who believe that going back home to God is done en-mass. It is entirely an individual affair. Every one of us will have to find our way back home to God. In the path of our happiness shall we find the reason we have chosen this lifetime. The search for God is therefore a search for happiness.

Individuals who ask questions have taken the first step in knowing about a phenomenon that might have been bothering them for years which even their pastors or spiritual leaders have no answers to. It is indeed an indication that the individual knows that there exists a problem, which no one has been able to provide an answer. For instance ‘why would everyone agree that they would like to go to heaven and yet everyone is afraid of dying to get there?’ ‘If this body dies, which body do we use to access heaven?’ These are questions that most who claim the knowledge of God have refused to answer simply because they do not know.

But those individuals who are bold to ask these questions are the ones who are ready to solve these mysteries of life and are ready to go back home to God.

The truth of the matter is that most of us are not ready to go back to God. There is indeed no hurry in this assignment of going back to our true home for you cannot force any Soul to do so. But the experiences we go through in life will compel each individual to search for God at the right time. This is when the individual will realize that there is difference between religion and spirituality.

An individual can be religious without knowing God. He only follows the creed of a certain religion but knows within his heart that he has no personal relationship with God. He is simply ‘floating’ with the crowd and derives some measure of satisfaction from the fact that there are others like him in the same religion. How do you know when you are in this category? You know if you are the type that continues to read and quote old scriptures about others’ experiences with God simply because you have no personal authority or personal experience with God. For if you have, why would you quote experiences others have about two thousand years ago?

But an individual cannot be spiritual without knowing God or having a personal experience with God or the Voice of God known as the Holy Spirit unless the individual prefers to deceive himself. For being spiritual entails having a direct and personal experience with God that becomes the basis for the authority of the individual making such assertions.

For those who are bold to ask questions, I say thank you. All the names used in the questions below will be fictitious.

James PHC ‘How do I know my spiritual purpose in life?

Every individual has a spiritual purpose in life. But most would prefer to ‘roam’ the earth for now until they get to that point when they have to ask ‘Why am I here?’ ‘What is the meaning of Life?’. At this point there is direct contact with our higher self, known as Soul that has been waiting for recognition so that we can get back on track.

Before the incarnation of Soul in the HU-man body, there are some agreed sets of goals that such Soul would have individually committed to with the Lords of Karma, those in charge of your spiritual destiny. Most of us remember these assignments in the early stages of our incarnation through the body of a baby. This is why most of us can remember vividly our sojourns in the heavens of God between the ages of one to seven years. But as soon as Soul in HU-man baby form is brainwashed either through religion or education, he begins to forget these agreed- to assignments. As an adult, he has completely forgotten his relationship with God except some who can communicate with God in dreams. Others who are not tutored in dreams simply are at a loss about their spiritual purpose in life.

Our spiritual purpose in life is to become a co-worker with God. But this entails a whole lot of training and mid- steps for the individual. Being a co-worker with God means for the individual to have the ability to listen to God, know the divine will of God in any situation and be willing to be a channel for this divine power of God so that all other creatures of God can benefit.

But to be able to listen to God, experience God, know God and communicate with God directly, the individual must find someone who can train him in this art. If an individual wants to become a doctor for instance, he cannot just jump into a theater and start operating people or conducting diagnosis. He would have gone through a whole gamut of education before arriving at medical college, serve as an intern before being given a license to practice. Similarly, anyone who wants to learn how to communicate with God must find an individual who can assist him to achieve this objective.

So James, the starting point for your quest is the HU. Sing it every night before you sleep and God will reveal to you your Spiritual Guide. Do not be afraid, for charlatans and spiritual jokers like you find on earth here cannot penetrate your dreams when you sing HU but they may attempt to deceive you in real life. By singing HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God, you can contact God and know your spiritual destiny in this lifetime. Let me know if you encounter any challenges.

Sunny from Owerri asks ‘How do I know I have lived before?’

Every Soul-in form, wearing a HU-man body has lived before but most cannot remember and rightly so. For in this present incarnation, our memory of our past lives have been blotted out so that most of us will not be swayed with atrocities we have committed in former lives. We are now given a fresh opportunity to start but what do we find? Individuals who repeatedly continue to commit the same errors like a child at school. But of course we are made to come back on and on for millions of years to correct the evils we have done and receive the benefits of the loving actions we have sown. This is the meaning of that injunction ‘you reap what you sow’ But if you die before reaping, the Lords of Karma will ensure that you come back here to reap it in a process called re-incarnation.

The Yorubas know about this in their culture when they name their children ‘Babatunde’ meaning father has returned or ‘Yetunde’ Mother has come back. I am sure you have that in other cultures too. But the bottom line is that we have lived before and some of us have been here more than a million times. Yes, a million times! We have been coming and going, coming and going without understanding why we are here until those who have had enough pain will start asking questions about why they are here and the jigsaw puzzle then fits in.

Let me quickly add that those in charge of the destiny of human beings are not swayed by prayers, fasting on anything of that sort but you are given the impression in your religion that you can change the will of God through prayers. You cannot change the will of the Almighty by praying for a thousand nights or through begging or supplications. You simply reap what you sow. This is the spiritual law that does not respect anyone. And everything man sows through thoughts, words and actions including feelings are recorded on an equipment within man known as the memory body. This ensures that there are no arguments in the court of the dead. Your thoughts, words and actions are simply downloaded spiritually for you to see and you are sent back here to Nigeria or anywhere you need to be to settle your accounts.

So look around you and where you stay, how come some like you without a reason and some hate you with a passion? How come some locations seem familiar and some look so dreadful. It is karma that makes man see a woman he does not know before and says ‘I love you!’. If not, how can you love someone you do not know and you are sure you want to stay together for life?

Sing HU before bedtime and ask God why you are drawn to certain people and why others dislike you with a passion. You will then know you have lived before.



By Tuborki Dauyemie

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