
Is He Yahoshea Meshiyach Or Yahshua Messiah?

Likewise there is no part of his life account where he was converted or initiated into Greek religious sect where upon, he may receive a Greek backed name. There were great enormity between the Hebrews versus the Greeks in the days of our saviour because the Greek captivity on the Hebrews were fresh in their mind. The Hebrews were freed by the Maccabbees before the birth of Yahoshea Meshiyach. So there was no possibility of a Hebrew parent naming their child with Greek name at that moment.

But who amongst us will love to see his name which appeared in his will to be changed when he translates to a realm beyond. And if is a name of deity is changed how can its faithfuls contact or reach it? Have you seen why YAHOSHEA MESHIYACH hated the works of the Scribes and Pharassees of his days. Because the false pen of the scribes falsifies the scriptures.

Take a prominent example from the flimsy excuses tendered by the translators on changing the name of our Grand Creator from Yahweh to Jehovah. Translators like J. M. Powis Smith and Edger Goodspeed in their footnote openly agreed to have followed the Hebrew superstition of replacing the Divine name Yahweh with JEHOVAH simply because that Yahweh is too holy to be mentioned in daily transactions of men.

Many other translators conclude that they used the name JEHOVAH in the works not that it is the originally revealed name of the Creator but because it has been naturalized in human texts and languages which the divine name Yahweh did not posses. To such translators popularity is more important than the truth itself.

Inspite of the ways and means employed by the translators to eliminate the sacred names, some of ancient manuscripts that survived uptill date bear testimony that the names are YAHWEH and YAHOSHEA for the father and the son respectively. And many bold teachers stands firm on top of such findings against the teaming crowd that profess CHRIST. Such great men includes Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Comforter, Jacob Meyer Israil Hulkings etc.

Let us take some instructions from the work of Arch Bishop (Rabbi) Shual G. C. Wokoma (JP) A Leader of the Assemblies of the Natzerene sect, Yahudim Synagogues, River State, which he titled “THE TRUE NAME OF THE SAVIOUR” and he puts it this way “The saviour finally was sent by his father whose heavenly name is “YAHWEH” while the sons name is from his own name, the son was born by Hebrew parents, grew, studied, taught, died and resurrected as a Hebrew. His name is YAHOSHEA and not Zeus, Iesous, Jesus Christ. I am happy to have listened to one among the reputable Bishop of Sunday Church at a seminar held in Presidential Hotel, Port Harcourt. This fellow according to his introduction has served far and wide around the globe, who gave the thorough teaching about this caption to my surprise which I later collaborated in my address on behalf of Jews in Despora as regards to whom Nigeria Jews are in the 2004, check your records as at 2004”.

Again Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach, in his pamphlet captioned “IS GOD A PAGAN IDOL?” put it this way in page 17, “Yahosheans believe that the name the messenger gave to the earthly parents of our saviour was Yahoshea because it means YAH-SAVIOUR or SALVATION of YAHWEH”.

“The truth shall set us free and we will be free indeed”, this is a wise scriptural statement. Again the illusions of the truth is more dangerous than the falsehood itself.

The true name of our creator is one of the first greatest questions of life that has not been given proper attention or answer. You know that the aim of religion is to raise the consciousness of humanity towards its maker. This can be achieved through worship, praises, meditations or other forms of religious creeds, dogmas and doctrines. But we cannot boast of sound worship or adoration without first knowing the proper name of the person we worship or adore.

While the original scriptures bear accurate testimony that our creator is a person who certainly has a name. Then the question is why is it today that the same Bible who testified that he had a name presented to mankind millions of names through various translations

Bible from different translators presented different names in place of the only name that the original scriptures bore. While it is certain that the original test or scripture which we know were written in Hebrew Language, bore the name YAHWEH, very many other scriptures bear names like LORD, GOD, JEHOVAH, ELOH1M, ADONIAH and many other local names of various tribes and tongues. Then the great question is, are names translative?

A name of a person represents the person as his identity. And the scriptures respects names as mark of identity. Take for example. The Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Volume 1, Page 572) states the following “A study of the word “NAME” in the Old Testament reveals how much it means in Hebrew, the name is no mere label, but is sufficient of the real personality of him or whom it belongs”. Yes names are very important before Yahweh and he put in man the desire to identify people and things by means of names. Then would it not be inconsistent for the creator of all things to leave himself nameless?

The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (volume 2 page 649) says:, “one of the most fundamental and essential features of the Biblical revelation is the fact that the creator is not without a name, he has a personal name by which he can and to be invoked, for example the Bible tells us that Yahweh calls all stars by name” If you read this lecture with a broad mind set, you will agree with me that while the original writers of the holy scriptures were inspired, the translators were not inspired rather most of them are driven by their scholarly research and powers. Then take for example the works of four translators of four different Bibles books over the same text that read as thus:-

(1) let them known that thou alone, whose name is the LORD art the most High over all the earth” (Revised Standard Version of 1952) (2) To teach them that thou O ETERNAL, thou art God Most High over all the world (A New Translation of the Bible by James Moffat of 1922) (3) “Let them know that thou alone bear the name YAHWEH Most High over the whole world (Catholic Jerusalem Bible, 1966)


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

(+234) 7066195260


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