
Your Questions Answered

Let me begin by thanking our numerous readers and those who have put in the effort to ask questions over the past quarter. I truly appreciate your concerns and the need to get answers to your numerous questions. The search for God indeed is a search for personal happiness. This happiness can only be achieved once you have an inner communication link with God. No amount of riches or material wealth can lead you to God or happiness. Nobody can link you with the Holy Spirit, the Voice of God except the Living Word. As you would have observed, there is no article I could have written without making references to both the HU and the Living Word. This is because without these two elements, a spiritual student cannot make any headway.
Continuing from our discussion last week, most of us attend different religious houses despite the fact that they are not serving our spiritual purpose. If you know you attend church simply because you want God to fulfill your material needs, this article may not interest you. But if your desire is to know who you are, your Creator and why your life is the way it is, then read on. For the easiest way to understand our Creator is by us understanding ourselves. For the secret of God is within every individual but your religion cannot unlock it unless you have a Spiritual Traveler. So it is your responsibility to look for one.
Spiritual Travelers are special agents of God that have been ordained by God Almighty to attend to the needs of Soul- in- form anywhere in all the universes of God including our mother earth. Most of us that have had encounters with them refer to them as Guardian Angels. Some of us have painted images of these beings as Saints of their religious groups but the special beings do not belong to any religion just as God does not belong to any religion. As God is for all creations so also these travelers are for all. They do not assist man based on religious affiliations. They are only distributors of the love of God to those who request it. You do not have to pray or beg.
At the head of this group is the Living Word. He is the chief executive running all the universes of God and reporting directly to only God. His duty is very simple: look for Souls who are interested in going back home to God in this lifetime. For others who are not interested in going back home yet, their life activities are run entirely by destiny as allocated by the Lords of Karma, whose responsibility it is to determine what happens in your life. The individual can chose to pray for one thousand days and nights but what these beings decide is what happens to the individual. Ever wonder why after many prayers some certain things still happen to you?
Within the past three months I have received questions from most of you in writing but let me take these two for now. I shall address others in subsequent editions.
How can I meet the Living Word?
The Living Word is that Voice of God, the Holy Spirit made flesh that ‘dwelleth amongst men’. There has never been a time in the history of mankind that a Living word had not existed. As written earlier, his job is to lead you back home to God by linking you up with the Holy Spirit while you are still alive. This is done and achieved through lessons and spiritual exercises that will enable the individual visit the heavens of God alive and back to tell the story. For when the individual visits these pure heavens of God, he would have been exposed to all the secrets of life. He would have seen the light of God and heard the melodious sound of the Holy Spirit. He would then know all truths about the divine love of God. Once you are a spiritual student, you are no longer interested in reading any Holy Book, for your are the living, moving, loving and able instrument of God. If a man communicates with God daily why should he read Holy Books of the experiences others have had thousands of years ago?
The Living Word resides in any country God has chosen for him to stay. There have been those from Africa, Asia, America, etc but the present Living Word resides in the United States of America. He is married and has children but leads a normal life. However, you are not required to travel to America to meet him. Unlike other men of God, you do not need to book appointment; you do not need to pay. All you need is a great love for God Almighty and your willingness to demonstrate this love for God.
One of the ways you can demonstrate this love is by singing a special love song to God known as the HU. This is the original name of God that God gave to itself. It has always been a secret but you now have it in your hands. If you have been fasting and praying to God endlessly without response, sing the HU. If you have been paying individuals to help you talk to God, your Father, then keep your money in your pocket and sing the HU. For God shall respond to you. This is very practical. It does not operate on the premise of belief. For belief is meant for ignorant people who are being asked to believe in God daily, yet they are suffering without being able to contact God.
How do you sing this HU?
Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for about ten to twenty minutes. Sit in a tailor fashion, close your eyes and put your attention in-between your two eyebrows. Fill your heart with love and loving thoughts by thinking of your love, wife, husband, pet, kids, etc. Let it linger for a while, then breathe in and breathe out for about three times. In your outward breath, sing HU like this huuuuuuee! Breathe in and out again and repeat this exercise for about ten to twenty minutes, preferably as the last activity before sleep. Sometimes you may see a light in your inner screen or you may hear a roaring sound within yourself. Do not be afraid for this is the presence of God! You have called on God’s Holy Name and God responds through the Light or Sound or n your dreams.
At times, if you are very sincere, God will take the form of the Living Word and appear in your dreams. You can ask questions that are very private to you and you will be surprised that the Living Word can reply you in your native dialect. If you will follow this simple exercise, you can meet the Living Word and begin your spiritual education and your journey home to God.
Is it possible to visit the heavens of God while still alive? If so tell me how?
The heavens of God are replicated within the HU-man being. The way to this heaven can be located within the two eyebrows of man at the center of the forehead. When the outer physical eyes are closed, then the inner spiritual singular eye is open for those who are trained by the Living Word. With this singular spiritual eye, commonly referred to as the third eye, man can navigate through the heavens of God from the first heaven to the highest in the realm of God. Most of the religions you have today cannot take you to these heavens of God simply because your pastor or reverend or imam does not know the way. This is why it is comfortable for them to tell you that it is when you die that you can go to heaven. By now you know this is not true. If people go to heaven when they die, to enjoy forever and ever why do they refuse to die to go there? If heaven is so sweet as they tell you why are people afraid to die and go there early?
This is a case of the blind leading the blind. Anyone who tells you that you have to diebefore going to heaven does not know the way. Short and simple. This is the gimmick used to tie people to religious organizations. Fear is the key to ignorance. But Love is the way to God. HU is the key to that Love of God. Sing it and you shall always be in the presence of God.
Thank you very much for your questions.
See you next week.

By Tuborki Dauyemie

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