
Is Your Religion Serving You?

Man is older than religion but man cannot do without religion since religion serves as crutches for man to lean on. Most of us belong to certain religions today simply because our parents were in the same religion before us. Some of us also believe that man cannot survive without religion and so, religion and religious activities have become the most lucrative business all over the world simply because man has placed a lot of premium on its practices and as such man has become a slave to religion.

But man created religion and not the other way round.

The pertinent questions then are: Can religion lead man to God? Can an individual be religious without being spiritual? Can man survive without religion? Can religion help you to solve your problems? What are the limitations of your religion? Is your religion really serving you?

People belong to different religions for different reasons. Some go to church only on Sundays and the next minute they are breaking a traffic law as soon as they leave church or mosque. Some of us go to church for social reasons, some say they need a place where they can be given a befitting burial while others are compelled to go to church so that they can get married in a church. All these are part of the numerous reasons people go to church on Sunday. Any wonder why the vices among members of our society have increased despite numerous religious organizations dotting the landscape today.

Any religion worth its salt has a primary purpose: to lead man back home to God in this lifetime. It is designed by God to provide spiritual succor to man. Your religion is expected to serve you when you are alive and not when you die. If there is any disconnect in the purpose of such a religion it will eventually die with time because it presents no spiritual diet to sustain the Spiritual core of man known as Soul. Once you have discovered that your religion is no longer serving your spiritual needs it is time to move to another level or another religion. The decision is that of the individual.

All religions were created by man for different levels of consciousness or different levels of awareness and for different civilizations. This is why some people find it strange to follow some religions simply because they do not serve their present needs and as such does not provide any spiritual nutrition for their spiritual needs. But since man created religion, those whose levels of spiritual awareness correspond to such religions would gravitate to such religions without anyone attempting to convert them. It is only those who do not find something of value in their religion that would attempt to convert another by force. For if man finds anything of value, hardly would he or she want to give it to his neighbor. So therefore, those who attempt to convert another to their religion are those who are not sure of what they have and feel the more the people in their religion the more truthful it is. But this is not necessarily true.

Therefore, man attempts to convert others to their religion out of selfish motives. It is therefore the responsibility of such individuals to determine what religion suits them.

As stated earlier, all religions should have a spiritual essence that can enable man to experience God spiritually. As such, all religions should have both attributes of the Holy Spirit, which is Light and Sound. What we find in the world today are religions with either the Light or the Sound of God. Hardly do we find any with both the Light and Sound of God. But every individual irrespective of religious background requires both the Light and Sound to be able to retrace his way back home to God Almighty, our Father.

The Holy Spirit is the Voice of God that creates and sustains all things created and yet to be created in all the universes and heavens of God. This Holy Spirit is the Voice of God that serves as a communication link between all things created and God the Creator. It moves in the form of a spiral with its eternal source found at the center of God moving towards the end of creation in a centripetal fashion and returning to God as in a centrifugal wave that carries all Souls who are ready to go back home.

Anchoring on this voice of God, the Holy Spirit is then the essence of all religion and all life. Every Soul should therefore find a way to look for this Holy Spirit of God in their lives or religion, identify it and eventually get linked to it to begin their journey back home to God. The Light in the Holy Spirit lights the way for Soul on its return journey while the Sound shows the direction to follow back home to God Almighty. This is the reason why man needs both the Light and the Sound of God to find his way back home from where he came. All other ways lead to karma and reincarnation in the lower heavens of God. Check all scriptures about those who have made contact with God. You will discover that they made contact with the light first followed by either a voice or sound.

How can man then make contact with this Light and Sound of God?

The easiest way to make contact with this Light and Sound of God is to learn how to sing HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God for a period of five to twenty minutes each day to make contact with God. This name HU is the secret word you need if you have not been able to make contact with God directly before now. This is the name that God responds to directly without any intermediaries. It links you directly to God and Its eternal voice, the Holy Spirit and you can begin your journey back home.

As soon as this contact is made, God sends to you the Living Godman, this special Agent of God whose responsibility it is to guide whoever is interested in this journey back home. This Living Word is the Holy Spirit in Form. He is the ‘word that dwelleth amongst men’ and lives from age to age. He is the only Agent of God who has the special ability of coming to you at your time of spiritual need. All you need to do to make contact is to sing HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God.

When this contact with the Godman is made, He begins guiding the individual in the various heavens of God. The individual will have the opportunity of visiting the heavens of God while alive. The Godman, the Spiritual Traveler has the special ability to take each Soul individually through special spiritual disciplines, to visit the heavens of God where Soul will the garner wisdom that would be applied in solving problems of daily living. At this stage the individual no longer pray to God because now he knows the secret of life. Instead of praying to God and beseeching God, he would learn the technique of the laws of manifestation to get all his needs. The individual is then continually guided in his daily affairs until he drops the physical body at the end of this lifetime and travels the narrow way back home because he already knows the way. This is very practical and beyond belief.

If your religion cannot resolve your problems therefore, look beyond and try the HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God. The beauty about the HU is that it can be sung by anyone for it does not belong to any religion but no religion can do without the HU.



By Tuborki Dauyemie

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