
How Did Messianic Judaism Originated?

The quest to remove the veil of Christian doctrines upon Messianic Jews is a monumental challenge amidst the new fold.
For example in a communiqué raised in June 2004, the union of Messianic Jewish congregations spelt as follows:- What are the standards of UMJC? (1) We believe that there is one God, eternally existed in three personal, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (2) We believe in the deity of LORD Yeshua the messiah, in His virgin birth, in his sinless nature, in His miracle, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, He bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personally return in power and glory”.
Those points are truthfully the concept of Christianity and held by many messianic Judaism congregations and movements. The points raised above are not wholly approved by Yahoshea Meshiyach and his disciples. The term- “we believe that there is on G-D, eternally existed in three persons are abominable heresies that were planted into the church through the council of Nicaea. The name is not G-D and he is not three person in one (trinity). The term that “attaining death through His shed blood” is equally challenged by Prophet Yahmarabhi who acting as the comforter revealed that Yahoshea Meshiyach was born of Immaculate Conception; therefore he had no blood as he existed on earth. By this revelation, it is wholly truthful that he did not atone for sinners through his shed blood. He did not shed any blood during his impalement at the torture stake at Calvary. These were terminologies of Christianity that they borrow from ancient Egyptian culture of Osiris and Babylonian Tammuz. These cultures believe on the shed blood of their son-deities and such was taken over by the church.
There was known division amongst various messianic Judaism movements over influence of Christianity or mainstream Judaism. Some of the groups favored Christian oriented doctrines while others favored Jewish (Judaism) customs and values. This was presented by Cohn Sherbsk in his book called- “Moderm Jewish movements” as thus- “in the 1970s, a number of American Jewish converts to Christians, were committed to a church- based conception of Hebrew Christianity. Yet, at the same time, there emerged a growing segment of the Hebrew Christian community that sought for a more Jewish lifestyle. Eventually, a division emerged between those who wished to identify as Jews and those who sought to pursue Hebrew Christian Goals. In time, the name of the movement was changed to messianic Judaism”.
This observation got support from the works of Senay Bulent’s Messianic Judaism/Jewish Christianity as follows – “Hebrew Christians are quite happy to be integrated into local Christian churches, but messianic Jews seek an “indigenous” expression of theology, worship and lifestyle within the whole church. The later group emerged in 1960s when some Christian Jews adopted the name messianic Jews”.
This division equally expresses the real quest of various groups to poses the indigenous identity that will suit the original concept and order by the founder of messianic consciousness. This calls for the survey of the true followers of Yahoshea and the identical name of their congregation or movement.
One of the great challenges of messianic Judaism is about the view of Orthodox Judaism over the sect. Virtually, the Orthodox Judaism is conclusive that is entirely Christian business. For example, Harries Richard in his book – “Should Christians try to convert Jews?” made the submission in this manner – “There is Jews for Jesus or, more generally, Messianic Judaism. This is a movement of people often of Jewish background who have come to believe Jesus as the expected Jewish messiah. They often have congregations independent of other churches and conversion to their form of Christianity”.
The Orthodox views messianic converts as pure Christians and lack of real identity is aching to the body. As the Orthodox rejects the sect, the mainstream Christianity watches their activities with suspicious eyes and this is the reason of its lame growth in the society.
As earlier mentioned, missionary assemblies are indigenous. These missions take root in the soil of the culture of their community but the messianic congregation is divided over indignity to either Hebrew or Christianity. Since Hebrew (Judaism) and Christianity which is assumed as a Greek-backed religion can not agree as long as matters of religion is involved, the Hebrew Christians are compared to a man that is intimately friendly with two foes and both of the foes will view him with suspicions.
Kessler Edward in his book- “Messianic Jews” summed it this way: – “Messianic Judaism is proactive in seeking Jewish converts and is condemned by the vast majority of the Jewish community”.
Although, a Jewish convert to Christianity may still be categorized a Jew according to a strict interpretation of the Jewish law, most Jews are adamantly opposed to the idea that one can convert to Christianity and still remain a Jew or constitute part of Jewish life. From a mainstream Christian perspective, Messianic Judaism can also provoke hostility for misrepresenting Christianity. The flock of the savior of mankind is neither expected to be identified as Christian Jews, Hebrew Jews, Messianic Judaism but must bear the true identical name of the savior as mark of indigenous religious community outside of Judaism and Christianity.
When this community is properly defined or demarcated, it will continue the works of Yahoshea Meshiyach and as the savior and his followers were not loved by Judaism or Greek/Roman pagan bodies in those days, so shall hostility of the both sects continue upon the Yahoshea’s sect till the end time.

Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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