
The Most Direct Path to God

God our Creator has created so many pathways that help us find our way back home to our true home, heaven. These numerous pathways correspond to our different states of consciousness or what is commonly known as our state of awareness. Thus different religions across the landscape would claim that their own religion is the best. This is simply because that is there own understanding of God. This is the reason why it is not necessary to convert anyone to any religion simply because choosing a pathway to God is a function of your state of consciousness.

God loves all equally but all of us do not love God equally, hence the numerous religions on earth today. Every individual would naturally gravitate to where his understanding of God directs him to. But the individual should also not complain about his numerous problems since he chose wherever he is even though he is not making any headway spiritually.

Does God then love all religions equally?

God does not belong to any religion but all religions lay claim to IT. God rather loves Soul and wants Soul to come back home after his spiritual studies in the lower heavens scattered across the universes. In order words the love of God for Soul is not a function of man’s religions. God simply loves Soul. In short, Soul exists because of God’s eternal love for It.

But freedom has been given to Soul to find his way back home to God depending on his karma and destiny. In order words Souls do not go back to God en-mass but rather as individual with each determining his own pace on the journey back home to God. You cannot therefore force anyone to your own religion because the individual may have a specific number of spiritual lessons to learn while on earth in a particular lifetime.

During the spiritual evolution of man, he has witnessed different forms of spiritual development that was peculiar to those historical periods. At every point in time, God has always provided a form of religion that is suitable for that period in history. At every point in time, God has always provided a Wayshower that has the responsibility of leading ready Souls back home to God. This Wayshower does not belong to any religion but searches for those who have enough love for God and their fellow men to propel them back home to God. It is the responsibility of every individual to seek out this Wayshower, also known as the Spiritual Traveller who can link the individual with the Holy Spirit, the Voice of God, that will guide the individual back home to God and the pure heavens.

God has commissioned the Spiritual Traveller to lead ready Souls (some are not ready!) back home to God at every age simply because the man of two to five thousand years ago riding on the back of donkeys is quite different from the man of today who has collapsed time and space and journeys at the speed of light across the universes, visiting the moon, planets and other parts of the universes. In other words, from time to time, age to age, the spiritual development of Souls unfolds in such a way that you cannot teach souls to understand God based on old primitive ways as is found in some religions today.

This is the main reason why God made available a Living Godman whose responsibility it is to lead ready Souls-in form, man, back home to God. For it is only a living mother that can breast -feed a living child. It is also in line with the Spiritual Law of Unfoldment that it is only a Living Master that can take the student back to God while living. This is why I have written so many times that any individual that calls himself ‘a man of God’ should have the ability of taking you to God while you are still alive. Most who make this claim of ‘man of God’ are simply ‘men of quotes’ They only quote from ‘Holy Books’. They do not know God nor do they have any personal experiences with God or the Holy Spirit. This is why they continue to quote and quote and quote from Holy Books. The doors of heaven remain shut at their beckoning because they mislead people and claim what they are not. So when the spiritually blind lead the blind, where do they end up?

Only the Living Godman, the Spiritual Traveller has the ability to lead all Souls back home to God in a practical step by step way that you can prove to yourself.

Therefore when any individual has decided to convert another either by force and other means, let it be known that every individual will always choose their own religion for themselves. An individual will be jumping from one religion to another until he finds the ‘Living Water’ that will quench his spiritual thirst in this lifetime. If he does not find it in this lifetime, the Lords of Karma will cause the individual to reincarnate and continue his search for God and the way back home.

What then is the religion of God?

God has only one religion and belongs to only this religion. The name of this religion is called LOVE, DIVINE LOVE.

When this religion is practiced consciously in any religion where the individual finds himself, the Agent of God, the Living Godman will make Himself available to such an individual through the dream state. The Living Godman man comes to you directly, for you do not need to book appointment with money or travel physically to anywhere in the world to meet the Living Godman. He is available 100% of the time if only the individual would allow love into his or her heart instead of prosperity and material needs.

Man seeks prosperity and material goods because of inherent greed. This greed has blinded his eyes and he cannot find the Highway to Heaven located within himself. But when man seeks and practices the Love of God, the Owner of heaven and earth, all riches would be made available to him and suffering shall be banished from his household for eternity.

But what do you find today?

Houses of God sprinkled on every street corner yet the level of spirituality remains low and the people’s yearn for God is greater. People daily screaming at God as if God who knows everything is deaf! This is because most of those places of worship are money-making ventures. God cannot be found there.

Where then can the individual find God?

God can only be found in the hearts of men. To open the door to your heart then, you must sing HU, the Holy and Sacred name for God.

The HU does not belong to any religion but no religion or individual can survive without the HU. No language on earth can exist without the HU because it is the secret name of God, brought out into the open for your spiritual benefit.

You do not have to leave your religion to experience the HU or God. But once you begin to sing HU, your life can never be the same again. This is because you do not need any pastor, imam or man of God, to show you the way. You communicate with God directly without any intermediary and all knowledge about your suffering and position in life will be revealed to you. When these privileged information are being shared with you, the individual must learn the law of silence or the divine Voice would cease.

Therefore the responsibility of finding God is in the hands of the individual. If he suffers today, he caused it. If he desires to change his spiritual fortunes, a key has been presented today to change his spiritual fortunes for the better. The choice is that of the individual, so he should not complain.

The most direct path to God lies within the individual. You can unlock it with singing the HU, the Holy and Sacred name for God for only twenty minutes each day.

Look for a room where you do not wish to be disturbed. Close your eyes, put your attention in-between your two eyebrows and fill yourself with love like the love you have for your children, your spouse, etc. Let the love fill your mind for love is the religion of God. Breathe in and breath-out comfortably and on the outward breath, sing HU, like this: huuuuuee! Repeat this for ten to twenty minutes without strain. End by saying ‘May the blessings be!’. You do not need to direct God to do anything for you. God already knows what you need in your heart and will answer you through the dream state. Those who direct and command God do not know God. For if you know God why would you want to command God?

Watch your dreams for feedback from God. When you learn this practice, you have commenced your individual journey back home to God Almighty. The heavens of God are then yours for the asking.



By Tuborki Dauyemie

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