
How Did Messianic Judaism Originated?


As the Messianic Judaism kept advancing in its quest to realize the proper way to serve Yahweh through Yahoshea Meshiyach, they are faced by multiple problems.

The greatest challenge is lack of reputable and approved prophet or apostle from Yahweh that shows them the needed spiritual light towards restoration of all relevant doctrines that will qualify them as assemblage for Yahoshea Meshiyach.

The sect goes by researchers and scholars who are often conflicting to the ordained order of Yahoshea. The works of researchers are incapable to unearth issues that relate much on spiritism.

Yahweh is spirit and his model of communication to earthly mortals is clear. One can explain the way of Yahweh only when he is appointed by Yahweh or being a scholar or disciple to the person directly appointed by Yahweh.

One may know Yahweh and his path through unadulterated scriptures as well as unbiased interpreters of the scriptures.

So when the way of Yahweh is closed by pollutions and corruption of his ordained scriptures there is dare need for manifestation of a prophet or a worker of such spiritual height to re-communicate the mind of Yahweh to mankind.

In a place of a prophet or about work to be done by a person of such spiritual height, no level of researcher can fit in to such requirement.

Human speculations and reasoning are totally incapable of leading men to know Yahweh because Yahweh appears in his own accord through his representatives.

Since the Messianic Judaism has no outstanding prophet from Yahweh but moves by the light of research, gaze-work and speculations, they cannot adequately understand the way of Yahweh or capable of leading mankind back to Yahweh.

In that light, it is wise to conclude that Messianic Judaism parades some aspects of truths but are unaware of the total truth which a convert or believer require to observe and be approved as a genuine worker of Yahweh.

For example, some of the Messianic Judaists do not put interest to the sacred name of Yahweh and his son Yahoshea Meshiyach and they have not any clue about the personality of the Comforter.

Though majority of the Messianic Judaists observed Sabbath rests but they are totally unaware of the real doctrine or practices that associate with the ordinance as approved by Yahoshea Meshiyach.

When Yahoshea manifested, he encountered some of the added laws with regards to Sabbath observation that made it to be burdensome. Those logs laid upon Sabbath worship by orthodox Hebrews were not observed by Yahoshea Meshiyach and his disciples.

Today, the Messianic Judaists are going by the perception of the Rabbinic Jews over Sabbath observation.

At various times as recorded in the New Testament accounts, Yahoshea and the scribes, high priests and Pharisees disagreed on issues of Sabbath observation. The difference between Yahoshea and the Sanhedrims was basically on issues of added laws on the Sabbath rest.

Today, the Messianic Judaists movements are following the step of scribes and high priest of old (Rabbinical Judaism) on terms of Sabbath rest. For example, from the dawn of Sabbath to its end, many Messianic Judaists do not engage in work of pity or act capable of rescuing of other mortals in need because of obeying the restrictions put before them by Sanhedrims. This strict form of observation of Sabbath rest was never the way of Yahoshea Meshiyach. This can be understood from many scriptural passages that recorded of disagreement between the Sanhedrims and Yahoshea Meshiyach on Sabbath related matters.

Yahoshea Meshiyach gave instance of his model of Sabbath rest when his disciples were accused of violating of law of Sabbath by plucking of corn from the fields to eat on Sabbath day.

He firmly answered the accusers of his disciples that hungry was responsible of their act. To the Rabbinical Judaism, there must be no tangible excuse for violation of Sabbath rest. Such is seen as offence that attracts capital punishment or penalty.

Today, going by research work, the Messianic Judaists do not know when they are flowing with Yahoshea Meshiyach they claim to represent or the Rabbinical Judaism that killed him.

It is only through a classical work of a Yahweh-sent person that can divide the scriptures and admonish believers on the right path.

Likewise, the Messianic Judaism is challenged by the total removal of the veil of Christendom that lately covered it. As the fold emerged from Christian fold, it is difficult for its believers to separate accurately from Christianity which plays the role of their religious father. To clear itself entirely of Christian pagan vestments is an uphill task before messianic Judaism.

By true description, messianic Judaism’s syncretism confuses both the Christian and Jews as observed by “A Dictionary of Jewish –Christian Relations”   some scholars sees messianic Judaism as an attempt to unite the religions of Judaism and Christianity together.

For example, in the presentation of the Encyclopedia of Protestantism by Melton .J. Gordon, put the observation in this form, “Messianic Judaism is a protestant movement that emerged in the last half of 20th century among believers who were ethnically Jewish but had adopted an Evangelical Christian faith. By 1960s, a new effort to create a culturally Jewish protestant Christianity emerged among individuals who began to call themselves messianic Jews”.

Equally, Lewis James in his book called – “New Religions and the cult controversy” supported the observation in this way-. “The origins of Messianic Judaism date to the 1960s when it began among America Jews who


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi



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