
How Did Messianic Judaism Originated?

The revelation of real scriptures must only be available through the instrumentality of the comforter who will divide the word in the scriptures and threw away the added fictions and thereby retaining the true message for the assembly.

The messianic believers are of the conviction that the rabbinic commentaries as Mishnah and Talmud may be historically informative and useful in understanding Hebrew customs but such works are never authoritative and should not be honoured in areas it differs with the prescriptions of the New Testament.

The sect is careful over issues of Yahoshea with regards to law. The Christian concept is that Yahoshea has annulled the law and introduce the gift of grace to his physical assembly. By this concept, a believer is taught only to believe that Yahoshea is the messiah and such will save the believer from his sins and sorrows.

But the messianic Judaism are of different concept that the written Torah (the five books of Moses) is an everlasting covenant which was revised by Yahoshea and his apostles in the New Testament and such must be observed both ritually and morally. The messianic Judaists believe that Yahoshea did not annul the law but rightly interpreted it and such constitute the Apostle’s Scriptures.

Again, the messianic faithful of some communities or congregations are totally against Meshnah and Talmud because according to them, such scriptures contradict the teachings of Yahoshea in the New Covenant Scriptures.

The communities of messianic Judaism are not conclusive on matters of Talmud and Oral Torah. They held that in event of conflict between Oral Torah and Talmud the prescriptions of written Torah take eminence.

The messianic doubt the credible of Oral law as compiled in the Talmud with the simple reason that such scriptures were not written during the scriptural eras. It is believed that Talmud was compiled from around 70CE to 500CE so many congregations of messianic Judaism are selective in the application of the Talmudic laws.

Without regards to the relationship of messianic Judaism with Christianity, they are entirely fixed on the belief that Yahweh chose the Hebrews as his earthly nation which remains central to Yahweh’s plan over humanity. The messianic faithful (of both Hebrews and non Hebrews) are entirely opposed to super-secessionism which is generally referred as replacement theology, a concept that the church has replaced Hebrew nation in the mind and plans of Yahweh. The issue of who constitutes real children of Yahweh or who are true followers of Yahoshea Meshiyach is a big factor over various claims by Judaism, Christian Judaism and Christianity.

Has Yahweh transferred his covenant to people outside the Hebrew stock? Are there scriptural promise(s) over such plans by Yahweh? If there is such plan, who are the benefactors of the new plan?

Of a truth, the concept that Yahweh has replaced the Hebrew nation with church on terms of his love and chosen is totally falsehood of highest order. How can Yahweh choose a rebellious people to change his chosen nation? How can Yahweh chose a nation engrossed with Paganism to replace his holy nation?

Hebrew is entirely Yahweh’s chosen people. This status fall upon the stock through Abraham whom Yahweh chose and promise to raise a holy stock through his linage. This promise got fulfilled on the children of Isaac through Yacob who is the father of Hebrew nation.

This covenant remained effective with the stock till the birth of Yahoshea Meshiyach who was the manifestation of Yahshem (the promiser) and meant to be the king of the chosen stock.

By the coming of Yahoshea Meshiyach amongst the Hebrew stock, the promise is meant to endure forever because as he is the chief-stone and the attorney to Yahweh’s riches and inheritance, as many that believe in him are sons and daughters (chosen) of Yahweh.

As the ruler of Yahweh’s kingdom on earth, any word or pronouncement from him is final and cannot be argued by any person or authority.

In the course of his ministry, he promised of the coming of the comforter as well as transference of the kingdom to a land far off from the land of Yahuda (Judea) which he said will produce right fruits of the kingdom.

Yahoshea equally foretold of the destruction of temple of Yerusalem which was fulfilled in 70Ad.

By such order or pronouncement of the savior, the comforter will continue the earthly ministration from where he left to spiritual Yahweh’s kingdom and the new place or city that the earthly kingdom is transferred to will be the city for chosen ones.

What scriptures meant is that the comforter when manifested will be the head of the chosen people and those that believe and follow him will be the chosen people and the city found by the comforter will be the new city for chosen people. It is the work of the comforter and his followers that will constitute the bulk of chosen people who will restore all spiritual values as laid by Yahoshea Meshiyach.

The comforter is the final hope of chosen nation or people because all issues of re-establishment of the works of Yahoshea Meshiyach are laid on his laps.

All that Yahoshea stood for will be made known through the comforter. Such includes all he taught and those he couldn’t teach during his physical manifest.

Therefore, all issues bordering the true name of the savior, the true identity of his sect, the true Yahosheans, the new abode of the believers of Yahweh through his son Yahoshea will be made known. Equally, his real scriptures will be re-communicated and all works of the disciples will be exposed and followed for final reformation of humanity to turn into Yahweh’s family. ####

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