
Garri And Soup School of politics

garri and soupPoliticians seeking for elective positions have commenced electioneering campaigns ahead of the 2015 general elections.

Everyman or woman has the natural right to desire for a leadership position. And a leader is someone who leads or directs others in order to achieve desired goal(s). Followers look up to leaders in the time of crisis, and one immutable and unfailing law of nature is that a leader cannot lead without a follower. Therefore a leader exists, as long as someone accepts to follow.

Different types of leadership exist in the society. For instance political leaders, economic leaders, religious leaders, traditional leaders and several others.

It is very sad, and annoying that most of the religious leaders are shylock in nature, as they exploit their flocks by extorting money from them. Several religious leaders do not preach salvation any longer, but money, money and money.

Well, money is good and answers everything, according to the Holy Scripture but the soul of man is more precious in the sight of God than material possessions.

It breaks one’s heart to see people in public offices, especially politicians looting public funds.

The rate of corruption is too high in the public sector. Funds meant for the development of communities are being carted away by people in the helms of affairs.

Politicians are living in mansions after squandering public funds, while their constituents are living in penury. The masses are passing through pains due to lack of sustainable welfare package to tackle poverty among the populace.

Most politicians have sent their sons and daughters to study in the neighbouring countries namely: Benin Republic and Ghana. I begin to imagine when did Ghana become a country that can compete with Nigeria which contains potentials and has both material and natural resources.

Ghana and Benin Republic cannot be compared with Nigeria. The problem with Nigeria is poor leadership. Our leaders are not sincere as regards to the development of the country. Our leaders are selfish and only interested in the development of their nuclear families. They do not border about the welfare of the masses.

The political leaders recognize the masses whenever they want to secure their mandate for another tenure of massive looting.

I think Nigeria is still searching for true leadership. Leaders that will take the country to the Promised Land. Our leaders should avoid the School of Amala, Garri and Soup politics and concentrate on developing their constituencies, by providing infrastructure and social amenities that will put smiles on the faces of the masses. ###



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