
How Did Messianic Judaism Originated?

The researchers may endeavor   to answer some of the needed questions of the personage of Yahoshea but the total answer remains with the Comforter whose work will depend upon revelations from Yahweh as the prophets of old.

As Messianic Judaism began to identity itself as an independent religious community outside of Christianity, they are still trapped into worship of pagan idols and practices that are known with Christendom.

Although, many of the Messianic Judaism began to worship on Sabbath days as ordained originally, majority of them are still trapped on the error of addressing of the creator on idol names as God, Lord, Elohim, Adonia, Jehovah, Hashem (the name) and other forms in various human languages as obtainable in Christendom.

For example, one of the famous Sabbath keeping movements is known as Seventh Day Adventist. This religious movement’s conscience is centered upon worship of the creator on the Sabbath day. But this sect does not have an iota of regard upon the Holy name of Yahweh and that of his son Yahoshea Meshiyach.

They address the creator in the manner of the Christendom and equally believe the name of the Saviour as Jesus Christ as against its original form-Yahoshea Meshiyach.

The Seventh Day Adventist is a Pentecostal Hebrew Christian movement which regards little of vital Hebrew cultures that were observed by Yahoshea Meshiyach and his disciples.

Other Sabbath Churches that proclaim names of idol gods include Seventh Day Baptist, Church of God (Seventh day) and the United Church of God.

Majority of these Sabbath observing churches do not recognize yearly feasts as observed by Yahoshea Meshiyach and his disciples but only treasures last supper festival which they observed in place of Passover feast.

This model of Sabbath rest observers are scattered all over the world but cannot be seen as savior’s faithful as they regard not the holy names as will as festivals ordained by Yahweh.

Messianic Judaism is a religious organization or movement that blossomed in 1960s and 1970s that mixes Christian theology with Hebrew religious practices. Messianic Judaism holds that Yahoshea Meshiyach whom some of them often address as Jesus Christ is a Hebrew Messiah or Meshiyach and equally the son of Yahweh whom they wrongly address as God, Jehova or other forms of names in various dialects and languages.

DOCTRINES OF MESSIANIC JUDAISM:- As mentioned above, Messianic Judaists observe entirely all doctrinal practices of Christianity that they blend with some Hebrew religious customs. The religious fold has no strong identity with the holy name of Yahweh and that of his son Yahoshea Meshiyach. Rather they address the creator in the manner of Christianity in form of all names or gods of nations.

Some of the folds believe in Roman Pagan practices as Trinity in which the Christianity holds as a mystery of existents of three Gods and each being co-eternal, co-equal and all been uncreated. The doctrine of Trinity is abominable heresy to the children of Yahweh who holds that Yahweh is one. So the doctrine of God the father, God the son and God the Holy Ghost as held by Christianity and majority of the Messianic Hebrew folds is reason of apathy between the sect and the Rabbinic Judaism.

Some congregations within the Messianic Judaism do not believe in Trinity but share with Christian brethren in many pagan practices, Messianic Judaism congregations believe that both Hebrew Bible is their authority and they wholly adopt the book of Bible as inspired work from Yahweh through prophets and apostles.

In later days, some of the Messianic assemblies began to adopt the holy name as Yahweh and Yashua as for the savior. Based on this development, Bible translations that incorporate holy names were carried out. This became authority for some messianic congregations that have adopted the holy names.

Messianic Judiasm adopts rest on Sabbath days. Sabbath rest fall within sunset of sixth day of the week named Friday in Roman calendar to sunset of seventh day called Saturday in same Roman calendar.

Within this period of Sabbath rest observation, the messianic Hebrew faithful observe it by reading of Torah, songs and worship.

Some of the messianic observe Hebrew holidays and festivals as observed by Rabbinic Judaism.

The Messianic Judaism is contested towards being adopted as separate or independent Judaism sect. members call themselves “maaminim” which means believers but not converts. They see themselves as “Yahudim” which is meant for Hebrews (Jews) but not “Notzrim” (Christians).

The messianic Hebrews identifies their place of worship as synagogues but not churches as Christians do. Presently, the messianic Judaism has began to have influence in the nation of Israel. Since it is related with Christianity, some of the messianic Hebrew assemblies in Israel make use of Christian facilities for their worship.

And as they claim to be a Hebrew religious sect, they keep to all ordained festivals and holidays of the Hebrew religion which they understand to have fulfillment in Yahoshea Meshiyach.

Some members of Messianic Judaism are of Hebrew origin while some members are Hebrews by adoption or faith and the sect argue that it is a form of Judaism.

This claim is often rejected by Jewish organizations who consider is as a form of Christianity.

The supreme court of Israel has rejected the claim of Messianic Judaism but hangs that a Hebrew citizen as related to the law of “Return” considers any citizen whose father is of Hebrew origin and this favors some Messianic Hebrews who fall within such stock.

The messianic Judaism is growing daily in strength and fellowship as there are over thousand houses of the body as scattered all over the world.


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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