
Almond Nuts Health Benefits

almondsNeural tube defects are conditions where the neural tube is either underdeveloped or is partially missing in the fetus. Regularly people take prescribed folic acid supplements to pregnant women to ensure proper development of the tube, and almonds have enough folic acid to keep mothers and their babies healthy.

Weight loss: Unsweetened almond milk can be used if you are attempting to lose weight. The mono-unsaturated fat contained in almonds satisfies appetite and prevents over-eating. The dietary fiber in almonds also contributes to the sensation of being full, despite eating only a small amount. Studies have revealed that an almond-rich, low calorie diet is good for obese people to assist in shedding their excess weight. Studies have shown that those people who regularly consume almonds (at least twice a week) are far more likely to remain at their ideal weight, rather than those who rarely or never consume almonds and suffer from weight fluctuations. Finally, the fiber contributes to consistent bowel movements, which helps in weight loss and the general health of the body through the elimination of toxins.

Prevention of constipation: Almonds are rich in fiber, and like most other fiber-rich foods, almonds help prevent constipation. However, it is also important to drink a significant amount of water when eating almonds to speed up the digestive process and beneficial effects of the nut. You don’t even need to eat an excessive amount; the amount of fiber in 4 or 5 almonds is enough to keep your digestion and bowel movements regular.

People can even reduce their risk of Alzheimer’s disease by consuming almonds, because they have been known to have such a positive effect on neural activity. Stimulating new neural passageways and connections can keep Alzheimer’s disease and neural degeneration from developing.

However, just like almost any other food, almonds have their downside. They do contain oxalates, and excessive oxalates can cause crystallization, which can lead to a host of different issues. People that have kidney or gallbladder problems should avoid eating almonds.





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