
Earth: A Training School or Spiritual Prison?

Most of us have forgotten the reason why we came down to earth. As such we continue to travel on the spiritual wheels of energy, time and space, changing bodies, faces, complexion, race, country and family background. Sometimes we even change forms but remain a spiritual individual known as Soul, deathless, eternal and unchangeable, a spiritual particle of God.

Some of us, because of our going and coming, due to the laws of Karma and Reincarnation have grown beyond 30 million years, yes 30 million years of going and coming and yet we skip the opportunity of going back home to our Father, God in every lifetime. That is why if we observe our environment very well, we will see that those who surround us are not strangers at all. We have all been together in different forms and different lifetimes including our family and children.

A father dies and leaves his properties for his children only to reappear as a favorite son or daughter to reclaim the properties he left behind. A grand mother dies only to reincarnate as a grand daughter to a favorite son or daughter and the relationships continue on and on where people as Soul continue to balance energy and accounts within families, neighbors, communities, states and even countries, yes countries!

Thus we continue to be born and we die only for us to return after resting for a while, picking up bodies that are suitable for us to learn a particular lesson. If we learn fast, we might not need to repeat that particular lesson and we move on in a graduated manner to a higher class of learning.

The subject of learning however is love, divine love but it comes in many guises that we may not notice it.

Some of us while going through our spiritual education do a lot of good to our neighbors while some of us do what we in our limited ignorance call bad. But nothing is good or bad since both of them are two sides of the same coin but society calls one good and the other bad. But the spiritual student calls both energy, going through the process of transformation. Without the spiritual history of any thought, word or action who are we to call one action good and another bad? But looking from the windows of karma and reincarnation, one can then know that action and reaction are equal and opposite. Therefore somebody takes away something from you today, in another lifetime when it is taken, who are we to say it is bad or sinful?

We do not have the spiritual capacity to judge hence the saying, ‘judge not and thou shall not be judged’.

Therefor earth can either be a training school or spiritual prison.


Earth is a spiritual training school for those who have realized that there is indeed a purpose for our coming here into the lower worlds. According to God’s plan, we have been given the opportunity to come down into the lower worlds consisting of the lower universes, including earth, moon, venus and other constellations not by mistake but to come and learn how to give and receive the divine love of God. When we conclude our spiritual education, we then learn how to give this love to all life, go back home to God and eventually become a Co-worker with God Almighty, our Father.

This program can be compared to a child a child who gets admitted into a secondary school. Before the admission, the child earns the right through qualifying examinations and other requirements. He gets to school and within a short time learns how to cope with studies. A bright student graduates early while a dull student is made to repeat class. Upon graduation, the child goes back home to his parents to serve them either through teaching and earning money to support the family or by helping at home or going further to the university.

While at school, the child spends an average of eight hours at school, goes back home and comes to learn the following day. He does this until he completes his secondary education. He changes his uniform when he gets back home rests for a while before going back to school the next day.

Soul is also given birth to in the human body (school uniform ) after qualifying to attend school (earth). After about eighty years (or eight hours), Soul returns back home (as the student returns home after each day) through a process known as death, rests for a while and goes back to school the following day in a new body (new school uniform!). He studies for that lifetime (school day), goes back home (death of the uniform, the physical body) and returns home to God in the first Heaven where all Souls who have dropped the school uniform, the Hu-man body goes to.

This is the cycle we all go through, some consciously and others ignorantly. When we have this awareness, Earth becomes a training school but when we are ignorant of this cycle, life becomes a spiritual prison.

How? You may rightfully ask.

Life becomes a spiritual prison when we do not have the awareness that we have come on this journey before now. What prevents us from realizing this? The social consciousness around us either in the form of religion, social interactions and earthly education. All these influence our state of consciousness or awareness in relation to our environment.

When the individual is born, he continues to remember the heavens of God he left behind until the age of 6 when he goes to school. There, his brainwashing in the ways of the world begins. He is taught in the human ways of life through education and religion. He comes to learn the false importance of money when his attention is supposed to be in understanding the ways of God. He is taught the brutal lessons of prosperity gods who are actually the agents of the negative god who is in charge of all the training centers. The individual is taught on how to demand things from God through prayers forgetting the fact that he has the equipment of creative visualization to manifest whatever he desires. But the gods of prosperity will teach him that he can have whatever he desires from God provided he tells God, who is all powerful and all knowing, his numerous problems. Can the human being be so naïve?

Yes and he continues to live life running helter skelter looking for the mundane things of life for self gratification without stopping to know the owner of life Itself.

When he prays for wealth, the gods of prosperity knows that the individual is greedy and thus gives him enough money that will tie him to earth as golden chains through karma. Thus his golden chains bind him to the earth world which, he must come to collect. Any evil he does equally become iron chains that will also bind him to earth here where he will discover that his prayers to God will not release him from his past actions.

He must come to collect both his good and bad thoughts, words or actions irrespective of whether he prays or fast for one thousand nights or not. Every Soul must reap whatever he sows. If he dies before the reaping, he returns to earth in reincarnation to reap it.

This is why you cannot explain some things that happen around you. This is called destiny because we do not have the power to change it. The god who controls all these activities of learning is known as Kal Niranjan, the god of prosperity, the god of the negative worlds. He is generally known as the devil but he is appointed by God to test all Souls who are yet to know who they are and are not purified enough to enter into the kingdom of God. (Ever wonder why no one has been able to put the devil out of business?). He gives every Soul the human body and all the material things you pray for and all must be returned back to him when Soul drops the Human body. This is why the body is nourished from the earth and onto the earth it must return.

Is there a way out of this unending journey?

Yes there is a way for those who wish to learn.

Just as saviors come to earth to teach man about right or wrong, they do not teach the individual how to be liberated from the spiritual prison. Check out almost all the religions where people are taught how to do good and avoid evil but they do not teach the individual how to leave the prison. This because both good and bad lead the individual back into the earthly prison through karma and reincarnation. When you do good you come back and collect good and likewise when you do bad you also come to reap it.

So how can man be liberated from this illusion of good and bad established by the lower gods?

It is the responsibility of the individual to find the individual who has the capacity to take Soul out of the prison and back home to God Almighty. This is achievable through the Agent of God whom God has kept with man to train man, you and me how to escape the Spiritual traps of this world. This Wayshower is known as the Spiritual Coach, the Spiritual Traveler whom God has appointed to take all ready Souls           (some are not ready, they still seek prosperity!) back home to God through their own natural way.

What is this natural way back home to God?

The way is hidden between the forehead of man, in-between his two eyebrows. Those looking for prosperity will never find it while those who have the love for God can see it when they sing the Holy and Secret but Sacred name of God known as HU. With enough love, this Wayshower, this Agent of God will visit the individual in the dream state and gradually the individual will begin his journey back home to God and out of this earthly prison!


By Tuborki Dauyemie


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