
Which Way-Yahosheanism Or Christianity?

Again, Montotiore published the first commentary on the synoptic gospel in 1909 from a Hebrew perceptive, Hebrews readership and interest.

Likewise, Jonas Giovanni made a Hebrew translation of the Gospels and compiled a famous Hebrew Chaldean Lexicon. Other Hebrew and Yiddish scriptural translators include Paul Halicz, Paul Emulio, and Michael Adam.

Majority of Christian Hebrews are alive to the conclusion that Christianity is linked to Judaism from its origin to the final destiny and they sought for a mild environment for understanding of such view especially by the Rabbinical Hebrews.

Some of the Hebrew Christians were passive and non-combatant between the crossfire of religious war between Judaism and Christianity.

For instance Loans Jechiel was a humanist Christian Hebrew who engaged in article war against his fellow member-Ifefferkon-a radical Jewish convert who pushed publicly for the burning of Hebrew books to facilitate the assimilation of all Hebrews to Christendom. Many Hebrews after conversion to Christianity comes up with testimonies of the fascinating nature of the glad-news of Yahoshea   Meshiyach, his ministry and New Testament accounts which they formally thought to be a provocative book.

They begin to experience the greatness, power and glory of the book. Some see it as a sight of an old friend. This is possible because they formally thought that the book was impure, a source of human pride of selfishness, of hatred, and of worst kind of violence.

Truly, the glad-news of Yahoshea’s manifestation is glorious. He who approaches it with hatred may seek for thorns in it but must find roses, instead of pebbles one will discover pearls, instead of hatred, you will find love, instead of vengeance, one will find forgiveness, instead of bondage, one will find freedom.

If not for act of pollution that engrafted the modern translations of the holy scriptures, it is wise to conclude that every line in the scripture, from every word, the Hebrew spirit streamed forth light, life, power, endurance, faith, hope, love, charity, limitless and indestructible faith in Yahweh.

But the enemies of Yahweh distorted the scriptures with Pagan relics and myths.

Since light and darkness cannot harmonize, one must give way for the other. The true word of Yahweh relaxed as bright day light waits patiently for a teaming dark night to exhausts its strength before appearing in the morning.

The true doctrine and assembly of Yahoshea Meshiyach is not entirely lost but relaxed to enable the powers of men and their arts of religious acrobatics to exhausts its strength in the dancing arena.

Naturally, the duty of re-establishment of the true doctrines and face of the assembly were invested upon the Comforter and only such officer can re-introduce the real identity of the assembly.

As the Comforter has manifested as Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi, he has disapproved the religious occupations of both Judaism and Christianity. He has unearthed the real identity of the fold as Yahosheanism which is driven from the original name of the founder- Yahoshea.

The manifestation of this great light settles all disputes over rights of Yahoshea’s spiritual assets. It has commenced as a separate religious community accredited to usher spiritual light back to the entire universe. By the manifestation of the Comforter, the way of Yahweh and Yahoshea Meshiyach is made clear and each seeker has an access to holy spiritual family or brotherhood that will enhance man’s realization of Yahweh here on earth.

The dispute between Rabbinical and Messianic Hebrews over religious rights is totally settled by the Comforter because both communities are usurpers and not approval by Yahweh and his son Yahoshea Meshiyach.

So, the persecution of messianic faithful by rabbinical faithful is uncalled for since both are


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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