
A Time Like This

clockNobody knows when the planet earth was created. According to the Bible, “in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Thus no one can tell when the beginning began, except the Ancient of days. But one thing is certain changes occur periodically in the lives of men. Some living organisms including plants that were existing on the earth’s surface are now in extinction. Recently scientific knowledge reveals that lizards will soon disappear on the surface of the earth.

Geographers made us to believe that the rotation of the earth on its own axis causes day and night, while the revolution of the earth in an elliptical orbit causes time and seasons such as dry, wet, harmattan, autumn, winter and so on.

As the earth rotates and revolves certain events unfold across the length and the breadth of the world. Like the sons of Issachar it is pertinent for us to understand the time and the seasons, we are living. It takes the spiritual eyes or understanding to discern the happenings of this world. We have come to an era which the Holy Bible calls “perilous times”. This is a time when “men shall be lovers of their ownselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy. Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good. Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.”

In Nigeria, we have come to a time, killers, ex-militants and hoodlums are highly honoured than people with decent and godly character. The society disdains worthy behaviour. Government spends billions of naira to settle or pacify militants and killers. Huge funds invest on ex-militants as amnesty could be used to create jobs in the country. We have come to a time when kidnapping has become the order of the day.

Men and women are paying millions of naira to abductors to secure the release of their love ones. We have come to an era when public office holders divert funds meant for the development of their constituencies. Corruption has been institutionalized.

It is very sad and disappointing that in a time like this, Governors embark on white elephant projects that will not improve the economic life of the people, while citizens are facing terrible hardship and economic challenges.

I dislike the construction of the mono rail project. No Rivers man will benefit from it. It is a colossal waste.

In a time like this, we need leaders who are patriotic to initiate policies and programmes that would transform the country. I strongly believe that Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan is a President Nigerians deserve in a time like this. Let us give him all our support, so that he can take us to the promised land. ###


Damiete West


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