
Has Law Been Abolished?

he dematerialize into the womb or Miriam (Mary) in order of immaculate conception. Immaculate conception is the form of conception where a certain spirit enters into a woman as pregnancy without the aid of the opposite sex being male. At this case the man and the woman will not know themselves canally for the pregnancy to develop.

Yahoshea Meshiyach entered into his mothers womb without the natural support of the father knowing his mother.

Again when Yahoshea was delivered as a new baby, there was no biological cord that connected him to his earthily mother Miriam, that mystery battled the nursing mother who was led into the cave where Yahoshea was born. That mystery stipulated that Yahoseha was not fed through his mother when he was in the womb. So that is a proof that there was no blood connection between him and his mother.

People may wonder, how can a person live without blood? It occasionally happens here, for instance, many ghosts or earthbound spirits that operate as human here on earth are bloodless beings or persons. That is why in Africa, there is superstition that if you notice a ghost, the only way to convert it to full blooded human is by giving him a cut and immediately blood rushes out, the ghosts can never disappear again. What you aught to learn from that superstitions is that there is no possible means of converting the ghosts into a blooded living person, because they have not blood to shed. It is like a native doctor demanding that a heart of an ant or a drop of urine from fowl for a medicine, that is a direct way of telling the person that he cannot help. The spirits have no blood and that is the proof of ignorance from the church when they said that “the messengers of Yahweh didn’t fear their life when they were battling the Satan in heaven and if not by the blood of the lamb they shouldn’t have won in the battle”.

So believing in the blood of Yahoshea Meshiyach is a direct expression that Yahoshea didn’t came to earth trough immaculate conception. Rather blood sacrifices are of ancient cannanites ritualistic religious doctrines, which was adopted by the children of Hebrew when they took over the land of cannan, in form of burnt offerings etc. Yahoshea Meshiyach came to do the last sacrifice at the steake at Calvary. But he didn’t shed any blood because he is bloodless. So blessing water or wine and claming it be blood of the saviour is a direct pagan practice. Or praying and invoking on the blood of the saviour is abomination because blood is only related to earth but anything spirit has nothing to do with blood. The pattern of food the spirits that operate on earth eats is quite different with what full blooded humans eat. Although the spirits can deceive people around them as if they eat like human in order to avoid suspicion. Likewise the pattern of Yahoshea’s diet on earth was not like that of ordinary men.

Yahoshea has no blood and that is the reason for him ascending into heaven in his body. But if it was of blooded human, the body will remain on earth. You are only expected to call upon the name of Yahoshea not on his blood.

Equally, the man of sin adopted the believe of Satan and demons into worship and went to the extend on planting it into the holy scriptures. The Satan is a mythological belief of the Babylonians which the children of Hebrew adopted when they were in bondage in the land of Assyria. So any account or story of Satan existence is a direct abuse on Yahweh as a father that cannot protect his children. They used the Satan as a personality to replace the scriptural revelation or truth that man’s enemy is his thought of evil.

The next perilous doctrine that the man of lawlessness planted in the scriptures is that “three wise men from the east came to see Yahoshea with gifts of Gold, Meer and Frankincence” This is another unbelievable heresy because who are the wise men from the East? They are the orients or those who practice oriental mystery. The scripture openly called them “Maggi” and who are the “Maggis”? Maggis are the Zoroasterian Priests. The practice of Maggi is known as magic. They are of sungod worship, and they practice astrology. They look unto the hosts of heavens like star, moon and sun to discern the fortune of humans. This practice is an evil science which Yahweh warned his children not to practice in the holy book of as thus “Elders facing the sun through the east to worship”.

How can Yahweh use the act of falsehood, or abominable doctrine to point out the where about of his holy son Yahoshea? The account said that three wise came for Yahoshea and first stopped at the palace of King Herod who directed them to go to search for the boy and return to give him report, if they found him.

Rather the truth was that Yahoshea was born in a cave on the way to Bethlehem from Yarusalem. The spirit led a leprosy woman into the cave who saw that the boy has been delivered but to her surprise, there was no biological cord linking the boy with his mother. When the leprosy women took the child and bathed him, her leprosy left her. She then ran out of the cave and ran into Yerusalem to declare the goodnews about the birth of a mysterious child.

This news spread allover Yerusalem and Herod after hearing about it sent his soldiers to go and verify the claim. So when the soldiers were about to see Yahoshea, the spirit instructed his parents to abandon the cave and run away to Egypt. So Herod being annoyed for not seeing the child declared that all children under two years to be killed. As you believe in the story of three wisemen, how far or distance between the upper east to the middle east. And how many months and years will it take the men to cover the distance from their home to Yerusalem? And why did the star not led them directly, to the place of the birth of the saviour? From the birth of Yahoshea to the hearing of King Herod happened within days.


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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