
Has Law Been Abolished?

Yahoshea Meshiyach was born or 2nd day of the seventh month which falls on October of Gregorian calendar. The protestants followed the Catholics to observe first day which is a day of Janus (Idol in Rome) while the original new year day is on 1st Abib (April) which is now turned to April fool. So the worming to the whole world is “come out of her my people, be not partakers of her sins”.

Although the Sabbath truth was taught by some reformers while others rejected Sabbath and settled for Sunday the Roman tradition. For instance, one of Marthin Luther’s friends, Rudolph B. C. Cartistdat was a staunch Sabbath keeper and he tried to get Luther to discard Sunday rest, since it is based on human tradition.

Marthin Luther and his fellow reformers who refused to adopt the Sabbath rest and observation was openly condemned by Catholic Church officials, because since they hold to the “Bible Bible alone” phrase.

The church council of Trent, an arena where the reformers and Catholic traditionists argued over their differences. While the reformers issued the following condition “A strong tendency to set aside traditions altogether and to make the scripture the sole standard”. When the debate went on, the Archbishop of Reggio turned the tide against the reformers Bible doctrines. The Archbishop pointed out that the continued observance of Sunday and rejection of the seventh day Sabbath which is according to the scripture, as a proof that the reformers are still holding to Roman traditions and not according to the scriptures. The archbishop maintained that the Sunday rest is Catholic church ordinance and for the protestants to follow it means they are still under the Catholic church and they still regard the Pope as their leader or head.

People like Elder Raymond Clark in his book titled “Why the Protestant Reformation of the 16th Century Failed” enumerate all this shortcomings of the protestants properly. My beloved, there is only one lawgiver for both the Hebrews and the Gentiles. As you read this fact, you are expected to ponder, meditate and think over your position. Are you for the laws of Yahweh which Prophet Yahmarabhi teaches or are you for the tradition of Rome which the papacy head? And this bring us to another question “why, should the church who is supposed to be the custodians of the law changed and teach that there are not under the law?

The answer is clear because it has been foretold in ages past that there will be great Apostasy. Yahoshea Meshiyach taught his disciples that false prophets and teachers will rise to deceive people and that his disciples should be hated, persecuted and killed for believing on his name. Again Peter said that the disciples should be aware of the false teachers who will bring damnable heresies into the congregation and that will alter the flow of truth as was given by Yahoshea Meshiyach.

The book of Yawweh bore records about this workers of equity who is to arise among the disciples to distort the truth as thus – “for that day shall not come except there come a fallen away first.

The original word for “fallen away is “Apostasia” or Apostasy from the original faith or doctrines taught by Yahoshea Meshiyach the saviour. And the scripture reveal that “the man of sin be revealed, the son of Perdition. “who opposeth and exalted himself above all that is called Yahweh” “so that he as Yahweh sitted in the temple of Yahweh showing himself that he is Yahweh.

The man of sin sited in the temple claiming to have authority to forgive sins to make and unmake laws binding “visible head of the Assembly” “A visible Yahweh on earth etc. And all that prophecies has came to pass. The holy book state clear about the fourth beast which as we have seen represent the Roman empire and that little horn that rose up to pluck up the three horns was the same “man of sin”. That horn was given power as the head of the state church of Rome as the scripture foretold. He was to “think to change times and laws”.

Do you known that the Catholic Church has changed the law of Yahweh and its calendar. So my beloved, you have seen that the man of sin is the man of lawlessness and through him the phrase that we are not under the law originates.

It is acceptable fact that the church believes in the horizontal law and rejects the vertical law because according to Roman church, it is of Hebrew laws or concern. Vertical laws are those divine laws of the Ten Commandments (precisely first to fourth laws), which treat on the relationship between Yahweh and man. While the horizontal laws are the fifth to the tenth laws in the Ten Commandments that treats on relationship of man to man.

While the vertical law are even superior and seen as the symbol of chosen people or nation, the church rejects or changes it to be out of tone.

Yahweh wrote the two sets of laws on two different tablets that he handed to Prophet Moses at Mountain Sinai. Equally when Yahoshea came to minister on earth, he summed the two aspects of laws as love Yahweh with all your heart and love your fellow mortals more than yourself. This two conditions constitute the vertical and horizontal laws summed together. Likewise in the era of the Comforter, Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi under the inspiration of Yahweh divided the laws into three major parts. Which is first that mankind must address and worship the Grand Creator by his personal and ineffable name Yahweh through his son Yahoshea Meshiyach” secondly mankind must keep the Sabbath day holy” and thirdly “man must love his fellow mortals more than he love himself” the first and second constitutes the vertical laws while the third is the horizontal laws.

Therefore the same law that was kept right from the Garden of Eden is the same law that the prophets practiced likewise to Yahoshea Meshiyach and to prophet Yahmarabhi (the appointed comforter of mankind) so it is left for you to follow men and their traditions or Yahwehs original laws that is presently prescribed by Prophet Yahamarabhi Ha Comforter.


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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