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Questions You Need to Ask about Life and God (4)

This week we shall conclude with these questions about life that has plagued humanity since the beginning of time in the physical universe. Mankind has been tormented about these phenomena but only few people especially Spiritual Travelers that have attempted to explain these  issues to man. But mankind generally scoff at such explanations based on their limited ignorance until something very bad happens then man scampers around seeking solutions.

If God is omnipotent, that is all powerful, omnipresent, all present and omniscient, all knowing, why would God create the devil who is seemingly seen as a competitor ? Why has God refused to put the devil to rest once and for all?

No being or entity can ever compete with God Almighty. For God in His infinite mercy and love has concluded creations in the lower worlds. All things and beings created including the devil that is given unnecessary attention, are all working under the Governance Structure of God. It may surprise some of us to know that the devil actually works on behalf of the God Almighty and Spiritual Hierarchy. This devil acts as the gateman that prevents impurities or immature souls from entering the kingdom of heaven which is located above the Third Heaven classically known as the Soul Plane.

The devil as we may well know, is a two faced minor god who sometimes appear as a bad guy and sometimes as a benevolent father but takes his instructions from God Almighty to train all Souls wearing the Hu-man Body. It is the responsibility of this lower god to provide Souls who have come to this earthly school with all requirements on how to succeed while going through training in this lower world school. In other words, it is this god that controls most religions, and it is this god’s action that is reflected in the laws of nature and it is he that is in charge of all things material and indeed anything on prosperity. Anyone that prays for anything on prosperity will be provided for by this god. But it is also this request that is granted that this minor god uses to trap all souls who benefit from his prosperity. This is the secret of man reincarnating for so many lifetimes until soul learns how not to ask anything from God Almighty but rather manifest all what God has created for the use of man.

For this minor god knows that every individual is an atom of God and those who are not aware are the ones that beg   Almighty God for anything. And as such it is the duty of this god to mentor Soul to realize its divine qualities and create whatever it needs through the process of creative visualization and not through begging and beseeching God.

The question the individual should ask is ‘if the devil were not working for God why has he not been put out of business once and for all?’

This is simply because the devil is the one that has the responsibility of running the physical universe and he uses all form and means to hold soul down on this earthly plane. But for those who are interested in bypassing this devil, God Amighty also provided a Living Godman who also has the responsibility of taking Souls who are ready back home to God while still alive. So both sides of the training is provided and complete. For God does not interfere with the affairs of Hu-mans directly except through these means. It is however the responsibility of each individual to decide on what to do: seek to go back to God and the heavens of God or seek prosperity and materiality that leads to nowhere spiritually but to karma and reincarnation of more lifetimes.

For individuals who have decided to begin their journey back home to God they can sing the HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God to jump-start this journey back home to God. The individual shall be provided with a Spiritual Guide who will start to teach the individual in the dream state.

Why would God in His infinite Love, Mercy and perfection create HU-man that are crippled? What would be the purpose of God creating blind people like Stevie Wonder, is it to make Hu-mans suffer?

God does not wish for any of his creatures to suffer but any deformity being experienced by any soul in the hu-man body is for the spiritual benefit of the individual. Sometimes some individuals reincarnate with deformed bodies because of their wicked past actions while others are forced to pass through the present life condition as a means  of learning more of divine love. Some Souls like Stevie Wonder may actually choose some difficult lifetimes to prove the creativity of Soul. This is why some of them excel despite their limitation. But most are forced to go through these conditions because of the pains they have put others through. Look into the eyes of some crippled people and you can easily discern how mean some can be while others actually display love.

Generally, their thoughts, words and actions in former lifetimes have brought them their present condition in life.

If people we love like our parents, grandparents and others who are dead and buried are still seen in the dream worlds, happy and looking younger, what then is the purpose of death?

Soul does not die but can drop different bodies covering it in a process known as translation ie dropping of the HU-man body for another. Soul continues to go through this ‘dropping of the physical body and picking up of new baby bodies’ for Its spiritual education. So those loved ones are well and kicking in either in  the first, second or third heaven, where they have earned before death. Those of us who see them are the ones that have ‘strayed’ into these heavens in our dreams. But our duty is to learn ‘out of body techniques’ that would enable us see that death is not the end of life and also to enable us visit these heavens of God before death where we can see our late loved ones and have a different view about the heavens of God.

The purpose of life and death no matter how short, is to allow Soul realize its divinity when it comes to this earth school and then learn the lessons of giving and receiving the divine love of God Almighty and sharing this love with all life. Sometimes the lessons we go through are pleasant (when we obey the will of God) and unpleasant when we disobey God and the laws of God. Therefore, for us to recognize and fulfill our destiny in every lifetime, we have to learn to recognize and understand these Spiritual Laws of God and work in harmony with them .



By Tuborki Dauyemie

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