
Has Law Been Abolished?

Then this brings us to the question of what is the final authority for true believers? Is it the Holy Scripture or is it the church? Should it be Roman Catholic or any other church? Our eternal salvation depends on the correct answers to these questions. The scripture says “the glad news of Yahoshea is the power of Yahweh unto salvation unto everyone that believes, to the Hebrews first and also the Greek”

My beloved, there is non-who is given the authority to revert or change any part of the scripture, even by on arch messenger of Yahweh has no such permission. The word of Yahweh through his son Yahoshea Meshiyach is the final authority and this where handed over to his disciples. So no time has the disciples the authority to make or reject any portion of the law that is originally given by Yahweh. So the holy book state it clear that those who accept and believe in the word of Yahweh through Yahoshea will enter into eternal rest or kingdom because the Assembly is “Built upon the foundation of the Apostles, and Prophets, Yahoshea Meshiyach himself being the chief cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20).

Yahoshea respected the holy scriptures when he was performing his earthily ministry, for instance he said “search the scripture for in them you think you have eternal life, and they are they which testify of me” and he used the scriptures when teaching his disciples. And our brother Paul wrote that “the scriptures were all given by inspiration of Yahweh  and are profitable for doctrines reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the men of Yahweh may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good work”. The holy book also says, “To the law and to the testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them”.

So with all this confirmation, it is certain that it is only the word of Yahweh that can regulate men, let us consider the claims of Catholic church for having the permission to change laws of Yahweh. Truth must stand investigation. The book called “My Catholic Faith” Silver Jubilee Edition, pages 250, 251, 252 treats on the lesson the “Commandments Of  The church” and the first question goes in this form  “Whence has the Catholic church has the right to make laws? Answer  The Catholic church has the right to make laws from Yahoshea Meshiyach, who said to the apostles, the first bishops of his church: “whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven” “Our master said: if he refuse to hear even the church, let him be to them as the heathen and the publican, Again I say unto you, whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound also in heaven”. This power to bind and loose is called the “power of the keys”. Disobedience to the church is disobedience to Yahweh who gave it full authority”.

Question N0. 2: By whom is this right to make laws exercised  the answer  “By the Bishops, the successors of the Apostles and especially by the pope,” the Pope can make and unmake laws for the whole church, His authority is Supreme”. My brethren the portion of the scripture that the Catholic Church hold as an authority to change laws was only talking about an erred member and how he will be reconciled with the Assembly or to cooperate with the Assembly, if not brethren can discipline him. This position didn’t in any manner invested on the apostles the authority to make laws but their duty is to follow the already made laws by Yahweh through his son Yahoshea Meshiyach. Yahoshea Meshiyach commanded the disciples to teach the people in all nations and to baptize those that believe. “To observe all things that whatsoever that I have commanded you” no permission were given to the apostles to make laws.

So claims that the Pope has the authority to make and unmake the spiritual or divine laws is without any scriptural backings. No one of the apostles assumed power and authority as the Catholic Popes do today. Peter the Chief Apostle was not ordained as pope. Rather the first known pope was ordained by 440A.D. Apostle Peter didn’t sit at the papal throne but followed his masters directions that all should be brethren, because they were warned not to behave like the Gentiles who love authority and mastership and contestes amongst one another Yahoshea made it clear that “all ye are brethren”.

The Pope pattern is driven from the system of ancient Emperors of Rome who were worshipped and they were the high priests of the Pagan religions of Rome, with power to make religious laws, just as the pope’s claim in the Catholic Church. Emperor Constantine the great exercised that power until his death. For centuries, many true followers of Yahoshea sealed their faith with their blood, first through the pagan Rome persecution, but much longer at the hand of Roman Church who branded them as heretics because they believe in the original doctrine of Yahoshea and his disciples and refused to obey the laws of the state church. If all the bones of the victims of catholic church should be gathered together, a monument higher than the tallest pyramid will arise, at its presence, even the eyes of the priest will be wet with tears.

For Yahweh has warned his believers before hand that there will be a great fallen away, and the revelation of the man of sin or lawlessness, the great anti-Meshiyach Yahoshea, who will try to twist and render the commandments of Yahweh to be null and void but to institute and sustain the doctrines of traditions of men. Through and under the tutolage of the man of lawlessness, the laws of Yahweh will be twisted to suit himself and his fellow evil workers.

But Yahoshea Meshiyach seeing the coming of this evil man promise us of the coming of the Comforter who is to come in his name to convince the sons of men about sin and righteousness. He will be the man of righteousness and through him the eternal truth shall be reawakened for the freedom of sons of men who are bound in captivity.


Meshiyach  Yahzitere Yahmarabhi


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