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Questions You Need To Ask About Life and God (1)

Most of us have numerous questions about God but because we either do not have the answers or simply because we are comfortable with life, we carry on until something goes amiss, then we start ‘searching for answers to these mysteries of life’ as if they never existed before we are confronted with their reality. We therefore go through life ignorant of the forces that affect or control our lives. We are then like pawns on the chessboard of life, always complaining and wondering why life would treat us this way. But if we dare take some steps outside our comfort zone, we will discover that these questions indeed have answers that can help re-direct our lives spiritually

Some of these questions are the ones your spiritual leader or pastor will dodge away from simply because they do not have a clue that will convince you or they themselves are totally ignorant of what they preach. Sometime the individual would refuse to ask these same questions for the fear of knowing the truth. So they prefer to let ‘sleeping dogs lie’ until they come back another lifetime to ask these same questions about life and God.

Some of the most important questions about life are:

‘Why would individuals who claim the knowledge of heaven and God do thanksgivings after an accident when they have the opportunity of going to heaven? Wouldn’t they have rather preferred to die and go to heaven into the arms of God and enjoy forever?

If man believes that there is enjoyment in heaven where they would clap hands forever and ever, why are people afraid to die and go to heaven? Is it possible that they know this is not true?

‘When Human beings die and their bodies rot away, which bodies will they use in going to heaven?

If man is said to be a body at rest (mass, according to scientists), what propels the body of man to move?

Why would you see an individual for the first time and you know you have not met before but you have a feeling of knowing the individual before?

Why would a child be born and then die within twentyfour hours, what is the purpose of such a short life?

When a little child dies in a tender age where he has not committed any sin where would he go to after death, heaven or hell? What is the reason for such a life?

Why would God Almighty create hellfire where his unruly and sinful children would go to and burn forever and ever when God is known as a God of Love?

If God is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent, would God not be in hell fire that he created?

If God is Omnipotent, that is all-powerful, Omnipresent, all present and Omniscient, all knowing, why would God create the devil who is seemingly seen as a competitor and fail to put the devil to rest once and for all?

Why would God in His infinite Love and perfection create HU-mans that are crippled?

What would be the purpose of God creating blind people like Stevie Wonder and others when God is known to be perfect and loving, Is it to make HU-mans suffer?

Why would Nigeria be praying to God to win a match against Brazil and Brazilians are also praying to God to win, who would God answer? The one who shouts loudest?

Why would you pray to God to bring rain when another child of God is equally praying to God to stop the rain for his house not to get flooded, who would God answer?

Why would you have numerous problems in your life and you look at your neighbor who seems not to be having any challenges whatsoever and life seems to be so smooth for him?

If people we love like our parents, grandparents and others who are dead and buried are still seen in the dream worlds, happy and looking younger, what then is the purpose of death?

Why would a dream of two days take place within an earth time of ten minutes?

For if there is a first heaven, a second heaven and indeed a third heave as is written in some Holy Books, which heaven would God reside? Could it be possible to have the fourth, fifth, sixth and so on?

Why would God allow his obedient children to suffer while the wicked ones seem to live and become stronger?

Why? Why? And why?

These and many more are among the numerous questions most of us gloss over until there is a terrible incident that change our lives then we go searching for the reasons why?

If any individual can answer successfully only three of these questions then he is on his way to God.

All the reasons why some things happen in our lives can be found on the second heaven, also known as the causal plane. It answers the questions be-cause.

All our thoughts, words and actions are within the ambits of the Holy Spirit of God. This is also the voice of God which speaks to those who have been trained to listen. The more we listen to this voice of God, the more we have understanding about the ways of God. The more we have understanding, the more wisdom is at our disposal and the more wisdom, the more we understand ourselves as Soul, an extension of the Holy Spirit, a unit of consciousness of God.

The secret of God then can be found within the HU-man being who is a consciousness of God.

This is why all sages have always written, ‘Man know thyself!’

For once man knows himself as a unit of the consciousness of God, then he has found the truth about all things. For man cannot know one aspect of truth without knowing the others. It is a spiritual law


By Tuborki Dauyemie

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