
God, Man And Religion

The subject of God, man and religion is an issue that will always be at the front burner for man. For on this do we find the spiritual survival of mankind. If one looks at our environment today one can see churches, mosques and other indicators of the religious quagmire man finds himself today. It seems when there is economic downturn, man turns to God faster but as soon as man moves up on the ladder of prosperity, man seeks external security other than God to protect himself.

In our society today we can see that most self- acclaimed men of God have security apparatus that resembles that of presidents and other political office holders. The question one would want to ask is ‘Can God no longer protect the self- acclaimed man of God that he has to surround himself with Police Security convoys?’

You will agree with me that man has lost contact with God by pursuing religion.

But God created man and man in turn created religion. In order words since man created religion, man cannot then be a slave to religion as we have found today. If one takes a cursory look at our religions of today, one can find that they offer little or nothing in terms of spirituality for the man of today. What they offer include prosperity, suffer on earth and enjoy in heaven, entry into the kingdom of heaven, power and so on and so forth. But one can notice that none or only few would teach man how to survive here on earth before going to heaven. This is simply because most of the religions today believe that prosperity is an indication of the Love of God and hence man rushes in search of that religion that can promise financial breakthroughs without bothering on how to understand God and His ways. Thus man desires fish but refuses to learn how to catch fish and be free for ever.

Man has therefore become a slave to religion and servants of pseudo men of God.

When God created man, He established direct contact with man through the dream state and still does till today. Man works during the day and when man rests in the night, he drops the physical body through the process of sleep and journeys into the heavens of God. In the morning, man tries to decode these privileged information from God and tries to apply it in running his life better. Thus, there was direct communication between man and God and some individuals on earth today still get these direct messages from God Almighty.

This ability was not and is not dependent on one’s religion. This is why people in different religions of today dream of events before they take place irrespective of their earthly religion.

When God created man, He did so in his own image. This image is not the body of man but the spiritual aspect of man known as Soul. This is why Soul is referred to by some religions as a spark of God. This is the true nature of Soul, an individual unit of consciousness of God. For out of the fabric of the Voice of God known as the Holy Spirit was Soul created. Soul possesses all the attributes of God mainly; wisdom freedom and love (charity). Soul also has the same characteristics with God Almighty. These characteristics are omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence. These qualities in soul are however in latent form and has to be developed hence Soul is sent into this earthly school to come and learn about itself, life and God and subsequently develop spiritually.

But for soul to gain entrance into this school, it has to come via the Hu-man body. Thus Soul in HU-man body of a baby is delivered into this world through the body of a female and other forms of existence it has chosen. Some Souls forget their mission after birth while few others remember. Those who forget the reason why they are here believe in one life and as such believe that man is on earth to come and enjoy, multiply and return back to heaven. They have completely forgotten about their spiritual destiny. They will continue to be born, die, return, going and coming into the Human body until they meet the Living Godman who will remove the scales of illusion from their eyes before  they begin their return journey back home to God.

These individuals are the ones that follow religions to the letter and believe in the experiences of other people with God without bothering to have their own direct experiences with God. Thus these individuals are the ones that quote from Holy Books to buttress their own points but they do not have any experiences with God simply because they have not qualified to stand in the presence of God until they change their ways of manipulating other children of God who they deceive because they are desperate for spiritual salvation.

The other set of individuals are the wonderers. They keep wondering from one religion to the other because ‘something’ within them tells them they have been through ‘all these before’. They know instinctively what is not truth but they keep moving searching for what they do not know. These people can never be relaxed or happy until they find God. Some of these wondering Souls have been returning into the Human body for more than thirty million years, yes! They have known suffering because of their refusal to listen to the voice of God and find their way home. They will continue to wonder until they meet with the Living Godman whom God has appointed to lead man back home to God.

The other set are those who have retained the technique of communicating with God directly on a daily basis. They have learnt how to ‘die daily’. They have been given fish but have refused to stop there. These awakened children of God have moved to the stage of learning how to contact God directly without any intermediaries whatsoever. They will settle for nothing less than God.

Thus every night they go to bed, they leave their bodies consciously and journey into the heavens of God that religionists are still waiting to die to get to. They soar into the heavens of God, tap the heavenly wisdom and return to earth to uplift their fellow hu-man beings who have been trapped by religion. For religion cannot take man to heaven except it shows man how to do it himself.  But any religion that seeks salvation from ‘Holy Books’ shall never find God. This is because God is not contained in any book no matter how holy. In fact, God has written only one book: man. This book, man, contains all information about God and life.  All other ‘Holy Books’ are written by man and they contain information about how other men have had experiences with God.


When will man have his own personal and direct experience with God Almighty?


By Tuborki Dauyemie

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