
Where Is The New Jerusalem?

Vatican City no matter any kind of speculation cannot be the expected NEW JERUSALEM because it is city clouded by intense pagan practices. For example, the statue of the gods from the Roman pantheons are now found in the Vatican museum with the exception of the great statue of Jupiter, which has been modified, re-titled and seaten on a throne in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome as St. Peter.

Again, the largest occult solar wheel on earth is located in the court of St. Peter at the Vatican City. The solar wheel or wheel of the sun is built around astrology, the study of the moon, sun planets and stars to foretell the future. This solar wheel can be easily found not only on Buddhist temples but also on alters and ceilings of cathedral of Roman Catholic Church. For instance at Notre Dame Cathedral at Paris, France and the monastery of St. Ignatius Loyola in Spain. All these bequeath that Vatican City is a haven for pagan relics and practices.

Due to serious indictments on the Roman Catholic Church for mixing up errors and truths, the Vatican City being its headquarter can never be the New Jerusalem. And there are lots of evidence to support the indictment of Vatican as a city of pagan practices. Let us look at the entrance of St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican City, there stood a tall erected phallus image which is called Obelisk. Obelisk is associated with the ancient pagan worship of the sun. The ancient people having rejected Yahweh and his begotten son Yahoshea adopted sun as their deity since it gave life to men and plants. Realizing that through sexual union life was produced, the Phallus  the male organ of production was considered along with the sun as a symbol of life. Thus that was the belief which the obelisk represent.

This standing image or sun image as being called is noticed in all ancient worships. For instance, there was an obelisk at the entrance of the heathen temple of Tum and another in the front of temple of Hather, the abode of Horus of Egyptian worship.

Do you know that the ancient obelisk that stood at the ancient temple of Egyptian paganism now stands at the entrance of St. Peter in Vatican City. For the red granite obelisk of the Vatican is itself 83ft high or 132 high with its foundation and weighs 320 tons.

In 10th September 1586, it was moved to its present entrance of the church by Pope Sixtus V. A man by name Domenica Fontana accepted the challenge of transferring it with a heavy wage which was paid by the church.

The erection of the sun image was supported by a ringing of church bell at hundred times, and a cross was placed on the top of the obelisk, a mass service was celebrated in honour of the transfer and Pope pronounced blessing on the workmen and their horses. The occasion was supported with roar of cannons and loud cheers of numerous men.

The road of righteousness is mountainous and narrow, very few people passes through it, while the road of evil is broad and straight, and too many people walks through it. The spiritual path is filled with too many deceivers and pervaters, and that is the reason of men descending to worship molten images, sacred cows and fellow mortals in their ambition to please and adore Yahweh, the grand Creator of all creations.

The greatest obligation of a true believer is to seek for the absolute truth and that must remain the greatest value of his life if found. He who acquires true information can never be deformed rather he will be reformed while deformation belongs to those who believe in falsehood. Therefore it is the duty of a true friend to give adequate information to his loved ones, but enemies feed their hatred ones with falsehood and ignorance.

All heathen worshippers have their seats or cities of worship where believers converge to worship their idols, Yahweh’s people are equally known with their holy cities. Firstly, Adam and Eve were placed in the garden of Eden. That garden was the first holy city for the mortals. When that was lost, the plane at shiner became a holy city for the children of Noah after the flood.. Then it later turned at Jerusalem of Judea. Now that the eternal saviour has directed that there will be a transference of the holy city from Jerusalem to another land, our noble question is, WHERE IS THE JEW JERUSALEM?

The Vatican city as exrayed is a haven of heathen practices. Let us continue with some of the heathenic practices of the Vatican city as it is the world headquarter of churchianity. Roman Catholic Church borrowed many pagan ideas from ancient Babylon and all such practices are observables at the Vatican city. One of such heathen practice is the featuring of towers, it is not surprising that elaborate buildings of expensive temples became the tradition and custom of man’s invented churchisms.

Although Yahweh used King Solomon to built his temple at Jerusalem, but it did not feature towers as the present churches do. The days of early Yahosheans were not spent on financial drives and oppressive pledges in order to built splendid and toweric houses for worship. Most of church buildings are for outward show and they are patterned in the manner of pagan Babylonian worship.

Majority of the expensive church buildings erected over the years feature towers. Erecting of towers for worship is in tune with Babylon worship. The scriptural term called the “TOWER OF BABEL” is a direct expression that towers are in synonymous with Babylon. The word “BABEL” is a short form of “BABYLON”.

The Catholic encyclopedia says “it is a striking fact that most of Babylonian cities possessed a temple tower”. Strictly the tower of Babylon was connected with their religion with the sun worship. That is why Nimrod and his generations said “let us make brick, let us build a city and a tower, whose top may reach into heaven”. The heaven that the men of those days assumed was the sun which was their religious deity.

Today, you have this same Towers at Rome and nearly all the countries in the world. For all the monuments of the ancient Babylon, the towering Zigrat stood majestically above all other structures and is an encircling wall with many towers. So Goddess Samiramis of ancient Babylon is identified with Cybele or Asht-tart which are known for tower makings.

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