
Same – Sex Marriage, A Crime In Nigeria

SAME SEXAnti gay law passed into law by the president, Dr Good luck Jonathan was long over due. And it is a welcome development as Nigeria cannot condescend so low to allow same-sex marriage flourish in the country. The president assenting to the bill which automatically has become a law would stop bestial attitude of some Nigerians. Indeed, no normal Nigerian would stand against Mr. President for endorsing the bill. Marriage from the beginning is between a man and a woman. It is universally acceptable that marriage is a union between a man and woman and not man to man or woman to woman.

It is unnatural for a man to marry a man. And that is an abomination of the highest order concerning marriage. It is generally agreed that marriage is an institution. And this institution is sacred no matter the century and generation. God is the author of marriage because He created a man and a woman: Even in animal kingdom a female has intercourse with male for easy procreation and not a female with a female. The issue of human right does not have anything to do with same sex marriage, if indeed the right activists know what marriage is all about. The right activists all over the world who are in support of gay marriage are seriously abusing the right to sex God is not stupid to have created a woman for a man for both to marry each other.

The passage of anti gay law in Nigeria should be accepted by all irrespective of religious belief. It is unthinkable that human beings would come up publicly to support abomination. How would a man marry a man and a woman marry a woman? This affront by some people is an aberration. God designed the sex organs of both male and female for easy intercourse without force. Today, some countries in the word, especially, United States of America and Canada are condemning the action of Mr. President. In 18th century, when the killing of twins was in practice it was Mary Slessor through the gospel who stopped the ugly custom. Even when the gospel was not preached in Africa, Africans were marrying according to natural order. Why in this age must we succumb to iniquity that God Himself frowns at.

According to the bible, Leviticus 20:23, if a man also he lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. Indeed, considering the scripture above, Nigerian government is lenient to have given fourteen years imprisonment instead of death sentence for such an abominable act by man. By the order of God those who indulge in such despicable act suppose to die by stoning. Exodus 22:19 reads: whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death. Does human right support having intercourse with a beast? Today, humans with high level of intelligence are having intercourse with dogs and horses without shame. And is that human right? The whites will always accuse blacks of being responsible of every bad thing in the world. When AIDS emerged instead of the whites to accept it as their irresponsibility they turned to black money in Africa. There is no need to be intimidated by the foreign countries which are bent at forcing Nigerians to accept abomination. This call by some countries for Nigeria to support same-sex marriage should be jettisoned by all.

Nigerians are human beings and not animals. Nigeria is a sovereign nation and must stand to practice natural justice, no matter the intimidation. The law banning same-sex-marriage should be implemented no matter the pressure from some quarters. Leviticus 18:23 reads; neither shall thou lie with any beast to defile thyself there with: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion.

It is indeed, confusion when a woman would bring down her dignity to any animal. Today, it is a common practice in the world. And some people see nothing wrong with such horrible and terrible practice. Nigeria is a country ruled by sound human beings and therefore can not give up to evil in the name of human right. All human activists were born through process of spermatozoa meeting the egg of a female.

Indeed, kudos to Mr. President for signing the bill into law. Gay marriage can not be practiced publicity in Nigeria. Therefore, any man of God and relatives who may want to support evil marriage are liable to ten years imprisonment in Nigeria. Nigeria is our country, and we must support the government to do the right thing. Gay or same-sex-marriage is a taboo in Nigeria. And it is an offence publishable based on anti sex-prohibition law of Nigeria. Nigerians are not animals to accept gay marriage as a custom. There is no religion that supports same-sex marriage in Nigeria. Indeed, the law should be enforced without fear or favour in Nigeria. Same-sex marriage is an anti marriage opposing God’s standard of marriage. God bless Nigeria. ###


Frank Eneawaii Ogwuonuonu


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