
Where Is The New Jerusalem?

Brethren, we are caught in the web of controversy between light and darkness, truth and falsehood, a world where illusion poses as absolute truth appears irresistable, seen reasonable and reassuring, yet leads one unfailingly amis.
Our question today is, “WHERE IS THE NEW JERUSALEM? The name Jerusalem is a corrupted form of the word “YAHUSHALEM” or lately, “YARUSALEM”. Which means “YAHWEH’S PEACE” OR “CITY OF PEACE” Jerusalem is the capital of Judea (Yahudea), a city that housed major religious and archeological relics of the ancient Hebrews, such as the throne of David, the temple of Jerusalem and many other holy sites.
The origin of the city and indeed the entire Hebrew nation is traceable to the emigration of their forefather Abraham from his native metropolis of Ur of the Chaldeans in Sumericea to the land of Cannan a territory that Yahweh vowed to assign to his offsprings. Then after the Egyptian bondage and the eventual freedom through Prophet Moses, the Hebrews recaptured the land of Cannan and established itself as a nation there.
When King David from the tribe of Judah became the king of Hebrew in about 1077 B.C.E., he developed Jerusalem as the new national headquarter. When King David transited, his son Solomon succeeded him and built the magnificent temple for the worship of Yahweh at the Jerusalem.
As recorded, Yahweh made a covenant with King David that rulership to the Hebrews will remain in his linage forever. This promise remains unbroken till date since the expected “MESHIYACH” or “ANOINTED ONE” came from the linage of King David.
Today for adequate trace to the true position of the Holy City or Jerusalem, a true seeker must inquire from the scriptures on the position of Yahoshea Meshiyach in terms of the NEW JERUSALEM.
The Hebrew nation went into various captivities to other nations due to their disobedience to the commandments of Yahweh that were handed to them. For instance by 607 BCE, they went into Babylonian captivity, By 539 BCE they entered into Persian captivity, by 332 BCE, the land were capture by Alexander the great of Greece and on 69 BCE Pompey of Rome took over the Hebrew land.
There were some other minor invasions by other nations, and in some cases, the Jerusalem is wholly destroyed, and at times partially destroyed. When Yahoshea Meshiyach arrived at Jerusalem with his disciples, he made some important revelations of the city. He revealed amongst others hat the city will be destroyed by enemies and that the temple itself will be utterly destroyed. And he promised that the kingdom of his father Yahweh will be taken to a nation far off, that those that doesn’t know him will produce the real fruits of the kingdom. These promises were because of the stubbornness of the scribes, pharasees and the high priests towards the word of Yahweh which he stood for.
The entire promises of Yahoshea Meshiyach came to pass by the year 70 AD when the Hebrews revolted against the Roman colonialism on them. This revolt aggravated the Roman wrath against the Hebrews and destroyed it. The city of Jerusalem was razed down and the temple totally destroyed. On 132AD, the Hebrews rebelled again against the Roman rule. On this occasion, they were led by a man they took as their real MESHIYACH whom they called Bar Cochba, the Hebrews suffered defeat from Roman soldiers who scattered all Hebrews to all parts of the world.
The Romans decreed that no Hebrew should be allowed to enter into the Palestinian territory. This order was enforced till 19th century when he Hebrews in Diaspora founded the ZIONISM movement (a political pressure group for the resettlement of the Hebrews at the land of Palestine). This group as well as all noticed Hebrews suffered terrible persecution in the hand of NAZI (German) soldiers during the second word war. The Zionists opposition against German soldiers as well as the holocaust they went through earned them a universal consideration which led to their resettlement in the year 1948 as Israeli nation.
It is reasonable to note that the Zionism is not a religious or a mystic organization rather they were politicians led by Moses Mendelssohn whose theory was that the Hebrews would be acceptable if they would come out from under the restrains of Talmud and Conform to western culture. The ZIONISTS rejected the idea of the personal Meshicyach or Messiah who is to lead the Hebrews back to Israel but stood as a forum for the establishment of a Hebrew or Jewish state by secular means. The Nazi Holocaust where more than six million Jews were roasted by German soldiers gave the ZIONISM a universal sympathy.
Today, there are vital question about the New Jerusalem as promised by Yahoshea Meshiyach and his disciples such as John the revelator who said that he saw a New Jerusalem descending from heaven like a virgin, by these disclosures, many scholars or theologians has interpreted the New Jerusalem in various ways or thoughts. To many Pastors and Bishops, the New Jerusalem will descend from haven as built by Yahoshea Meshiyach who promised to go back to prepare a place for his fellowers. To others, the New Jerusalem will be at heaven and is reserved for those who will survive the rapture. Yet there are other believers who strongly believe that the New Jerusalem will be on earth and it must be established at Jerusalem by Yahoshea Meshiyach during his second coming.
Equally there are other group of believers whose believe is that a New Jerusalem will be developed in another part of the world by a divine personality or representative whom they identified a the PROMISED COMFORTER as promised by Yahoshea Meshiyach. There are speculations that Vatican or Other Christian fold headquarters are the transferred kingdom or throne as foretold by the saviour.
Originally JERUSALEM is the kingdom of Yahweh built on earth by the direction of Yahweh. It was developed by the combined efforts of prophets, priests and kings and that it why it a holy centre. Mind you, it was not built by mere kings or politicians as the present Zionism represents. Since the gathering of the present Hebrews as Israeli nation is not done prophets, priests or Meshiyachs, it is a worldly or carnal arrangement and the Jerusalem they built will never represent the promise NEW JERUSALEM by Yahoshea Meshiyach.
Again a kingdom is a territory or domain of a king while throne is the seat where the king seats or resides to exercise his power and authority. Other words for throne are the Greek Cathedra and the Latin SERES which shows up in English as SEE.
The Roman Catholic Church by its eccliastical operation from the Vatican City has indirectly usurped to itself the statues of the New Jerusalem. It should be noted that the name VATICAN originated from the Latin word VATIS which means DIVINER and CAN which means SERPERT. The name Vatican therefore is literally interpreted as Divining Serpent. By the Catholic system, the building in which a Bishop’s throne is located is called Cathedral. The city in which his throne is located is called his SEE. Vatican is seen in Catholicism as the Holy SEE, the city where the Pope’s throne is located that is Vatican City. Specifically since the treaty of the Catholic church with Italy, the HOLY SEE has been Vatican City, a 108.7 acre tract on Vatican Hill lying wholly within the city of Rome.

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