
Christmas Feast…Holy Or Pagan?

Religion, science and philosophy have claims to represent the ultimate truth and reality and their various interpretations have often conflicted. Men have been made to believe and practice many errors but truth remains absolute, ultimate or unchangeable. It  stands as immutable as Yahweh who instituted it.

Barely two thousands years ago, a woman by name Miriam in the town of Bethlehem of Judea gave birth to a male child. The name of the child is Yahoshea Meshiyach. The historical account or result of the said child (Yahoshea) and his activities has been more momentous than the deeds of any other character in history.

A new era that cover the most noticed and successful civilization of the world dates from his birth. Presently, the interest on Yahoshea Meshiyach remains intense. His spirit is alive even in secular activities as movies, music and fashion. The popularity of Yahoshea Meshiyach is on fast increase even in the presence of strange but later days arguments that emerged amongst atheists that he did not actually existed. Atheists like Bruno Bawer, Karl Marx etc are of the opinion that the idea and origin of Yahoshea Meshiyach are mythical. This idea spread amongst some soviet literatures and communist propagandas.

Besides the atheistic speculations, many great men be them scholars, scientist, politicians or all other human endeavours have refused to ignore or deny the existence and personality of Yahoshea. His historicity has become the greatest ever mentioned on any human personality in the universe and it can be properly concluded that no one else’s life has proved remotely as powerful and enduring as that of him.

In world over, even those who profess not to be his followers are variously heard making veritable observations about him. For example, Mohandas K. Gandhi in his book titled: “The message of Jesus Christ” made the following remark, “I have regarded the saviour from Nazareth as one amongst the mighty teachers that the world has had… I shall say to the Hindus that your lives will be incomplete unless you reverently study the teachings of Yahoshea”.

Again a scholar, Philip Schoff in his book – The History of The Church made a following remark on the same Yahoshea, “a character so origin, so complete, so uniformly consistent, so perfect, so human and yet so high’ above all human greatness, can be neither a fraud nor a fiction”.

But with all this acceptance and popularity by most of the personality of Yahoshea Meshiyach, there are still issues that need to be properly understood about him especially in regards to this historicity. One of such question is “when was he born? Was Yahoshea born on the Christmas day as the Christians claim? If he was not born on 25th day of December, then when was he born? Is Christmas a holy or pagan feast? Theologians have in different ways answered this questions but non has given a well or satisfying answers to this matter. While some insist that it must be within that period of time that Yahoshea was born, others are of the opinion that since their constitution, Bible is silent over such account, that non can be perfectly sure of the dating but they jointly celebrate Christmas in order to commemorate his birth and to reflect on his characters and personality.

Other school of thought reflects that since it is not scriptural, it is not important to observe, therefore they doesn’t include Christmas festival in the religious curriculum. Since it is not recorded in the Bible, many scholars or researchers have came to the conclusions that Christmas is unnecessary to be observed. Since the Bible did not include it in its account.

Truly, the birth of Yahoshea Meshiyach was the most significant of all amongst all human persons. And it is certain that the date of his birth is significant and relevant to his followers. History is frank that in the days of the birth of Yahoshea, Hebrew nation was under Roman captivity. At that era, the Greek/Roman knowledge or education centres around some of the occultic practices  as numerology and astrology. This false spiritual sciences exposed the generation to the importance of remarking of person’s birthday’s and its yearly celebrations.

Again Yahoshea’s birth occurred during general census declared by the Roman Caesar, the date to such activities is not a hidden one. Therefore positive oriented scholars are optimistic that based on the consciousness of astrology as well as the particular time of Yahoshea’s birth makes it certain that his date of birth was originally recorded along with his history but only to be invaded or removed by Romans in their bid to blind fold people.

Common sense proves that without subduing of the actual date of his birth, they cannot establish their pagan date in its position. For instance the Romans fought against the 7th day Sabbath inorder to plant their Sunday rest, they equally subdued 1st of Abib which falls on 1st April as the accurate new year date inorder to plant the 1st of January in its place. The 1st of January is a day they celebrate the feast of “Janus” – the Roman pagan idol that posses two faces. So they subdued the true date of Yahoshea’s birth inorder to have way to plant their pagan day (25th of December).

The Pagan Romans celebrated the rise of sun (their deity) in the winter on 25th December annually. The feast is celebrated by receiving and exchanging of gifts or presents. Since the church has the tradition of adopting ancient pagan practices, they polished it by renaming it as the birth date of Yahoshea instead of the sun”.

Before the birth of Yahoshea Meshiyach or the later days Christendom, the Babylonians were already celebrating the feast of birth of Tammuz on 25th of December. The Egyptian celebrate the birth of Osiris on the same day. The Persean Saviour Soroaster was adopted to be born on the same date and his followers celebrates his birthday on that same day.

Many ancient Greek and Roman deities were celebrated on 25th of December  and such. They includes, Bacchus, Mitras, Macio, Satun etc. So the 25th December has been remarkable day when the pagans have their merrymaking to commemorate the birth of their young sun deities. And these festivals associate with Nativity legends and folklores in the manner of the present day adoption of Grotto or Nativity where Queen Helena, the mother of Constantine the Great fixed the church of Nativity in the year 326 C.E.

The question that is important today is “is it proper to celebrate the birth of our Saviour? If so, do we celebrate him on the heathen already fixed festival day? Truly it is proper to celebrate the birth of Yahoshea Meshiyach. And the early followers of Yahoshea Meshiyach celebrated his birthday annually. The doctrines of Yahoshea’s assembly resembled those of Greek pattern of assemblage in many forms. One of the striking features of Greek worship is their way of celebrating the birthday of their founders or scholars. For instance, the early followers of Pluto celebrated his birthday.

Therefore according to the teachings of Prophet Yahmarabhi, Yahoshea Meshiyach was actually born on 2nd of seventh month (October) and his birth calls for celebration. But this feast seized when Yahosheans merged with Greek/Roman arranged universal faith where the birthday of the saviour was dropped and replaced with the popular 25th day of December which was already adopted by many stakeholders of the formation of the early Christendom.

Equally many religious researchers collaborates with the disclosure of Prophet Yahmarabhi that the saviour must be born within October month. According to their scholarly calculations, since Yahoshea died during Hebrew Passover which falls on early days of the month of April and having lived for 331/2 years means that from the month of April minus six months will fall on the month of October. Equally the researchers are of the finding that the month of December is too cold and full of snow at the Palestinian territory for the shepherds to keep watch of their flocks as accounted in the Bible. So Christmas is purely pagan festival of ancient Romans.


Meshiyach  Yahzitere Yahmarabhi


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