
Can The Bible Be Trusted?

The defenders of the book insist also that Yahoshea’s disciples were mainly Hebrews who were accustomed of the rabbinical method of teaching through memorization by routinal repetition which was the basic standard for oral transition of information

They equally submit that writing must be one of notable means of transmitting of the word by immediate disciples since the rate of literacy were widely increased in that era.  Scholars present that writing in Greek.  Aramaic and Hebrew was widespread and could be found at all level of society during the ministerial days of Yahoshea Meshiyach

Bible defenders are of the opinions that there were already existing waxed writing tablets in those days and that some of the follower of Yahoshea were literate enough to pen down the activities of his ministry.

For example, the glad news itself made mention of some well informed or educated persons that were part of the movement of the ministry.  Such persons include Matthew and Zacheus who were tax collectors, a synagogues officer, an army officer, Joanna who was a wife of a high placed officer under Herod Antipas as well as some members of Sanhedrim.

On defence of literacy capability of early disciples of Yahoshea,  Henry Y. Gamble  professor of religious studies made the following support  “It can hardly be doubted that from the beginning there was disciples, probably group of them, who devoted themselves to the close study and interpretation of Jewish scriptures, constructing from it a textual warrant (proofs) of their conviction and making such texts serviceable for their preaching”.

By this points, there were numerous symptoms that presume or suggest that the early disciples of Yahoshea were involved in studying, reading and writing meaning that they were properly identified students, teachers and writers.

For us in Yahosheanity, we believe that some of the disciples of Yahoshea were latered  to be able to record some of the events that happened in the ministry but are of the convention that such original articles did not Passover to the age without the activities of evil and uninspired translators and revisers overhauling them to accommodate their earthily conceptions and traditions.

The act of doctoring original scriptures by evil hands of scribes was noticeable right in the days of prophet Yerimayah who raised alarm that behold the false pen of the scribes has falsified the scriptures.

If was for sake of falsification of the original scriptures that prompted the ancient and acclaimed holy Roman kingdom to handle the scriptures and carried out deadly wars against people who oppose them on such illegal or unholy ventures.

Since Bible passed through the authorship of the earthily governments to sail through to this generation is an eloquent testimony that it could never be accurate.

For example, the most populous and widely circulated Bible translation is King James version.  All circumstances leading to the translation and production of the book suggest to appear political than religious.

The journey to English Bible translation commenced around 1380 C.E by John Wycliffe.  It was followed by the activities of the Lollards who circulated hand written Bible texts across English land.

Another milestone was the translation by William Tyndale’s new testament by 1525 which was followed by another translator of total scripture by Miles Coverdale  in 1535.

At this stage of Great Britain, King Henry VIII broke relationship with Rome and positioned himself as the head of church in England.  Henry VIII authorized the translation of the Bible into English.

This Royal Order was carried out and such produced the translation known as the “Great Bible” which was printed in 1539.  This translation was followed by another one in Europe named Geneva Bible in easy to read type which had chapters divided into verses.  Although the Geneva Bible gained popularity across all Europe but had a problem which is noticeable of its marginal notes that spoke against papacy since that whole work were carried out by Protestants.

As the Great Bible failed to gain acceptance and the Geneva Bible contained malicious note, a revised Bible edition was decided upon.  To get a more acceptable version the Bishop of England were vested with this responsibility to make an independent minded version with basic on the Great Bible.

This task of the Bishops gave birth to the Bishop’s Bible which was published in 1568.  The outcome of the Bishops Bible was never acceptable to general Christendom in England especially the Calvanists who disregards religious titles. The Calvanists contested on the title Bishop attached to the work.

When King James I became the ruler of England in 1603, he endorsed the new revision of the Bible translation in English language.  King James I appointed 47 scholars in six separate groups in the country who prepared sections of the books.

The revision committee made use of Tyndale and Coverdale translations, Bishops Bible, Geneva Bible and Roman Catholic Rheims New Testament of 1582.

The bible revision committee dedicated the translation to “The Most High and Mighty Prince James” and that is how the Bible became identified as King James Version.

By history, James was born in 1564 and was crowned in 1567 as James VI of Scotland, he was later crowned as king James I of England on 1603 which empowered him to be assume the ruler of both countries.  In 1604, he took the title “King of Great Britain”.

Will the Royal backup of the translation, it soared above other former translations on popularity and distribution.  It is presently assumed as accurate word of Yahweh that were engraved on tablets and manuscripts in ancient of days.

The book  called THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF THE BIBLE conclude it this way  “Its text acquired a sanity properly ascribe only to the unmediated voice of God; to multitudes of English-speaking Christians.  It has seemed little lest than blasphemy to temper with the works of the King James Version”.

Even when the entire Christian world has jointly held that King James Version is the only true Bible, it has equally undergone some further revision as held in 1870.

Through same work came the English Revised Version  which was published as the American Standard Version. Many other revision  have emerged since after the king James Version.  The history sends it down to a well informed spiritualist or religionist that the present Bible format and information has lot to do with tradition and interest of world power outside the content of Yahweh’s dealings with his chosen nation through the prophets.

The Bible is neither authorized by Yahweh, his son Yaheashea Meshiyach or prophet Yahmarabhi Ha comforter or from the Ecclesiastical order of Hebrew or priest Kingship or Royalty rather it is an authorized work of a mere carnal king James from England who was responding toward the challenges of his people under a protestant Anglican church that is removed from the claws of Catholicism.

The truth is that though the Bible might live to its claim of being the mostly widely produced and distributed book or earthly history, but is totally out of original version as ordained by Yahweh.

Yahweh knew the works of Niclotians will tend to distort the information of his scriptures, he therefore proposed for the victory of the saints by promising of the comforters who is to take the leading scepter of the living saints by communicating the original mind of Yahweh to the entire globe. 

Yahweh prepared the coming of the comforter to effect at the approprate time when all premises or facilities for production, projection and circulation of the holy scripture will already been made available.

The present age has been identified as the era of the comforter, there are adeqaute literature or writing mateials, formats and storage fesilities that tend keep the scribal poluters and adultrators at control. That equally came into effect through protracted was between scientists and the church who acted as devourers in all efforts of improving humanity and all its stands for.

Through perservance of scientists, information has become easily managed and stored in computer set, audio and video tapes and some other vital information storing facilities.

At this gorund been prepared, Yahweh send down the comforter, who wrote down the real mind of Yahweh with ease and stored them into published journals as well as electronics gadgets.

So, the Holy originally inspired scriptures by prophet Yahmarabhi is the real scripture that represent the accurate mind of Yahweh and on it, the true followers of Yahweh find the treasure of communication of true relationship with Yahweh through his begotten son Yahoahea Meshiyach as ordained in the beginning. ####

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