
How to Meet the Living Word

Soul in Human form is on earth to learn the lesson of how to appropriate the divine love of God and eventually become a Co-worker with God. Numerous training schools were therefore created in the lower universes for the purpose of this training. Among these training centers are Earth, Venus, Moon, Mars and other planets scattered around the lower universes starting from the Fourth, Third, Second and First Heavens. Souls were therefore sent from the pure heavens of God down to the lower universes to learn their catechism on Love.

Soul in Its purest form cannot survive the coarse environment clearly different from the vibratory states of the pure heavens and therefore had to be enfolded with varying bodies depending on where Soul is posted to study. Those posted to the Fourth Heaven were adorned with the etheric body while those posted to our own universes were enfolded with the HU-man body. Thus these various bodies serve as uniform for Soul- in- Human form on earth. These bodies could last Soul for as long as 100 years or more after which Soul drops the body in the process known as death and reincarnates another lifetime to continue its spiritual education. The memories of Its past lives are however blotted from Its HU-man brain and Soul lives life as if for the very first time.

During this education, Soul was not left alone. Spiritual Guardians known as Spiritual Travelers were deployed across the various heavens in conjunction with the Rulers on these heavens to monitor the performance of Soul during Its education. These beings are sometimes referred to as Guardian Angels by those who have benefitted from their presence. At the head of this group is the Living Word. He is the one appointed by God to lead all ready Souls back home to God by removing the illusions of the HU-man body and liberate Souls eternally.

The Living Word is the Messenger of God in all the Universes of God, be it material or immaterial. He is known as the Wayshower, the Holy Spirit in Flesh, the Spiritual Coach, the Light Giver whose sole responsibility is to show and lead ready Souls back home to God. All rulers of all the heavens be it lower or higher pure heavens are under His command for he is the Living Godman, the Word made Flesh that continues to dwells amongst men. The Living Word does not belong to any religion but no religion can exist without Him. This is because being a member of any religion is not a primary qualification for him to help any ready Soul go back home to God. His way is the way of the Light and Sound of God.

Some say one cannot visit heavens while alive but this is not true. For if man cannot visit heaven while alive what guarantee is there that man will visit heaven after the HU-man body has rotted away in the grave?. This is the gimmick that religionists use to tie down their members like the carrot dangling on the nose of the donkey, forever out of reach. The Living Word says ‘Only a Living mother can breastfeed a living child’ Therefore only a Living Godman can take a Living being across the great moat into the pure heavens of God. Those who say you need to die before going to heaven do not know the way. Only the Living Word can issue the visa by linking Soul to the Holy Spirit, the Light and Sound of God for onward journey home to God. This journey begins within the forehead of man and can only be revealed by the Living Godman.

The Light lights the way while the Sound shows the direction to follow spiritually.

Of all those who claim the knowledge and experience of God, the Living Godman stands out as one who has the credentials to return Soul back into the heavens of God. For the way is narrow indeed and the prosperity gods cannot show anyone the way simply because they do not know. While man pays millions of Naira to see ‘men of God’, one does not need to pay anything before meeting the Living Godman. In fact he is the only one that has the ability of coming to the seeker of truth wherever the individual may be whether in Africa, Asia, Europe, America or China. The Living Godman will come to the individual who needs help wherever he may be either in the First Heaven, Second, Third or Fourth Heavens. Though He wears a HU-man body, He is capable of meeting the individual anywhere since his job is to train Soul to know Itself, know God and return back home to God to serve God eternally.

How then can man meet with the Living Word?

When Soul descended into the lower training schools it was not left alone. One of the tools Soul was given was the Holy and Sacred name for God which Soul-in-Human form can use to contact God directly without any intermediary, at all times either in times of joy or pain, in times of sadness or happiness and anytime Soul needs God. This is that word that Souls have been looking for since the beginning of creation. This word is HU.

From all historical records in religions, one can see that God is Spirit and as such cannot appear to man directly except in the form man is familiar with. This is why God will most times use the images of relatives one is comfortable with to minister to individuals in their dreams. But this is the actual reason why we have a Living Godman so that man can relate with God in a level and form man can understand.

However, any individual who needs to contact God can take the following steps and prove this for himself:

Step One: Find a comfortable room where you will not be disturbed for about ten to twenty minutes before sleep. Sit in a tailor fashion, with eyes closed and attention fixed in-between the two eyebrows. Then the individual can sing HU in an outward breath as in ‘Huuuuueeee!’ repeatedly for about ten to twenty minutes. While singing this ancient name for God, the individual should allow loving thoughts to go through the mind, like the love for wife or husband, father or mother. This is very essential because love is the key you need to present at the doorway to heaven, not prayer or fasting as some would want to believe. Moral qualifications are also unnecessary. Just plain love for God and a desire to experience God like never before.

Step Two: the individual should watch the screen of his forehead when the eyes are closed. One can sometimes experience the Light of God or hear the Sound of the Holy Spirit. This is an indication that the individual has made contact with God. The individual can go to sleep knowing well that he has succeeded in touching the garments of God.

Upon awakening, the individual should relax for a while in bed and try to recollect his dreams. Dreams are  actual recording of Soul’s journey into the heavens of God while the physical covering known as HU-man body lays at rest for Soul to enjoy the bliss of heaven however for a short period each day. This is how to ‘die daily’ so that Soul cannot be surprised when finally dropping the body during death.

Step three: This exercise should be repeated until success is achieved. Millions have contacted God directly through this exercise. Everyone can is they so wish.


By Tuborki Dauyemie

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