

December To Remember

CHRISTMAS TREEAccording to Geddes and Grosset, author of The Complete English Language Campanion DECEMBER is the twelfth and last month of the year with 31 days. While REMEMBER is to recall; to bear in mind; to mention a person to another as sending regards; to exercise or have the power of memory.”

Past events are always remembered by people, probably because of their antecedent particularly at a given period or season.

The months of September through December are generally regarded as EMBER months. These four months probably all over the world is viewed with rapt attention and carefulness by those who care about them. There are those who consider it as dreaded months, period of disaster and what have you. While others take it as every other month, but the most important lesson is that the entrant of these four months signals the end of each calendar year.

Whereas many confused ’ember’ to be a dangerous season, season that many evil things occur, the word ’ember’ means a piece of wood or coal that is not burning but is still red and hot after a fire had died”.

To some, evil practices always occur in this part of the year because as they believe, blood suckers and others of like tendencies commonly use the period to perpetrate havoc and injustices against the people and their perceived enemies.

Incidentally, the month of December, to another segment of the citizenry is a viable month of many good things, tidings and events. It is a period and month when OUR LORD and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST was born into the earth, to provide solution and peace for mankind.

Would there be any reason why this season should not be remembered and celebrated above all odds? For example, the fortunes or blessings of the Okrika people during the burial of Late Mrs. Charity Fyneface Oba, aka Mama Sisi is yet to be forgotten by many because its impact was unprecedented. This may call for remembrance by the people as the case may be.

The essence of celebration equally greets the season as people consider themselves lucky to have survived the entire year.

Reasons for remembrance, however, calls to mind as many citizenry rewind their private, group or co-operate tape of events.

But, contrary to the believe of many as to what they believe as ’ember’ months, it is important to state that rather than being afraid and or been discouraged about the month of December, there should be every reason to be excited about the month because it ushers the people into the celebration of the birth of the Saviour of the World. A period that announces the Saviour should not be confused for anything other than joy, because, it is a period of celebration to those who find themselves in the household of Christ faith. The enemy took the advantage of engaging its agents to sabotage their efforts if they get loosed or celebrate in carnality.

The good tidings are that, for those who accept JESUS CHRIST, it is a remembrance of the king’s birth and not of evil. For those who knows God Almighty and did not engage in evil activity, it is a sure month of remembrance, what is your life up to?

For some of who were born in December, it is indeed a time, season and moment of double celebration in God as we remember all the good things done for us, our families, State and Country.

At this juncture, it is the intention of Issues Abattoir to encourage all citizenry to stay away from evil tendencies while recalling that, it was the wrong practices of men, misconception about the supremacy of God, that necessitated the advent of the Son of God whose responsibility is to save mankind and lead them to the Father in the most acceptable way and manner.

This is another December to remember, not the cooking of Rice and Chicken, slaughtering of cows and all that, but the true essence of the season. Issues Abattoir wishes you the best of luck, especially as you surrender to the King of Kings and celebrate the son of the Light of the World for He came to suffer on the cross in order to save all. ####

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