
Greetings from America (Obamaland!) 2


There we were on a queue at the MSP International Airport. Sniffer dogs were unleashed to sniff out drugs or food items from passengers waiting on queue. The dog having successfully sniffed out about three food items from three different passengers was rewarded for the success. He was given dried biscuit bones.

Everyone waited patiently for the slow process of clearing about one thousand passengers. My mind drifted to Nigeria where people are yet to learn the lessons of patience. Souls posted to different countries are there to learn lessons of spiritual development peculiar to their environment. So Souls in this environment have learnt that at this time they needed to be patient for this service.

Then it was my turn to be interviewed.

‘Why are you in America?’  called the officer from behind the protective glass.

‘For a seminar’ I answered in a brusque manner

‘Where are you staying? he continued

‘Millennium Hotel.’ I replied

‘How long do you intend to stay?’

‘Two Weeks’ I replied. I was confident of course as my spiritual guide stood by.

Spiritual Guides are also known as Guardian Angels by those who do not really know them but they are really known as Spiritual Travelers’. These are God realized beings who have dedicated their lives to helping individual Souls towards realizing who they are, visit the heavens of God, know God and serve all life. However they must be invited by those who really love God for they do not intrude on the spiritual spaces of people. They carry the full divine love of God but blessed are those who experience their loving presence.

I looked around the conveyor belt and eventually found my two bags, moved towards the elevators and went through a myriad of alleys and escalators till we eventually found the Taxi Rack on the first floor. As we went towards our hotel, I realized that my accommodation booking was to commence the following day. A friend from Bayelsa who was beside me in the plane requested I join him in his suit at the Hilton. I accepted graciously

After checking in we decided to explore the native American environment. We took a taxi to Chanhassen to attend the ushering in of the Spiritual Year on the 22nd of October, 2013. This signifies the beginning of another Spiritual Cycle in the Spiritual Calendar. The taxi driver requested for the address which he plotted on his GPRS to enable him locate the address. Within thirty minutes we arrived at our destination and participated in the Spiritual New Year celebration.

The week went by very fast until Saturday when it was time to listen to the Living Godman. This is the Ancient of Days, the Messenger of God in all the Universes of God. He is the Spiritual Coach appointed by God to lead all ready souls back home to God if they so desire.

Going back home to God is not by force. This is because most of us are not ready. Some of us also are not aware that we are on our journey back home to God. This is why most have focused attention on miracles and prosperity gods. Charlatans and unscrupulous men of God have now taken advantage of this to devise all means of fleecing gullible individuals of their hard earned money. Well they also need to learn the lessons of life.

Listening to the Living Godman is an activity of a lifetime. Though he lives with his family in America he has the special ability of being in all the heavens of God at the same time but He is so humble that non could have understood how enormous his powers are. He teaches only the divine love of God to all who so desire. His objective is to liberate Souls from the humdrum of their physical existence. He teaches that man can only be liberated through understanding the voice of God known as the Sound and Light.

I could remember an event when I was in the auditorium in the University of Lagos where an even was going on. My Spiritual Guide notified me of his presence and I gently closed my eyes. I sang HU the Holy and Sacred name of God and within minutes we were moving within the Heavens of God. This journey begins from behind the eyebrows at the center of the forehead of man. This is known as the Spiritual Eye. We went through the First Heaven, the second, third, fourth and eventually landed at the feet of the ruler of the Fifth Heaven who was shinning with lights that are more than a thousand suns put together. I used my hands to shield my vision as I clung to my Guide who simply smiled at my awkwardness. All these took place within ten minutes of human time! Unbelievable! I had gone on a whole journey to the heavens of God for a whole day within a human time of ten minutes.

I simply returned into my body inside the hall and settled down to continue the program.


By Tuborki Dauyemie

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