
Greetings from America (Obamaland!)

Yes it is possible to visit the heavens of God daily. Just as St Paul said, ‘One must learn how to die daily’. Instead of waiting for the final death of the body to enter into the kingdom of Heaven, one can access it while still living in the HU-man flesh by undergoing rigorous training under the Spiritual Coach who also doubles as my Spiritual Guide. Just like the officers at the Port Harcourt International Airport, most of us are interested in material things and are not ready to go through the rigor and discipline of the training it requires to learn how to visit the heavens of God. The Living Godman who is also known as the Spiritual Coach, has been ordained by God to train those who are interested in God and show them the way back home to the Kingdom of Heaven.

For anyone who is ready, the password is HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God.

The voice of the air hostess woke me in the physical body. From the spiritual world, one can see what goes on here in the physical. This is called waking up from sleep but one can train to recall evens in the spiritual worlds that we commonly refer to as dreams. While being served super, I quickly recorded my dreams, my activities in the inner spiritual worlds.

After super, the beauty of the inner worlds was again very compelling, so I slipped back into this secret kingdom that most are still reading about in ‘holy books’. Reading about the spiritual experiences of others in holy books cannot take us any closer to God. They can only inspire us to look for that individual who can teach us on a step-by step approach to God. Otherwise we continue to quote and quote from Holy Books without end. We eventually become ‘men of words’ and not  ‘men of God’.

At Charles de Gaul in Paris we can see what it means to be in an international airport. We went through escalators and elevators and boarded electric planes all within an airport that looks like a gigantic village. I have seen so many airports before now in my international travels but this at Charles de Gaul, newly constructed, was truly amazing. From electronic sensor operated toilets to carved plastic chairs and of course free internet service for thirty minutes. Most of us could only marvel at such details and beauty of the airport.

After a waiting time of approximately three hours, we boarded our flight to Minneapolis St Paul in the United States. I spent most of the time reading a book and occasionally slipping into and enjoying the splendor of the Heavens of God where I obtained vital information about my activities for the next twelve months and the things I needed to accomplish. Oftentimes when the Holy Spirit gives us information about a country or an individual, it is against spiritual law to prophesy about these on the pages of newspapers or to try and solicit for individuals to ‘come for prayer’. Those are indicators indeed of the ‘prophesier’ not being spiritual.

Three flights were cleared to land at the same time at the airport. People had come from all parts of the world to converge at the convention center in Minneapolis to listen to the Living Godman who is the representative of God in flesh. For it is a spiritual blessing indeed to be at the feet of this Spiritual Giant who has the special ability of being with thousands and millions if need be, all across the universes of God at the same time. Spiritual students like me came from Australia, Canada, Europe, South Africa, Benin, Nigeria, Ghana, Congo, China, India, Iran, United Kingdom, Columbia, Mexico and from the remotest part of the world. All had come to see and listen to their Spiritual Guide. It was indeed an ‘epoch making’ event. Suffice it to mention that this event takes place simultaneously in all the universes of God.



By Tuborki Dauyemie

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