
Who Are Heroes Of The Earth?

As observed by ancient Romans, the international workers day has become a day for parades through the streets where ruling classes were often the bulk of jokes.

The modern scholars deceived the international community to observe ancient Roman pagan festival in the name or form of social reforms or calendar.

This evil works of scholars is sporadically noticeable in all scholarly curriculums.  Majority of pagan relics and symbols were adopted as for logos or representations of various disciplines.

For example, cross coiled around by a snake is an ancient Babylonian symbol but presently identified as logos for medical homes.

Red cross which stands as an abominable pagan doctrine of ancients is presently polished by scholars to represent holiness, volunteerism and humanitarianism.

Many of the factories products and their labels bear idol names or their presentations.

All names of days in a week bear names of various idols worshipped by ancient natives.

Names of months equally bear idol name with exception of July and August.

All names of planets bear names of idols worshiped in ancient of days.

The scholars have cunningly soaked the entire world into the garbage river of idolatry. Yet this class  is the most honoured and revered set of humans in this present day globe. The question is, do they deserve the honour? The answer is totally no, rather their works will be found to mean acts of villains.

For example, history records of ancient Greek scholars (Philosophers) whose thesis are bedrock of human development. The scholars in collaborations of the kings and queens helped to evolve majority of the system of governments, economic or commercial policies, social setups, etc.

One of famous Greek philosopher is Aristotle (384  322BC).

He was an intelligent student of Pluto. He founded a school at Athens called Lyceum. His works were concentrated on both physical sciences and Arta subjects. He developed politics as a separate academic discipline. He defined man as a political animal.

Aristotle was brain behind Aristocracy as form of government. By this concept, political powers are exercised by a few best citizens.

Three kinds of aristocratic principles were developed as Natural, Elective and Hereditary. They are based on merit, wealth and birth.

Upon the wealth of intelligence of Aristotle, has his concept helped to usher in everlasting peace to humanity. The answer is no. Presently, democracy (another concept from Greek) has taken over the place of Aristocracy.

Again, some European monarchs in sixteenth century developed what is known as Absolutism. This is a form of government in which political powers is concentrated in the hands of a single individual or small group in particular.

Absolutists were brave monarchs who by their efforts in wars or as hereditary assume despotic rule without any limitation or consideration of people’s opinions.

Those were heroes of those ages and they have bees of praise  singers who present them as true representative of Yahweh and their voice is meant to be the voice of Yahweh.

Another concept that has produced lots of world acclaimed heroes is Authoritarianism. This is a form of rulership which pay little or no attention to public opinion, individual rights or government by consent.

Authoritarian government habours no opposition but imposes its will upon populace. This form of government applies to a wide class of government systems as fascists, communist and dictatorship.

Authoritarian government’s decision supplants the decisions made by the public through decisions and votings. The authority have sole right and sufficient power to dispensate constitution.

Adolf Hitler and Mussolini were ardent operators of Authoritarianism. And at their days they were celebrities or heroes that were celebrated even in the religious circles.

But recent findings are that those men were evil incarnate who used illegitimate power in their possession to destroy good proportion of world populace.

One of the best political concept on the face of the earth is pacifism although without any patronage from states. Pacifism is patterned in Yahweh’s way of thought with the policy of “NO WAR,” “WAR IS INJUSTIFIABLE” and all disputes to be settled by arbitrations and treaties under international laws.

Pacifism as political analysts submit can be attributed to a conscientious objection to any form of war or even to military service. Pacifism is built on the grounds of universalism, a belief in universal natural law meaning all human beings under one natural law.

The belief bases itself on the premise that all wars are for territories and if there will be a universal law, the concept of territories will be eliminated and wars will be not necessary.

Pacifism is a noble policy but has yet to catch the conscience of nations.

As I have mentioned, pacifism is in tune with Yahweh’s way (Yahcracy) and that is exactly what Yahoshea Meshiyach came to preach and establish on earth.

Yahoshea Meshiyach and his disciples of old and present have been justified heroes of the earth. Many scholars themselves have tried in various forms to understand whom Yahoshea Meshiyach and his followers are.

As non-violent teacher, although with enormous spiritual power to raise soldiers and crush all forms of opposition around him and to free his nation from Roman captive, instead resorted to his true mission of preaching of the word of Yahweh and doing miracles to save people even those that hates him.

Unlike illusionists and pseudo-healers, Yahoshea Meshiyach never used hypnotism, trickery, spectacular displays, magic spells or emotional rituals. He did not resort to superstition or the use of relics during his healings and ministrations.

Mightier than prophet Moses of old, who declared spiritual warfare against Pharaoh, but Yahoshea simply submitted humbly to Roman soldiers who arrested and impaled him. That is the type of heroes that will be remembered for ever. A man who has enormous power to destroy this enemies rather he prayed for their forgiveness.

Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach in his lifestyle lived in manner of Yahoshea Meshiyach in all ways. He is one of the heroes of the earth. He tolerated his detractors and assimilated all offences they brought upon him while he has enormous power to fight back.

Therefore, praising of war mongers who destroyed their alleged enemies is act of illusion but those who stand for peace and made total commitment towards such must be celebrated.

The way of Yahoshea Meshiyach is cherished by all people even those that are not of his faith.

Mohandas K. Gandi presented Yahoshea’s non-violent poise and teachings as thus: – “I have regarded Yahoshea of Nazareth as one amongst the mighty teachers that the world had. I shall say to the Hindus that your lives will be incomplete unless you reverently study the teachings of Yahoshea”.


Meshiyach  Yahzitere Yahmarabhi


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