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Pst & Deaconess James Udoh Ordained to a Priestly Position … As The Apostolic Mount of Salvation Dedicates Church

DADDY UDOHIt was joyous as The Apostolic Mount of Salvation dedicates its church as well as ordained its pastor, Pastor Effiong James Udoh to a priestly position of the church on Sunday 3rd November, 2013 at No. 11Abel Jumbo Lane, Mile 2 Diobu, Port Harcourt.

Pastor T.A.B George while dedicating the church said “The altar will be dedicated so that the word of God that will come from it altar shall heal sickness, give children to the barren, and raise the dead,”.

Speaking further, Pst. George in his sermon declared whatever you sow; you reap, saying that “he was very happy seeing what God is doing here. He cited Gal. 6:7, commenting because of The Apostolic Mount of Salvation. Whatever God says will come to pass.

And said, “If his father was a native doctor, he would have been a native doctor. He further said “Nobody goes to the market to buy a rotten yam to sow, adding that he was present because of the good seed that Pst. James Udoh had sown. He questioned that what will members be remembered for when they are gone to the great beyond, If they don’t sow a good seed on earth.

Still commenting on the seed sowing he told the congregation that most people enjoy mango fruit that have been sown by their fathers and advised the members to sow a good seed in their home.

Earlier in his sermon, Pst. George told the congregation that some people are suffering today because of the bad seed that was sown in their family by their fore-fathers. Also cited 2Cor. 9:6, saying when you sow sparingly, you reap sparingly, sow bountifully, you will also reap bountifully. Pst. George drew his sermon to sow a good seed in life, so that God can sow a good seed for them.

During the ordination, Pst George told the congregation that the good work of Pst. Udoh is speaking today that was why people from all walks of life are gathered to witness his ordination to priestly position. And advised him that as a man of God, he has to tolerate, stand firm and teach the word of God undilutedly at all times.

Also picking the horn of oil said, “The horn of oil that Samuel used to anoint David that brought him to glory, that by this oil, God will take him to greater height in his ministry. While laying hands on his wife, Mrs. Itoro James Udoh to the position of a deaconess advised her that God has placed her on the throne of motherhood, that she would be an umbrella to lot of people both young and old, she should be considerate as a mother and motherly heart because lots of people will run to her for shelter.

Pst James Udoh who expressed his gratitude toward what God have done, say though the church had accommodation challenge but God took over that will six months (6) of interval of the inception of the church, God have done too many marvelous things which baffled him as a man of God. The dead has been risen, cases rejected from the hospital has been cured by God in this church, that he is overwhelm by the hand work of God, proving God to be true to His word, advising his members not to relent in worshipping God at all times.

Deaconess Itoro James Udoh, the wife of Pastor Udoh was overwhelmed by God taking her to a higher level. Her words “If God have decided to honour somebody like me, who am I to say no to God’s calling.” She stressed that she is ever ready to walk for God.

The Father of the day, Dr. Akpan E. Sampson after giving the story of Ghandi, the late founding father of Indian politics entitled “We Belong to the great father land of India”, told the celebrants that  Ghandi and Indian leaders have come and gone, it is now left for members of The Apostolic Mount of Salvation Worldwide to know that all of them are belonging to this great mount of God’s liberation, transformation, deliverance and restoration. He further cited 2Kgs 6:1-2 and called on all the members to join hands together to support their father in order to enable him to pilot the affairs of the ministry.

Not left was Deaconess Ekaette Udoama, mother of the day who stressed the faithfulness of God by not failing His promise when God said that throughout the occasion, there would not be any obstacle, the celebration will be successful, it has started and ended successfully.

Sis. Itoro, one of God’s channel in the church appreciated God for His faithfulness toward the members of the church. And also thanked God on how the blessings of God by the program have reached many.

Bro. Usen Clement (alias Daddy’s) son thanked God for the togetherness and, thanking God for what God have been doing in the Apostolic Mount of Salvation, Healing, Deliverance, that there is no amount of sickness that has come and God has not used the man of God (Pst. James Udoh) to deliver such. His words “ Like me I came to this church because of sickness, God save my life through this church, all sicknesses disappeared from my body, that’s why I can’t leave this church.”. Am calling on anybody that have any kind of problem, suffering from any kind of sickness even though it is HIV come that God of The Apostolic Mount of Salvation will heal that person.

Sis. Patience Akpan Sampson thanked God for the man of God and his family, how the man of God is indeed a father of all, not minding where you come from, receive and treat you just the way, he did to his family, call on the public that need deliverance from all kind of problem to locate The Apostolic Mount of Salvation at No. 11 Abel Jumbo Lane, Mile 2 Diobu, Port Harcourt where God will minister to your problem every Tuesday.

Highlight of the occasion was presentation of certificate of ordination. ###


Edith Nse Friday

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