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Critics, Politics And President Jonathan

PRESIDENT GOODLUCK JONATHAN2015 is fast approaching. It will be an eventful year in the political history of Nigeria. A year when Nigerians will go to the poll to elect leaders that pilot the affairs of this country for another four (4) years.

As the year 2015 gets closer politicians are jostling for different elective positions both at the state and national levels. Meetings and consultations are ongoing to decide on who gets what in the emerging political dispensation.

Former opposition political parties namely: Action Congress of Nigeria ACN, Congress for Progressive Change, CPC and several others were recently collapsed and formed All Progressives Congress (APC).

The basic aim of the formation of APC is to wrestle political power from the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) under the able leadership of President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan.

Most of the northern politicians vowed to stop President Jonathan from contesting in 2015. Gen. Mohammadu Buhari (Rtd), a former Military junta is one of such politicians who has the intention to stop President Jonathan’s second term ambition. Buhari on several occasions has developed interest to rule Nigeria, but failed to secure the People’s mandate.

Any patriotic Nigerian who has the interest of the nation at heart will threw his or her weight behind President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan’s second term bid. Jonathan has done much for this country. His developmental programmes, policies and projects can be seen across the length and breadth of Nigeria.

Since President Jonathan assumed office, the power sector has been resuscitated, there is an increase in our foreign reserve, the financial sector has been revamped. Also we are today enjoying independent judiciary, the transportation sector has been tremendously transformed; there is improvement in the nation’s health sector. Beside these our relations with other foreign countries are become so cordial; we are performing credibly in the area of sports. Our economy is improving day by day. Without exaggeration, let me state here categorically that there is no sector of the economy, President Jonathan’s presence cannot be felt.

Considering what Mr. President has done, who can threw his or her hat into the ring to say that Jonathan is performing below expectation of Nigerian masses. I take my hat off President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan for the good works he has done to ensure both economic and infrastructural development of Nigeria.

President Jonathan deserves another term in office to continue with his transformation agenda which has already launch Nigeria on the path of speedy development. Critics should leave President Goodluck Jonathan alone.

He is a patriotic Nigerian and a true son of the South-South geo-political region.###

Damiete West



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