
Who Are Heroes Of The Earth?

On dedicating of Constantinople (a city built and named after Constantine) in 330 ADYM, was graced by ceremonies that were half pagans and half Christians (his new found universal faith) were observed.

A chariot as of Sun  God was set in the market place and over it was the cross. Again the coins made by Constantine featured the cross and feature images of Mars and Appollo. While professing to be a true believer of Yahweh (Yahoshean), he continued to believe in pagan magic formulas for the protection of crops and healing of diseases.

All this evils of Constantine were pointed out in the Catholic Encyclopaedia. Yet the concept by which Roman Catholic church developed and spread together as a united force is clearly linked with Emperor Constantine”.

Truly, Emperor Constantine turned pagan Roman into what is ignorantly termed as Holy Rome of today. How can Rome be holy when Christianity that emerge through it is characterized with pagan doctrines and attitudes? A religion that rebels against Yahweh the grand creator of the universe but honours or obeys decrees of Constantine (fellow mortal).

The throne of Emperor Constantine and other succeeding emperors was handed over to Pope of Rome who took over as Pontifex  Maximus and continued to raise aggression against Yahweh and all that obey him.

The church under various Popes committed the worst crimes ever recorded upon humanity. An author, Ingersol made following comment on activities of Roman Church, “thousands of volumes couldn’t contain the crimes of the Catholic Church, they could not contain even the names of her victims with swords and fire, racks and chains, dungeons and whips she endeavour to convert the world”.

Ingersol continued as such, “if all the bones of all the victims of Catholic Church could be gathered together, a monument higher than all the pyramids would rise, in the presence of which the eyes even of the priests will be wet with tears”.

This is the record of the venerable priest (Popes) whose fame is the greatest amongst the living mortals.

As in the case of Emperor Constantine, the succeeding popes were beacons of celebrations on both their enthronement days to their demise. They are applaud as representatives of Yahweh by all nations even amongst non-Christians. But are the Popes the Heroes of the earth?

The answer is simple no, because they are rather the enemies of humanity who have deceived mankind from obeying Yahweh and doing his accurate will.

From the first enthroned Pope to 18th century, the personality of pope was the singular who are applauded with general ovation world over. His words were law and his actions were seen as divine and infallible.

But the tide changed in the year 1798 when the pope was conquered and taken to captive by French soldiers.

The book, “God Cares” page 328 gave the account as forth,  “in 1798, 1260 years later from 538, the pope was taken into captivity and the catholic church was dealt a mild blow. It happened just as revelation had foretold with remarkable accuracy.

During the French Revolution and under orders from the revolutionary French government, General Alexander Berthier (one of Napoleon generals) issued a proclamation in Rome on February 15, 1798, informing Pope Pius VI and the people of Rome that the pope should no longer exercise any function”.

This deadly wound of the Pope and Church continued to 1870 when newly emerging nation of Italy deepened the church’s injury for a while by taking away the papal states – a considerable portion of the Italian peninsula which the church has owned for centuries.

But the wound started healing by 1929 when Mussolini was put to power by the aid of Vatican and he reciprocated by making the Roman Catholic church religion in all Italy and awarding it 750 million lire cash and one billion in state bonds.

Mussolini signed concordat granting the pope full authority over the state of Vatican city (108.7 across in Rome which includes St. Peter Cathedral).

Even much years after the healing of the papacy, it has remained the most known authority on earth. The Catholic Church under Pope John Paul II lead the greatest ecumenical movement in history by trying to unite all religions under Roman leadership.

On October 27, 1986, the Pope gathered in Assasi, Italy, the leaders of the world’s major religions to pray for peace. Included in the group were snake worshippers, Buddhists, Moslems, Hindus, spiritualists and North-American witchdoctors.

To the Pope, they were all praying to the same God and their prayers were creating spiritual energy that was bringing about a new climate of peace.

This was the replica of Emperor Constantine’s admixtural adventure of various pagan bodies with Yahosheans.

The world journals applaud Pope John Paul II as a champion of peace and during his demise, his funeral became a grand universal affair that was attended by famous world leaders of various disciplines.

But to Yahosheans, the actions of Pope John Paul mounts to spiritual fornication because what is expected of the popes and cardinals is not to assemble pagan world religions for prayers but for the Vatican to expose and declare all truths they know about Yahweh.

The Pope that will be seen as a heroe is that which will reverse all pagan doctrines and creeds of the church to sound doctrines as directed by Yahweh through his begotten son Yahoshea Meshiyach as being proclaimed by present day comforter Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi.

The heroic pope must reverse to Sabbath day rest on Saturday of Greggorian Calendar, must declare and proclaim the sacred name of Yahweh and Yahoshea Meshiyach and must implement the order of love of fellow mortals more than self.

Conceit need a soil of narrow-mindedness. As humans are hooked to the claws of materialism, their perceptions and conclusions correlates to psycho-physical conditions of their fleshy mind.

Likewise, their admirations, praises and conclusions are subject to negative energies of life and those that play pivot roles along such negative directions are celebrated. Those they praise as heroes and warriors are such actors whose actions appeal to the senses of the worldly men.

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