
Who Are Heroes Of The Earth?

One of the facts that contributed to the church’s adoration of the cross beginning from Roman Catholic which all her daughters copied also was because of the famous dream or vision of Constantine which equally led to alleged conversion of the Emperor.

As Constantine and his loyal soldiers approached Rome and were about to face the battle of Milvian Bridge. According to the tradition and custom of Romans, the Haruspices (those who employ divination before battles by the means of reading the entrails of sacrificial animals) were also called to give advice.

In the case of the advancing war, Emperor Constantine were informed that he will be defeated in the battle. But he saw in a dream or vision a cross and such were written, “ in this sign conquer”.

Thus, in the next day (October 28th, 312 ADYM) he advanced behind the standard portraying a cross. And this was how Emperor Constantine won victory and that brought his convertion to Christendom. Infact this victory to Christianity promoted cross mostly in Roman Catholic Church.

It is also admitted on all sides that Constantine’s vision of the cross was probably not historically true. But the only authority from whom the history was written was Essebius who was accused as a falsifier of history.

My dear children or brethren, if Constantine saw such vision, are we to suppose its author was Yahoshea Meshiyach? Are you sure that Yahoshea Meshiyach whose title is “Prince of Peace” instructed the pagan Emperor to make a military banner embodying cross and to go forth conquering by killing and maiming in that sign?

Have men forgotten that the Roman Empire which Constantine was its head has been described as a Beast by Prophet Daniah? Therefore, there is no reason for any whose body is a temple of Yahoshea to suppose that all-peace loving Yahoshea Meshiyach ordered Emperor Constantine to conquer with pagan sign of cross to further the Beast system of Rome.

Many still ask, if the vision is not of Yahweh, how could we explain the conversion of Constantine? Listen to me, Constantine’s conversion is to be seriously questioned by all reasonable believers of Yahoshea Meshiyach even if it had much to do with the establishment of church with traditions and customs. The fact plainly shows that he was not truly converted into the body of Yahoshea Meshiyach.

Through revelations of Yahweh and historic records, it is certain that Constantine only used religion to advance his political motives. And Catholic Encyclopaedia prove that Constantine changed Sabbath day rest to Sunday rest. The book further made following comments on him, “Even after his conversion, he caused the execution of his brother-in-law Licinius and of the later’s son as well as Crispus (his own son) by his first wife, and of his wife Fausta. After reading this cruelties, it is hard to believe that the same Emperor could at time have mild and tender impulses. But human nature is full of contradictions”.

Again the same Catholic Encyclopedia made another comment as thus “some Bishops, blinded by the splendour of court, even went so far as laid the Emperor as an angel of Yahweh, as a sacred being, and to prophesy that he would, like the son of Yahweh reign in heaven. It has consequently been asserted that Constantine favoured Christianity merely from political motives, and he has been regarded as an enlightened despot who made use of religion to advance his policy”.

As men search for true answers to challenging questions in life, they honour those that are felt to have find answers and solutions to certain problems.

They honour physicians that discover certain drugs that tackles deadly diseases, honour soldiers or leaders that secure freedom for them, honours philanthropists that touches life of poor and needy, honour scientists whose inventions add value to human life as well as other persons who prove themselves worthy in their various disciplines in life.

To secure victory and to be celebrated, too many men indulge in various negative crafts and operation to manuover their opponents. For example, in politics, nationalist forces lock deadly wars against secessionists, colonialists against anti-colonialists, progressives against extremists (conservatists) and in these ensuring fronts there are barbaric loss of lifes and properties. These are the wounds afflicted upon humanity by our celebrated warriors and heroes. But do such efforts worth the value and honour accorded them in our various scopes of societies. We want to answer such questions through this caption  “Who Are Heroes of The Earth?”

As we have already learnt, emperor Constantine the Great is one of the greatest celebrated human being that exist in this millennium. But do he deserve such honour and followship as we observe today. The generality of Christian world are hooked under the claws of Emperor Constantine and his legislations as Roman Emperor.

The mother  church (Roman Catholic) derive its existence from efforts of Constantine the Emperor.

And the comforter of humanity, His Holiness, Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach in his book called Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures (HOIS) continued lecture on Emperor Constantine on the same 3rd Epistle of Prophet Yahmarabhi Verses 64 – 79 which comments as thus, “Emperor Constantine united the pagans and true believers (Yahosheans) and at the same time mixed up their doctrines.

Even the cross symbol he honoured was not a divisive factor among pagans, for at that time it was in use by various pagan groups.

For example, the worshippers of Mithra in Constantine forces, the cross could give no offence because they have long fought under a standard bearing a Mithrace cross of light.

This was a proof, that Christian of Constantine was pure mixture.

Although Emperor Constantine removed his statue from pagan temples and instructed people not to worship them or give offerings of sacrifice to him. Yet people continue to speak of the divinity of Emperor Constantine.

Like Pontifex Maximus, Constantine continued to watch over the pagan worship and protect its rights.


Meshiyach  Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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