
Cayenne pepper [Ose nkiri] a cure all

CAYENNE PEPPERCayenne pepper delivers healing blood (the river of life) into sick or dying organs better than any other herb or medicine. Dr. John Christopher, a famous natural healer, praised the use of Cayenne throughout the time of his practice. He had this to say in his Newsletter “In 35 years of practice, and working with the people and teaching, I have never on house calls lost one heart attack patient and the reason is, whenever I go in if they are still breathing I pour down them a cup of cayenne tea (a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water, and within minutes they are up and around).This is one of the fastest acting aids we could ever give for the heart, because it feeds that heart immediately. Most hearts are suffering from malnutrition because of processed food we are eating, but here it gets a good powerful dose of real food and it’s something that has brought people in time after time.  This is something that everyone should know how great it is, because a heart attack can come to your friends or loved ones any time. And even yourself. The warm tea is faster working than tablets, capsules, cold tea, because the warm tea opens up the cell structure makes it expand and accept the cayenne that much faster, and it goes directly to the heart, through the artery system, and feeds it in powerful food. To show the value of cayenne, and how great it is, and what a wonderful heart food it is, this story has been repeated in a number of publications on doctors in the East who put some live heart tissue into a sterile beaker filled with distilled water, and fed it nothing but cayenne pepper, cleaning off sediments periodically and adding nothing but distilled water from natural evaporation. During the time that they were feeding the heart tissue, they would have to trim it continually every few days because it would grow so rapidly. Having no control glands (pituitary and pineal glands), the tissue just continued to grow rapidly and, because of this, they had to watch it over the years and the doctors and associates kept  the heart tissue alive for fifteen years. After the doctor died, his associates kept it alive for two more years before destroying it so they could do more research work on it. This shows the high food value cayenne gives to heart tissue.

This is why so many, many amazing instances have come to light, people who have used cayenne when they had heart attacks because, in most cases, your heart attack is a case of malnutrition. The heart hasn’t had a decent meal for so long that it is practically starved, and we give it immediately a good meal instead of whipping it with nitroglycerine or digitalis or some other type of drug to force it to beat rapidly to bring more food values to the heart so that it could find a little help to keep going.  Here we give the cayenne directly to the system, and it goes into the heart area acting as a good full meal. Many fast responses come from this.”

Cayenne is called ose nkiri in Igbo, atare in Yoruba language, Tatashi in Hausa, and its botanical name is capsicum pepper. As a cure all it reduces or even cures severe chronic allergic and nonallergic conditions that make people’s noses run constantly.

Herbalist John R. Christopher suggests this formula for making a cayenne tincture: Put one ounce of dried capsicum in a glass jar. Add one pint of alcohol such as 150 proof. Close the jar tightly and shake it four times daily. Keep mixture in the jar for only two weeks and no longer. Strain the liquid through double-layered cheesecloth. Begin this process at the start of a full moon (this should be new moon) for greater potency. Store in an amber glass bottle. Seal tightly. To use, place six drops of the tincture under the tongue twice daily or else dilute the same amount in six ounces of water or juice. Take on an empty stomach or between meals. Note: if you are taking nitroglycerin for angina, do not discontinue medication or use this remedy without your physician’s permission.

The anti-inflammatory action of cayenne is attributed to the effect of capsaicin on substance P. Substance P is a nervous system-derived chemical (a peptide), released in the spinal cord as well as from the peripheral nerve endings. This neuropeptide has multiple pro-inflammatory properties and is released in greater quantities from pain transmission nerves located in knee and ankle joints, where a great deal of arthritic swelling usually occurs. Excess substance P isn’t good because it breaks down the cartilage cushions in joints, contributes to osteoarthritis. It also serves as a pain neurotransmitter in both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. In other words, overproduction of substance P in your system means you’ll be feeling a great deal of pain. Capsaicin inhibits the activity of substance P. like arthritis, might be caused by an overproductions of substance P, and that excess receptors for it were in the lungs. A cayenne pepper tincture similar to the one given for angina might help to relieve the labored breathing common asthma.

Cayenne softens the arteries, dilates the circulatory system, strengthens the heart, and cleans the inner walls of the circulatory system and protects against blood clot formation by causing an increase in fibrinolytic (clot-dissolving) activity of the red blood cells.

For bowel disease, neurotransmitter called substance P is released from the peripheral neurons (those outside the brain and spinal cord) that transmit pain signals to the brain; this, in turn, helps regulate the response of the immune system to damaged tissue. People with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases have high numbers of receptors for substance P in their intestinal tissue. With too many substance P receptors in the intestinal tract, the immune system is apt to overreact, inducing enough inflammation to trigger the sensory neurons to send more pain signals and release more substance P. This viscous cycle eventually leads to autoimmune bowel disorders like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Nerve endings that release substance P are also present in the urinary bladder; when any inflammation occurs there, greater amounts of substance P are automatically released, thus exacerbating inflammation.

An ointment made by combining one part of cayenne pepper powder with five parts of melted Vaseline. The mixture can be thoroughly blended and then allowed to cool until in congealed again. Apply this salve topically to injured skin or muscle tissue once a day for about a week.

Capsicum can protect the body against some known food and beverage chemicals that can cause cancer and induce cell mutations. (When capsaicin is taken with plant chlorophyll its mutagenic properties are suppressed.)

For common cold and influenza symptoms take one teaspoon of cayenne powder in a glass of warm water with the juice of one lemon and a teaspoon of honey; stir thoroughly and drink slowly. The cayenne helps to flush out the bacteria and viruses responsible for the cold or flu by causing eyes to water, skin to sweat, nose to run, and lungs to discharge. This rush of fluids from the body carries out the invisible microbes responsible for such infections. Certain medicinal herbs are known for their strong hypoglycemic actions: garlic and onion, goldenseal and pau d’arco. Another equally potent hypoglycemic agent is cayenne pepper. For diabetes mellitus the recommended dose of cayenne is two to four capsules daily with meals. The “hypoglycemic effect” means that the cayenne lowered blood sugar which is what insulin does because diabetics have high blood sugar. But for those already suffering from low blood sugar, cayenne is better avoided. In the treatment of duodenal ulcer, capsaicin is given regularly to increase the flow of protective mucus within the gut, thereby helping to heal duodenal ulcers.

The cholesterol-reducing properties of capsaicin have been studied by various biochemists and reported in the scientific literature. Capsaicin has been shown to help prevent cholesterol associated heart diseases such as arteriosclerosis and it’s more advanced for atherosclerosis.

For general and chronic fatigue; capsaicin, by itself, can be very hypoglycemic, but when used in combination with equal amounts of ginseng and gotu kola, capsaicin can increase biochemical endurance during periods of emotional and physical stress. A Compound known as antioxidants effectively check the free-roaming and ravaging behavior of free radicals. Capsorubin, a carotenoid associated with capsaicin in cayenne pepper, functions as an excellent antioxidant that diminishes the potentially harmful actions of the free radicals.

Nasal sprays containing tiny amounts of capsaicin are used to treat the intense pain of cluster headaches; also capsaicin ointment applied to the temples, the ointment raised the temperature at the temples, A useful remedy from the Maya Indians of Belize calls for a warm tea made from cayenne pepper to be used in breaking up congestion in the nose, head and sinuses.

If cayenne pepper, known by the Igbo’s as Ose nkiri, atare by the Yoruba’s and Tatashi in Hausa language can remedy stroke, hemorrhage, herpes virus, hypertension, indigestion, assist in  treating infection duo to high vitamin C contain. Body itching, lumbago pain, night blindness, multiple sclerosis, nerve inflammation, neuralgia, obesity, pain, lack of appetite, and toothache, then it is truly a panacea [cure-all].

Dr. Tonifelix C. Manu



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