
Who Are Heroes Of The Earth?

Likewise, the scientific field have made many advancement in life of humanity.

Majority of scientific inventions are needful but there are some elements of science that are injurious to humanity. Instance can be the manufacturing of weapons and ammunitions.

The tales of Atomic bomb at Nagasaki and Hiroshima during the final days of second world war is a practical demonstration that weapon manufacturing is a great treat to human existence.

The world powers in 1960s have come to the realization that the proliferation of nuclear weapons is a total treats, therefore have jointly devised a strategy of its mutually assured destruction.

Yahweh has spoken through the prophets that at the fullness of time, men will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks, nations will not lift up sword against nations, neither will they learn war any more.

The present war situation is occasioned by negative mentality of humanity. So at man’s full awareness of self, we will not learn wars and cannot praise those that prosecute them. Our leaders will be Yahweh-Anointed who will lead us by the word of Yahweh in his original scriptures.

So all those officers we adore and praise presently because of their roles in our statehood will be finally adjudged to be villains, enemies of our well-beings for they led us into wars that devoured human souls , the greatest handwork of Yahweh.

In the days of Yahoshea Meshiyach, the contest of who is to lead Hebrews was there. While the Pharasees lust for a leader/soldier that will raise strong army to fight for their freedom from Roman captivity. But Yahoshea who was their true king came as a non-violent personality and that prompted them to reject him.

A person from above must certainly be above all. His thesis, theories and conclusions must certainly be above the imaginations and erections of the wordlings.

Although he may be misunderstood, rejected and attacked by the earthlings but his works remains the final upon all the wills of the earth and such person must certainly be proven as the true celebrity or heroe of the earth and those few who process behind him must certainly be remembered for their works even after many centuries of their demise.

This is a healthy conclusion but we have some relevant points which can be handled as we advance in doing justice to this serious question of life as “who are the Heroes of the earth”? we must endeavour to trace those who are of above (heaven) or those of the earth. It is equally certain that the earth knows their own and celebrates them. The earthlings have all through their existence celebrated those men that they felt advanced their course through various fields and disciplines.

But their greatest known celebrities are specially those leaders that used force to humiliate their enemies and set for themselves communities, states, nations and continents.

Those alleged brave leaders who loved the course of their people, who fought to defend the customs and traditions of their people, those who maim, destroy other sect of peoples or communities to establish what they term as their kingdoms and thrones. Those who prosecute wars to defend themselves, families, kindreds, towns, states or nations and becomes aggressive against the wishes, wills and existence of other communities that they term as opposition.

The world honours such people as heroes because they defended such intents without considering their opposition as people of equal brotherhood that need existence equally. Such worldly acclaimed heroes do not consider the need to raise entire humanity, rather they exhaust their power defending their selfish or colonial interest.

At the fullness of time, such people must be found as villains because those they alleged as enemies that deserve death or extinction were equal brothers from same original forebear  Adama and Chawah.

Another set of humans that enjoy ovations are those leaders as kings and queens who advance the course of their ethnicity or nations, their traditions and customs by conquering other communities with swords and spears and forcing them to believe in what they belief as a people. This can be termed as colonialists.

To such colonialists, other people of other communities or ethnicity are seen as slaves or worthless men that can only exist by obeying blindly their proclamations, they impose their custom upon other people and concludes other people’s customs as taboo and sacrilegious.

Yet there are other leaders that favour harmonization of all traditions of peoples under him as Emperor Constantine the great did.

Emperor Constantine assembled all quarrelling religious groups under Roman kingdom to form what is termed as Roman Catholic Church. This mixture brought the agents of Yahweh and agents of the worldly traditions together, a mixture that Yahoshea Meshiyach did not approve while physically on earth.

Yahoshea Meshiyach did not compromise with the chief priests and Pharisees of his days knowing that they represent traditions of men. His immediate disciples laid down their precious lifes while defending the theory of their master  Yahoshea Meshiyach.

The subsequent disciples were confronted with unsterilized pagans who cunningly made their way into the assembly with intention of destroying or corrupting the doctrines put forth by Yahoshea.

Those pagans who covered themselves under the costume of Yahoshea were those who swiftly accepted invitation by Emperor Constantine for religious harmony at the convocted council of Ladocia by 425AD.

Constantine the Roman Emperor was praised for convocting such religious council through which all doctrines of Yahoshea Meshiyach were dropped and those of Sun God worshipers favoured. Till this moment, the Christendom is operating on the foundation of Emperor Constantine who openly changed Sabbath day rest that falls on Saturday of Roman calendar to the Venerable day of the Sun (Sunday) which is divinely set as the first day of the week.

Emperor Constantine committed many religious blunders that constitute issues of concern at the present age. And Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Comforter in his book  Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures (HOIS) put the issues raised by Emperor Constantine in the 3rd Epistle of Prophet Yahmarabhi, Versus 1 – 27 and it reads as:- “Many people of different religious persuasions meet me daily asking to know all about the spiritual world and religion. Most of them always want to know about Emperor Constantine and his cross. This has always been my reply to this question.

Meshiyach  Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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