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The Characteristics of Soul, A Divine Spark of God!

Most religions of the world agree that God created man in His own image. But this image is often regarded as the HU-man image. And thus man continues to expect God to appear in the image of man erroneously believing that he as man wears the same structure as God. This erroneous belief has made man to disregard the spiritual aspect of himself and man often goes through life without understanding his spiritual and physical composition.

            This image is however the subject matter of today’s topic.

            What is man? What image is man created in? Is man made of only flesh and bones as our physicians and scientists have told us? What makes man not to realize the spiritual aspect of himself? How can man know who he is and understand God?

            Man, the Hu-man being consists of three distinct parts; physical flesh often regarded as the HU-man body, mind and the spiritual aspect known as Soul.

            The HU-man body is born through the biological process of mating between man and woman and thus a counterpart of man his made and delivered as a baby which grows to become an adult and later gets old and disintegrates through the process of death and returns to the soil in a complete cycle. It is pertinent to note that the physical body is sustained by substances drawn from the soil and as it dies these are returned back to the soil. But this is not the real man because it is a body of illusion which can be compared to a school uniform discarded after a period of  a maximum of 100 years. And thus man is regarded to have died. But man does not die. Only the physical body dies. The mind and the spiritual aspect known as Soul continue to live in another dimension. This is why you see your dead relatives after they have dropped the physical body in death. The physical body corresponds to the physical universe.

            The second aspect of the composition of man is the mind. This is the gateway between the spiritual aspect, Soul and the HU-man body commonly referred to as man. This body known as mind is of a finer structure and for those whose spiritual eyes have been opened, it can be seen as a starry shinning light. This cannot be seen with the physical eyes. Though our scientists like Sigmud Freud and others have come beside the fringes of mind study, they could not fathom the psychic composition of mind stuff and it continues to intrigue man till today. Your religion cannot tell you about the mind simply because most religions except few are founded based on the activities of the mind which corresponds with the third heaven on the psychic planes.

            The mind is the instrument where thoughts and philosophical mind stuff originates. It has the ability to influence the physical body. Often times we have heard of the phrase ‘mind over matter’ and stories abound of how man has been able to perform a lot of phenomena through the development of the mind. But the job of the mind is actually to transmit instructions between Soul and the HU-man body. When man is not aware of Soul, the mind then rules the body and influences most of the decisions of man. And thus man’s thoughts, words and actions are influenced from the third heaven known as the mental plane and man cannot understand the spiritual aspect of himself and continues to regard himself as the HU-man body. Man cannot access the spiritual heavens of God using the mind.

            Often times you hear people say ‘my soul, my soul’ simply because they think they are body that owns Soul. How can the body which disintegrates into ordinary matter own Soul. For those who say ‘my soul, your soul’ , it is the indication of their level of spiritual ignorance and one can see how the blind leads the blind into further spiritual penury.

            The third component of man and the real man, which is still a mystery to the Hu-man race, is Soul, a divine spark of God. This is the image created in the likeness of God. This is the body of glory, shinning like a thousand suns put together! This is the image of God within man and any HU-man who has seen Soul in true glory can never thirst again from the divine love and wisdom of God.

            Soul is created by God out of the Holy Spirit and shares the same attributes of the Holy Spirit; wisdom, freedom and love. Whenever it picks up a body, it becomes individualized and capable of having experiences. It is sent down into the psychic and physical worlds to learn how to give and receive the divine love of God through interaction with all life. Soul is eternal and a spark of God. As such Soul exists because of God’s love for it. It cannot die, cannot be lost, cannot drown, cannot be stolen and cannot burn in hell as stated in some religions because anything that happens to Soul happens to God!

            Therefore Soul is not bounded by matter, time and space and as such is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, however in a potential form that needs to be developed and realized. This is what Soul will need to come and learn and study in the lower worlds education centers scattered all over the universes of God.

            Descending from the heavens of God, Soul passes through three distinct areas on its journey to the farthest part of the universe. From the pure spiritual worlds, it passes through the psychic regions, which comprises of the fourth heaven, third heaven, second heaven, first heaven and then earth in the physical universe. As Soul passes through all this regions it simply picks up bodies or sheaths that corresponds to the vibratory states of these heavens so as to partake in the activities of these areas.

For the purpose of this write up, Soul picks up the mind at the third heaven and eventually picks up the Hu-man body (school uniform) on the physical plane to study for a period of usually about 100 years after which it withdraws back through death of the physical body, into the next heaven closest to it until it re-incarnates and picks another body to continue its mission or to come and ‘reap what it has sown’ in the previous lives. This is the meaning of destiny that controls your life whether you pray for a thousand hours or not. Soul continues to come and reap whatever it has sown for more than millions of years depending on how long it takes that Soul to know Itself and start its journey back home to God.

When Soul learns to know about Itself, the secrets of God are shown to Soul because within the microcosm is contained the secrets of the macrocosm. Thus the secrets of God are contained in the body of the lowly worm and indeed, the body of the ant as in the HU-man body. When Soul fails to know about itself, then it has shut the door on its knowledge of God and as such It will continue to go round and round on the wheel of karma and reincarnation, the wheel of the eighty-four, the wheel of coming an going until it comes in contact with a Living Godman, a Spiritual Coach, who will then turn the attention of Soul towards the Journey back home to God.

            When Soul decided to study at this educational center, he was not left alone. It is always given an opportunity to meet the living Godman if it so chooses. For there is no hurry in Soul returning back home to God. But the conditions and situations Soul finds it self will constantly propel Soul to find its way back home to God. Pain and suffering are usually the ingredients that forces Soul to study itself and begin its journey back home to god.

            For those who wish to start the journey, this is an opportunity to make direct contact with the Living Godman by singing the Holy and Sacred name of God. This Holy name of God is capable of putting Souls that are ready back on the path to God and linking Soul directly to the Holy Spirit of God. This can be done by simply putting ones attention in between the two eyebrows after sitting quietly or lying on a couch. The individual should breathe in and breathe out calmly and in an outward breadth sing the word HU with eyes closed like this;Huuuuueeee in a long drawn out breath. This can be sung for about 5 to 10 minutes for a beginner up to a maximum of 20 minutes. This should be done every night before going to bed and the individual should ask God any question then watch his dreams. For God replies all his creatures directly through their dreams. Any individual who obtains second hand information through any man of god or prophet is only enslaving himself as the individual has refused to claim his heritage as a direct child of God. Any individual who also places his hand on another, as a messenger of God is also a usurper. For any messenger of God should be able to link all Souls directly to the voice of God known as the Holy Spirit. Instead of giving man fish, it is better to teach man how to fish directly rather than enslaving man.

Man know thyself!

By Tuborki Dauyemie

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