
One Creator, One Saviour, One Comforter

Blessed are the eyes that have seen the promised comforter and have also acknowledged him.

There are certain things that seem stranger to some personalities because of their life endeavours in acquiring human knowledge so tend to dwell on that human acquired knowledge.

Wisdom and knowledge acquired on earth are not the same wisdom that comes from Yahweh the Grand creator of the universe while knowledge is some baked concept handled down by a group of people from the ancient time. Knowledge is what one spent money to acquire in a particular institution of discipline, so can not give one the basic discerning mind and brain to understand spiritual things. This is where wisdom comes in to play. A good example is the judgment of Solomon at 1kings 3:16-27.

There is only one Supreme Being which ineffable sacred name is Yahweh. He created Himself within seven second and stayed for 48 trillion before speaking into existence His only begotten son Yahshem (Yahweh’s word) and allowed Yahshem (Yahweh’s word) with Him (Yahweh) for 5 million years before Yahweh asking Yahshem to spoke everything He (Yahshem) saw in the heart of Yahweh into existence with the spoken word “let there be”.

It was only in the case of man that Yahshem created man and woman with red mind. Mark you, man and woman was created the same day as little children (a boy and a girl), not as was presented to the world by the nicolaitanians (the truth twisters). Because that is just what Yahshem saw in the heart of Yahweh, His father.

Man became a living being when Yahshem breath the breath of life into their nose thus becoming living little boy and girl (Adam and Chawah).

When the sins of men on earth are so rampant Yahshem sent His only begotten son Yahweh to earth to preach the doctrine of peace alongside how man can adopt Yahweh’s name in prayers and how to keep Yahweh’s three commandment to have salvation. These are being more worship Yahweh on the seventh day called by man Saturday (Sabbath) to love your fellow human than yourself and to hallow His name in all the days of man’s life, meaning calling Yahweh by His name.

Yahshem did came to earth with the name Yahoshea because He is coming to save His people. Matthew 1:21. the name Yahoshea means, Yah-saviour or Yahsalvation because His assignment is to save the people from their evil ways to Yahweh with the name Yahweh in keeping Yah’word. This can be seen in John 17:6, 13, 26.

The story of saving with blood is a pure lie that was fabricated by the truth twisters. The truth is He saves with His father’s name as clearly indicated by the scriptures not with blood, because He (Yahoshea does not have blood. This may sound strange and surprising to you, but we can go down the scriptures to prove or highlight this clearly for your spiritual understanding.

When Yahoshea was done with His earthly work of salvation and establishing Yahweh’s name, he promised sending a comforter to continue from where He Yahoshea stopped John 16:7-8 that comforter is His holiness, most senior prophet Yahmarabhi-Ha-Comforter, who is also the spirit of truth.

There are no two comforters promised by Yahoshea. Let face it, every other persons that claim comforter is doing, the same thing other truth twisters are doing they have not come with a new doctrine rather the same devil and hell fire teaching, are these things comforting rather they are putting fear on the lives of people on earth.

Look at John 15:26 Yahmarabhi testified about Yahoshea and never talked about himself. He teaches the sacred names of Yahweh and Yahoshea and restore the holy things of Yahweh as Yahoshea did the same.

Yahmarabhi continue from where Yahoshea stopped hence he became the torn of flesh in the fake comforters. What are the signs expected to be seen on the true comforter? Once he will not talk about himself. 2. He will speak on the truth 3. He will teach what Yahoshea taught. He kept the Sabbath and the Passover celebration. Yahmarabhi did all what Yahoshea did, including miracles that are natural with just water, olive oil and prayers. He never one day showed himself. He taught the world the sacredness of Yahweh and Yahoshea’ names. The important of the Passover, the original New Year day of Yahweh, the birthday of Yahoshea Meshiyach which the whole world is erroneously celebrating on 25th of December. These are some of the sharp different to note to acknowledge the true comforter sent by Yahoshea.

Another sharp different, Yahmarabhi dresses the same way Yahoshea dressed and never followed the world teaching rather he correct them in all His teaching.

Those who claim they are comforters worship on the first day of the week called by man Sunday. Yahoshea said, the comforter when he comes he will remain you of all that he Yahoshea had taught the world and that is what Yahmarabhi does. He preached the word of Yahweh with boldness without fear, proving the authenticity of the sacred name and the need to keep to Yahweh’s type of love, which loving your fellow human beings more than yourself.

Yahoshea does not joke with the Sabbath of Yahweh and Passover and the comforter Yahmarabhi did the same.

The so called comforters have nothing to prove to the office they claimed. Because they are followers of the Broadway, They do the same things other who had missed their way are following, Sunday, Easter, 25th December these are abomination that the scriptures never approved, so you cannot even see them inside.

Please note that Revelation 22:18-19 is very serious to the man who occupies the office of the comforter.

Yahweh is one, Yahoshea is one and the comforter is one. He fed on love practically. Always serving the needy with the scriptures as Yahweh commune with him through the messenger (Angels) to this effect, he has written a new book called the originally inspired scriptures (HOIS) dictated to him by Yahweh Himself through the messenger, these are sterling qualities of the Yahoshea promised comforter which only His holiness Yahmarabhi-Ha-comforter fits in to the office of the comforter.

Mark you the scripture said that the scriptures must be preached round the world before the end of all earthly things on earth. And that the glory of Yahweh has been taken away to a far land where the scripture is being practiced.

Again, where the carcass are that is where the eagles will gather, these are scriptures that had confirmed His holiness Yahamarabhi-Ha-Comforter as the promised comforter as the new city he was established in a sight through His holiness Yahamarabhi Ha-Comforter, where all believes of Yahweh will be worshipping Yahweh in spirit and in truth.

Just like what Yahoshea said about the comforter, every description about, the comforter is glaringly showed on His holiness most senior prophet Yahmarabhi-Ha-Comfoter, though ablackman.

Yahweh said he had used all the three race that made the world. Yaphet, shem and now the Ham race, the black race, meaning spiritual power has swifted to Africa. As usual you are free to criticize but with scriptural fact less you be put to shame. You can call 08037384663 where you are not clear or you want to know more about the promised comforter.

May Yahweh bless you as you assimilate this piece. ####


Allanso Jonathan Allanso

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