
Is Christianity Founded By The Saviour?

Christians point to the Bible for answers to such challenging questions. For instance, the present King James Version of Bible point that Yahoshea was nailed to the cross at Calvary. Scriptural expressions as “if you are the son of Yahweh, come down from the cross”, “The soldier forced Simon of Cyreme to carry Yahoshea’s cross” and such related ones were sporadically visible in many pages of the New Testament of the bible in its account of Yahoshea’s death.

This deadly error of the church was brought upon it by wrong translations and misinterpretations of the original scriptures. In all the verses that the word “CROSS” appeared in the new testament of the Bible was originally written with the Greek word as “STAUROS”.

According to Greek scholar W. E. Vine, “Stauros” “denotes, primarily, an upright pale or stake. On such malefactors were hanged to execution. Both the noun and the verb Stauroo, to fasten to a stake or pale, are originally to be distinguished from the ecclesiastical form of a two-beamed cross”.

Again the Imperial Bible dictionary asserts that Stauros, “properly signified a stake, an upright pole, or a piece of palling by which anything can be hang or which can be used in impaling a piece of ground. It continued as thus “Even amongst the Romans, the “Crux”, (Latin from which the Cross is derived) appears to have been originally an upright pole”.

The Catholic Encyclpedia states as thus, “Certain it is, at any rate, that the cross originally consisted of a simple vertical pole, sharpened at its upper end”.

Another Greek word for Stauros is Xy’lon which is equally translated as a piece of timber,  a wooden stake or a tree.

The Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek New Testament has the following observation of both words (Stauros and Xy’lon) “Both words disagrees with the modern idea of a cross, with which we have become familiarized by pictures”.

If the scholars were certain that Yahoshea Meshiyach was not hanged on a cross, why do they claim such error and why do they make it part or to occupy centre stage of Christian practices?

The answer is basically simple, because the church of Jesus Christ had no interest of flowing along by Yahoshea-set doctrines but goes along with the traditions of ancient Romans and Greeks.

Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures (HOIS) pointed that Cross emerged from Babylon pagan worship as Mystic TAU or Tammuz symbol.

The doctrine of Cross adoration was an ancient belief that existed for thousands of years before the birth of Yahoshea Meshiyach, so he was never its originator and can never be responsible of its adoption into worship. As champion against idolatory, Yahoshea did not observe the doctrines of Romans of his days. His life, ministry, death and resurrection with inclusion of those of his immediate disciples did not have anything in common with cross adoration and worship.

The church is not the only religious group that adopts cross as its central dogma. Numerous sects that are far removed from Bible and Church relationship equally venerate crosses.

For example, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and depiction of their gods and goddesses often show a cross in the shape of “T” with a circle at the top. It is called the ANSATE or handle-shaped cross and is thought to be a symbol of life in Egypt. This symbol of cross was used by Coptic Church and others.

Likewise the orientalists and students of pre-historic archeology of the Sanskirt identify cross by name as Swastika which is used by Hindus and Buddhists in their worship.

The Book;- “Vines Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words” states, – By the middle of the 3rd century AD, the churches had either departed from, or had travestied, certain doctrines of the faith of true followers of the savour. In order to increase the prestige of the apostate ecclesiastical system, Pagans were received into the church apart from regeneration by faith and were permitted largely to retain their pagan signs and symbols.” This include the cross and other forms of molten images.

A servant will certainly imitate his master in all manner of actions and conducts. A true follower of the saviour or a sect that represent him will certainly not compromise his set principles even when under great pressure.

At present, Christendom is more politically divided with horrible history of violent and crises-ridden. Historical records indict church of Jesus Christ to be the greatest and finest blood-sucker with regards to prosecution of wars to defend political and religious integrity.

After the death of true followers of Yahoshea Meshiyach, a corrupted form of their professed faith emerged with the name “CHRISTIANITY” and was widespread throughout the Roman Empire.

Such falling from pure and standard worship as set by Yahoshea and his elect was a foretold event and such apostasy actually came to pass in 4th century when the state of Rome and the already weakened followers of Yahoshea Meshiyach merged to bring forth the Christendom as a universal faith.

The advent of Christianity did not represent the true standard set by Yahoshea or his early followers, neither did the new found faith (Christendom) destroyed paganism of the ancients, rather it adopt it and made itself the widest umbrella for all pagan entities in the globe.

As Christendom emerged and drifted away from Yahosheanism which was the accurate sect founded by Yahoshea Meshiyach, it became a sordid force against all characters, opinions and doctrines of Yahoshea and his true followers. True Yahosheans were subjected to torture and forceful deaths as many were either hanged publicly or burnt at a stake.

Coercive methods that were prejudicial to human rights were applied by the church authorities against Yahosheans.

The church of Jesus Christ carried out such massive torture and killings under the symbol of cross. The church did such theological blasphemy because it considered itself as a perfect society and trustee of absolute power over all other consciences.

The church of fourth century witnessed the transference of political powers of Emperors of Roman Kingdom to Popes of Roman Catholic Church who applied all manners of totalitarian ideologies that were carried by the former (emperors).

“Is Christianity founded by the savour?” remains the caption of this article as we unearth those irregularities and unfamiliar attitudes of the Christendom that does not in any manner suggest it to be founded by Yahoshea Meshiyach.


Meshiyach  Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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