
Is Christianity Founded By The Saviour?

The true disciples of Yahoshea at the early formation of the church did no accept that pagan thought or its influence.

One of widely known Passover feasts advocate and defender was Melito of Sardis of 2nd century. The account held that after the dispersion of Hebrews from their homeland, very many of them run down to Sardis for security of their lifes. The city of Sardis was filled of Hebrew people. They brought along their religion and observed all Yahweh ordained festivals to them. Passover festival was one of the famous festival of the Hebrews at the land of Sardis. Yahosheans who ran along to the city of Sardis retained the Passover festival of 13th Abib as directed by the their master.

At those days, Melito was the Bishop of the church in that land of Sardis and he stood to defend the true scriptural events. When the persecution of defenders of Passover became imminent. He wrote a petition to Emperor of Rome – Marcus Aureluss as thus: “we bring to you this request alone, that you yourself examine the authors of such strife and judge righteously whether they are worthy of death and punishment or of safety and immunity.

But if this counsel and new decree which is not proper even against barbarian enemies be not from you, we beg you much more not to overlook us in the midst of such lawless plundery by the mobs”.

This pathetic appeal of Melito to the emperor was an expression of humiliation upon Passover defenders.

The earth is a box of mystery and efforts to unravel it and answer adequately the required questions of life often lead seekers into utter confusion.

One of the most confusing nature of humanity is that those that claim to bear torch of light are indeed pillars of darkness. Those who claim to be friendly are often the worst of enemies. Those that claim to be leaders of hope are indeed the worst of devourers to the people they claim to lead. Likewise the acclaimed teachers are often more ignorant than those they hold as students.

Infact, all such questions are not meals for mere mortals because they must always remain confused in the presence of any enquiry especially when they encounter impositor for explanations.

It is confusing indeed for Christianity that claim to live after Yahoshea Meshiyach to tactically adulterate all creeds that he lived and died for. Yahoshea was a hero that fought against all forms of idolatory and succeeded but the church that claim to be a stock of his followers are totally engrossed by adulterous apparel.

We continue to seek to know of the position of Christianity in reference to discipleship of Yahoshea through the caption as  “IS CHRISTIANITY FOUNDED BY THE SAVOUR?

As enumerated above, there are no possible marks to identify Christianity to have been founded by Yahoshea Meshiyach. Another well known deviation of the church is about image worship or adorations. This unholy character steams across all faces of Christendom in one form or the other. Non-adoration of molten images is one of the fundamental laws of Yahweh to his chosen people. By the provision of that law, Yahweh authentically warned against the worship of any form of image or in any manner by his chosen people. Adoration of images is a spread behaviour of all pagan people or nations.

When the children of Yahweh were under Greek captivity, the Greeks desecrated the temple of Yahweh by erecting the image of Zeus in its alter and forced all Hebrews to bow down to worship it. This was total abomination to Yahweh and his people, so when they were freed of the bondage through Maccabbees, they moved into the temple and destroyed all unholy images.

The image of Zeus was destroyed and festival of reconciliation was instituted to commemorate the victory of Yahweh’s people over the Greek pagan captivity.

Shortly after the rededication of the temple, the Hebrews made another blunder by adopting the Star symbol and image that they termed as “STAR OF DAVID OR STAR OF BETHLEHEM” as a token of purity and holiness. They adopted that symbol and erected its image  form in the alter. This was totally idolatory that Yahweh warned them through the ancient prophets.

When Yahoshea Meshiyach came, he frowned against the STAR symbol that associated the worship at Yahudea (Judea).

On that fateful 13th Abib that he took to last Passover feast with his disciples at a rented Upper floor Assembly, he openly demonstrated his discomfort over adoration of star image by temple worshippers and could not include such evil and adulterous relic when he decorated his alter.

After his demise, his disciples guided against any form of idolatory in their daily activities. This holy behaviour ensued until the infiltration of pagan Greeks who did not sincerely surrender their pagan attitudes but carried them into the assembly.

By influence of Greek converts, their pagan ordinances had to conflict with sound doctrines that were practiced by Yahoshea Meshiyach and his devout disciples.

One of their early misdeeds was the replacement of the name of the saviour being Yahoshea to Zeus or Ihsous which was their pagan idol. The name Zeus was later transformed to Jesus of present usage.

Another deadly introduction by Greek brethren was the “CRUCIFIX” into the Assembly of Yahoshea.

The cross symbol or image by all inclinations is a pagan idol image of the ancient days before the advent of Yahoshea. The present day Christianity holds the cross image or symbol as a holy relic.

For example, one notable encyclopedia put it this way, “The Cross is the most familiar symbol of Christianity”.

Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach in his full submission in his book called  Holy Originally Inspired Scripture (HOIS) asserted that cross image or symbol is a total expression of paganism and disobedience to Yahweh’s commandment which frowned against such attitude.

The Confusing question still arise there, why do Christianity that claim to live after Yahoshea Meshiyach publicly practice what is seen as abomination or sin by him and Yahweh that sent him? Can a worthy disciple practice opposing doctrine against his master? Will such person do the will of his master or that of his own self-making? Christians have to answer that questions adequately before realizing whom they adopted as their leader and founder. This will give them clue whether they are followers of Yahoshea or are they behind the worldly scholars that instituted the traditions of men into worship.

Many religious works and paintings of Christianity depicts Yahoshea to be nailed to a cross. Why did the cross symbol so widespread amongst Christianity as held by some other pagan sects of the globe?

Meshiyach  Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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