
Dying Daily

Death is a subject nobody is willing to dwell upon. It is a phenomenon that people pay little attention to simply because they consider it too dreadful or they see it as an inevitable end to life. Others also see it as an end to the one-life syndrome as taught by their religion and as such they miss the whole point about life.

Death is not the end of life. For if it were, people will not be having experiences with their loved ones who have passed away either through old age, illnesses or accidents or any other form of dropping the HU-man body. For if death were the end of life, one would not be able to visit the third heaven of God and come back to report the wonderful story. For those who believe that birth is the beginning of life and death the end of it, they belong in the school of spiritual kindergartens.   Indeed the HU-man being, commonly referred to as man consists of three distinct parts namely: Spirit, Mind and Body. But on the outside the ignorant man sees himself as only the physical body. From this perspective, man becomes desperate about life, for he does not even know the reason why he is on earth nor does he know the reason for his physical presence in this physical world. His existence is based on what he can perceive physically with his physical equipment such as the eyes for seeing, nose for smelling, legs and arms for movement. From this perspective man exists from birth to old age and to the grave. Survival is based on physical existence only. Life is about being born, going to school as a child, going to school or learning a skill, becoming an adult, getting married, rearing children, struggling for money to solve the numerous self- created problems, growing old and waiting to die. This individual who believes he is a physical body has forgotten the reason he is on earth. Through his thoughts, words, actions, inactions and feelings he is judged by the Spiritual Hierarchy and sent back to this physical world to come and settle his debts and receive what he is being owed. He could continue this pattern of life for millions of years without knowing his true self. Suffering becomes a way of life and survival is based on the physical senses.

The individual who operates from the mind level approaches life from the perspective of the physical man but with a little bit of difference. From childhood, he is thought in the ways of earthly religion, which controls his life rigidly from cradle to grave. His religion actually governs his thoughts words or actions and as such anything contrary to such views is fought to a stand still. His life is governed by the experiences of others with God that is documented in Holy Books. He does not bother to experience the voice of God commonly known as the Holy Spirit and as such he is born, educated in the religion he has earned through parents or school, attends a college, gets married, rears children and learns to pray to God to help him solve problems he created for himself but wishes to escape from. Such problems without his knowledge are carry-over from former lifetimes that has manifested as destiny in the present life.

Thus the mind- controlled man believes he can change the will of God through prayers of any form without regard for the will of God in his life or in any situation. He uses his mind as a force and as such attempts to substitute his will for God’s will in his life. For if he knew the will of God why should he pray? His prayer is the evidence that he does not know the will of God. For if man did know the will of God, there would not be any need to pray or beg God for anything in life for all things have already been created by God for man to manifest and enjoy.

If man knew the will of God why pray? For what?

For the mind- controlled man, prosperity is the meaning of his existence. He believes that his God loves him and the evidence of this is prosperity or material goods. As such he prays for money, contracts, cars, good wife or husband, long life and waits to die to go to heaven in old age. Some even steal money to prepare for their burial! Unbelievable but it happens. Such is the spiritual depravity of man in HU-man flesh.

But because the mind controlled man has not visited the heavens of God before, he is surprised when he is given sometime to rest after death and sent right back to earth to come and ‘inherit’ and payback all the problems he had created before is death. As such he comes back to reap what he has sown. For the man who plants cocoyam cannot come and reap banana. Never! Through the laws of Karma and Reincarnation, he is forced through destiny, to come and pay for all his thoughts, words and deeds to the letter. In this judgment, there is no begging. He goes through life without knowing the forces that make him go through certain experiences. He becomes like a pawn on a spiritual chessboard.

The Spiritual man is that individual that has come to know that he is Soul but wears the HU-man body and knows the relationship between Soul, mind and body. He knows that the mind is but the servant of man that originated from the mental plane, the third heaven of God. He has come to know that the mind must not be allowed to act as the leader of man but rather as the servant through which certain actions on earth are manifested according to the will of God and not as the will of man. Therefore, the lifetime-objective of the Spiritual man his to learn how to align his will with the will of God at all times and in all situations. Thus he achieves Spiritual Freedom in this lifetime. This is the ability to liberate oneself from the wheel of life and death, the wheel of karma and reincarnation, the law of coming and going.

Thus the spiritual man knows that he is Soul and as such he is, though in the HU-man body, is not separated from God Almighty. For in Soul he is created in the image and likeness of God. He knows the HU-man body dies and gets rotten but as Soul he simply drops the HU-man body and goes knowingly into the heavens of God without fear or apprehension. For he has learnt how to die daily by going beyond the limitations of religion.

Every night he goes to sleep, he dis-entangles himself from the HU-man body through spiritual techniques he has practiced on a daily basis. Through these techniques of leaving the HU-man body, he learns how to die daily. Therefore at death, he knows the route to the heavens of God since he has been doing it every day. He simply leaves the HU-man body and moves into the pure heavens of God.Anyone who tells you that you have to die before going to heaven does not know the way. He does not have the authority nor has he experienced heaven.

As such, the spiritual man is born and retains part of the goals of his present lifetime. He grows up, discovers the HU, the Holy name of god, recognizes it and makes it a part of his daily spiritual regimen. He has come to know that he can contact God daily without any intermediary whatsoever, for he is the spiritual adult. Through this contact, he knows the will of God in any situation even as he walks on the street or sells in a busy market place. He can hear the voice of God at all times but never requests anything from God. For only those separated from God beg God for anything in life. As a Son of God, he can communicate with God in his dreams and decodes messages from God on a daily basis. Through his contact with the Wayshower, the Spiritual Coach, that Special Agent of God, appointed to lead all Souls to God, he is able to visit the heavens of God at will.

He has then become the realized Soul. For he has learnt how to ‘die daily’.

By Tuborki Dauyemie

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