
Is Christianity Founded By The Saviour?

To Yahweh, the nations are nothing. To him its not more than a drop of water. All animals in the forest of Lebanon are not enough for a meal or sacrifice for our Yahweh and its trees are too few to kindle a fire for Yahweh”.

If we are aware of this wise sayings, why do we prefer the traditions of our makings more than ordinances that were put forth from Yahweh? Why do we prefer worldly men and their works more than those sent by Yahweh and what they represent?

Our discussion is directed towards realization of what Christianity represents and its origin. Is it an assembly that represent Yahoshea Meshiyach our saviour or is it an opposite sect to the saviour and his real followers? Therefore we want to know this conditions through the caption, “Is Christianity Founded by the saviour?

As said earlier, a Yahoshean means Yahoshea-like person. That is a person who has abandoned his own ways or those of the world and to follow or adopt the lifestyle of Yahoshea Meshiyach as his master.

By this conviction and conversion, the person must totally abandon the traditions of his people and those of the world to follow those put in place by Yahoshea Meshiyach.

Traditions of men tend to advice or tutor Yahweh and his people on how to go about things of the world. That is why those who merse themselves with the traditions of men raise heads against Yahweh and his set standards.

Yahoshea Meshiyach stood for the principles approved by Yahweh but the agony is that the Christianity that claims to live after him is totally emersed into the river of traditions and customs of men.

There are no tangible features or evidence that Yahoshea Meshiyach founded Christianity.

There is no trace of any doctrine of the church that agreed with the observations of Yahoshea Meshiyach and his early followers. As discussed, Yahoshea Meshiyach and his disciples observed Passover on 13th day of Abib (April) while the church took to Babylonian form of Easter festival.

Passover is a feast that revolves on a particular date (13th Abib) which may fall upon any of the days in a week. For instance, 13th day of Abib may fall on Monday in this year and to fall on Thursday by the following year. So the festival has no recognition of any particular day rather it is a feast that considers the date (13h Abib)).

While Easter recognizes the Ash-Wednesday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday as Babylon tradition spelt. The feast of Easter has no recognition of any particular date but recognizes the days mentioned above.

In Easter feast calculation, it starts on a Wednesday that commences the forty days Lenten period that terminates on a Friday which its following Sunday becomes Easter. By such calculation the Wednesday becomes Ash-Wednesday, the Friday becomes Good Friday while the follow-up Sunday becomes Easter Sunday.

This is exactly how pagan worshippers of Easter celebrate it before the birth of Yahoshea Meshiyach. He therefore did not institute Easter festival and never did such culture emerged from his real early disciples who lived after his lifestyle for they kept the Passover festival on 13th Abib and to end the festival on 20h Abib sumerising it to a full week festival.

The enemies of Yahoshea who cunningly masqueraded themselves as his followers used the advantage of similarities between Passover and Easter festivals to plant their unholy Easter festivals amongst the Yahoshean brethren.

The war to supplant Passover with Easter festival devoured many lifes of true faithfuls of Yahoshea who stood on the conviction that Yahoshea observed the Passover of 13th Abib but not the Easter celebration.

The Passover faithfuls were identified as QUATODECIMANS which means FOURTEENTHERS while EASTER ADVOCATORS were identified as agents of PASSOVER of RESSURECTION which later overtook the real Passover.

To buttress their negative claim, the advocates of Passover of resurrection (Easter) claims that Yahoshea died on Friday evening and resurrected on Sunday morning to fulfill his foretold prophecy that he will be in bowl of the earth for three days and three nights as Jonah was in the bowl of the fish.

This claim is untrue because from Friday evening to Sunday morning is less than two days and two nights by accurate calculation. For example, from the evening of Friday to evening of Saturday is one day and one night, then from Saturday evening to Sunday morning is a half day. How did it became exactly three days and three nights as foretold. Only the pastors and Bishops can answer that questions as well as their Bible. That can be termed as mathematical adgebre of the church.

The original scripture bore that Yahoshea Meshiyah was hanged to death on Wednesday (midweek) and resurrected on Sabbath (Saturday) evening of the week. By such counting, from Wednesday evening to Thursday evening is one day and one night, from Thursday evening to Friday evening is another one day and one night making two days. Finally, from Friday evening to Saturday evening made up the last one day and one night totalling to three full days and three full nights as foretold of him.

By this accurate calculation, Yahoshea did not resurrect on Sunday as claimed by Christianity rather he woke during the evening of the Sabbath (Saturday) to fulfill the prophesied three days and three nights.

The Bible interpreters confused its believers by the account because as  recorded, the disciples finished observing Sabbath, and moved to the Sepculchre only to discover that the thumb was empty. This happened towards the dawn or beginning of the newday being first day of the week (Sunday).

The term  “TOWARDS THE BEGINNING” signifies that they are yet to arrive into the new day being Sunday as claimed, yet the thumb of Yahoshea was already empty.

This is a total expression that Yahoshea has risen from death before the Sunday morning as claimed by the church. It means that Yahoshea resurrected on Sabbath evening which ends by 6pm on Saturday of the week.

By scriptural counting, the day runs from sunset to sunset, meaning that each day starts around 6pm and not by as carried in Lunar Calendar. So early disciples of Yahoshea kept the Sabbath observation and immediately after the service, they moved to the Golgotta and discovered an empty thumb.

Bible scholars and church elders are totally aware that Yahoshea did not resurrect on Sunday but they fixed that day (Sunday resurrection) to continue the ancient held tradition of Rome and Egypt that their saviours (Tammuz and Osiris) died on Friday and resurrected on Sunday mornings.

Meshiyach  Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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