
Is Christianity Founded By The Saviour?

For example, let us study little on the term “MESHIYACH” as taught by Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Comforter of this age “ the term or word “MESHIYACH” is driven from Hebrew word that means- “ANNOINTED ONE”. In English, the term-‘MESHIYACH’ has come to be applied in more closely or corrupted form as “MESSIAH” which is the handwork of the truth twisters.

The concept of Meshiyachism combines the ideal of a Davidic Kingdom with the priestly tradition exemplified by Prophet Moses of old.

Many passages of ancient original scriptures prove the characteristics of a Meshiyach with special focus to Yahoshea who is the chief of all Meshiyachs that have come to earth. Some of such characteristics of expected Meshiyach in those days was that when manifested, will be a suffering servant, one that will be caught up by death in the middle of the week and a sacrificial lamb that will bear the sins of entire mankind.

The Meshiyach of Yahoshea was proclaimed by ancient scriptures, proclaimed by arch-messengers of Yahweh at the time of his conception, birth and baptism.

His Meshiyachship was equally acknowledged by earth-bound spirits and later to be confirmed by Peter (his chief disciple) and by himself.

As he acknowledged that he was the awaited Meshiyach infuriated his kinsmen that made them to unleash their fury on him that subsequently led to his death.

The Hebrew conception of Meshiyachism was derived from the ancient magical idea that the application of oil endows a person with certain superior and supernatural qualities. In ancient Hebrews, the custom of anointing thus signified the endowment of a person with the qualification for exalted office.

The term Meshiyach was not only applied to priests as intermediaries between Yahweh and humanity but also to the Kings as representatives of Yahweh in their Yahcratic rule who thereafter assume prescribed functions.

Later, the term Meshiyach was applied to the Prophets and patriarchs. In the development or infoldment of Meshianic concept, the meaning of the term was narrowed down to the expected redeemer and restorer of Hebrew nation.

In original scriptures that bear account of Yahoshea’s  life and ministry, the term Meshiyach was used as a proper and common noun in both uses, it occurs with or without the definite article and either alone or in combination with other terms and names.

Although his disciples did not have the term-Meshiaych attached to their individual names but were identified and addressed as Meshiyachs.

Their assemblage was promptly identified as for anointing or Meshiyachship that made them to be relative or resemblance to Greek idol worshippers of Christos.

The worshippers of Christos made easy acceptance to Yahosheanism because both sects resemble in character of anointment thus easy assimilation followed. By this union, the Greek brethren cunninlngly changed majority of Yahoshea’s creeds and doctrines with inclusion of his personal name and that of the sect he founded”.

By this submission from Prophet Yahmarabhi, it is certain that Yahoshea Meshiyach did not in any form founded the religious sect known and identified as Christianity but the name came from erroneous actions of Greek scholars and their men in authorities who rounded or grounded all holy deeds put forth by Yahoshea Meshiyach and those of his early disciples and replacing them with Greek pagan idol worship and its creed.

For proof of evidence, Yahoshea Meshiyach took upon his shoulder the duty of propagation of the inevitable name of his father which he identified as Yahweh alone.

This was one of the strongest battles that Yahoshea Meshiaych underwent with Hebrew leaders who were guided by the ignorance or superstition that the name Yahweh was too sacred to be pronounced publicly.

Yahoshea made the name known and publicly and he boastly prayed to Yahweh that he has made his name known to those that he has handed unto him.

This war that Yahoshea fought and imparted such into his fold was later to be frustrated by emerging Greek scholars who pretended as followers of Yahoshea and tactically removed the name from daily usage as originally done by disciples of Yahoshea.

The Greek scholars changed the holy name Yahweh with Elohim that merged from Hebrew superstitions and equally changed Yahoshea Meshiyach with Zeus and Chirtos which later prompted the change of Yahosheanity into Christendom.

The Greek scholars as converts having no appreciation or conviction of the value of laws of Yahweh, rather went ahead to change all laws that Yahweh gave to early Hebrews through their patriarchs and prophets that were adequately re-enacted by Yahoshea Meshiyach to his assembly.

To the Greek, laws are burdensome and tiresome and does not matter in terms of divine worship. This is exactly the thought-pattern of present-day Christendom in regards to Yahweh’s laws.

Yahoshea Meshiyach kept all required laws and advised his disciples to do same. He pointed that anyone who violates any iota of law and teach others to do same will be seen as less in his kingdom. This prove that the kingdom of Yahweh which Yahoshea represent is the kingdom that law acts as a tutor.

By proper explanation, a tutor administers father’s directives in a custodian way to siblings. Tutors however give direct or indirect instruction to the child through supervisions and disciplines. The duty of a tutor includes the inculcating decorum, imparting rebukes and even inflicting physical punishment for misconduct.

The parents of a child is his or her primary tutor. Law is the tutor to all mankind wih speciality to true believers of Yahweh.

Early disciples were of no doubt that divine laws are immutable to true believers and they endeavoured to keep them. But Greek scholars were not comfortable of those laws because they took them as acts of Hebrew culture which has no relevance to universal faith.

Prophet Yahmarabhi said-“As no sheep or other grazing beast ought to exist without herdsman, so children cannot live without a tutor, so law of Yahweh are inevitable”.

Simple survey on religious politics has an adequate answer to those questions. Each tribe or stock values its language and religion intensively. And they use their languages as tool of propagation of their religions to other people. That is why the Judaism sect sees Yahweh as Jew, who hears only Jewish language.

In the orthodox, Yahweh hears only Greek language. To the Catholics he hears Italy alone and to the Arabs and Sankrits, he hears both languages alone and can only be appeased through such languages. This is totally fallacious because Yahweh hears all languages but has his distinct name which must be mentioned or pronounced along all languages in the universe.

To such religions, the name of Yahweh is not relevant to be preserved, it is rather seen as unpronounceable, unwrittable and unreadable. As long as the faithful can recite the creeds and liturgies in their fascalitators languages, the one has satisfied his conscience of

Meshiyach  Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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