
Is Christianity Founded By The Saviour?

Too many people have ask to know whether Yahosheanism is out as a stone throwing religion against other religious sects with special target to Christianity. But their observations are totally incorrect because Yahosheanity is a non-violent spiritual assembly whose target is the exposition of hidden truths that were formally ignored or destroyed by false pen of the scribes.

If exposition of such holy truths and standing firm upon them is an act of warfare or stone-throwing, we may likely be termed as generals and warriors. Such titles fit us because we fear not the storms of delusive energy and as captains, we do not abandon our crew even at the presence of the worst trembling tempest and by the support and alliance of divinity, we Passover all cases. This is certain because only the bests of captains triumphs over troubled waters.

Our targets is not the religious bodies or structures but the delusions and falsehoods that inhabit in those bodies and we are aware that we may be misunderstood and be taken as enemies. But the truth is that whosoever that reveals truths and encourages others to observe them is never an enemy rather anyone that operates under the veil of sacredness and corrupt the spiritual truths and equally commit others to believe and act upon such is a total enemy.

This is a piece of truth you cannot afford to neglect because Yahweh hates injustice , defrauding people the fruits of their labours. In Yahweh, no one takes what belongs to another. Any one that usurps what belongs to a child must certainly surrender it to him in a due season. Christianity as alleged usurped the spiritual right of Yahosheanity and all attempts for us to regain our lost rights may be interpreted as throwing of stones to Christian sect.

Going by the hallowed submissions of His Holiness, Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach, who is the undisputed comforter of the entire globe, what is presently known as Christendom is entirely erroneous because never a time such sect existed in the ancient days. Neither did Yahoshea Meshiyach the real redeemer  himself or any of his first hand disciples founded it (Christendom). Rather it is a political creation of Roman Empire.

Yahoshea gathered disciples that were known by his name and they are Yahosheans.

Our topic for discussion today is:- Is Christianity Founded By The Saviour? This question cannot be ignored because as it emerged to substitute the Yahoshean holy order, what and how has it influenced humanity? What benefits have the entire globe derive from its existence? Of what benefit is it to its faithfuls? Has it anchored them to real divinity? Or has it negatively influenced them to oppose Yahweh and all that he stands for? Is Christianity a true sect that keeps the commandments and percepts of Yahweh? Has it kept perfect the word of Yahweh handed to humanity to believe and act upon? These and too many such related questions are necessary as we treat this important topic that affect the entire globe.

Going by the holy book currently dictated to mankind by Yahweh through the instrumentality of Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach called Holy Originally Inspired Scripture (HOIS), the name of the sect founded by the true savior of humanity whose personal name is Yahoshea Meshiyach is known as Yahosheanity or Meshiyachs.

This current revelation is in agreement with numerous ancient writers or Historians from Hebrew, Greece and Rome on this subject. Likewise the modern writers or Theologians cannot claim to be ignorant of the fact that the name Jesus is derived from a Greek rendering of the Hebrew name Yahoshea which means “Yahweh is Salvation”.

The title Christ is equally derived from the Greek word “Christos” which is a translation of the Hebrew word “Meshiyach” which means “the Annointed One”.

This term Meshiyach was used by early disciples who regarded Yahoshea as the promised deliverer of the Hebrews and later was made part of Yahoshea’s proper name by his early followers.

If his proper name was Yahoshea and his title as Meshiyach, how came about Jesus and Christ? An act of corruption was solely responsible for the change. It is totally authenticated by all reference books that accounted of his existence on earth that he is of the chronology of the Hebrew stock. Then how did he bear Greek name and title?

Each life has gifts that it uses to serve its purpose here on earth. One of the greatest expectations of a person is self-realization and awareness. When such aspect of human life is not properly identified and defined, the person will be grumbling in darkness and ignorance of his proper self.

Anyone that intends to enter the path of honour must put adequate interpretations of his real value in life, must understand the needed truths about divinity and how related to such institution because those who fail and fall short always do so through ignorance of true self.

It is upon the soil of our discovered self that we can stand to rediscover our real or true divine qualities which enhances us towards growth above matter and bodily imprisonment.

Every human being in one way or the other faces the challenge towards becoming conscious of proper selfhood and when uncovered will enhance the person’s zeal to strive towards actualization of such divine import or purpose that associate the person.

Yahoshea Meshiyach who is the greatest man that ever lived at a moment was faced by the quest to realize whom he is proper. For true identity and definition of self compelled him to ask his disciples whom the men of his age term him to be.

His disciples responded that very many peoples have various conceptions of who he is. Some see him as one prophet and others see him as other prophets. He then enquired from his direct disciples who they term him to be.

His chief disciple Peter answered him properly that he is Yahoshea Meshiyach the awaited savior of the entire globe.

Yahoshea Meshiyach was comfortable by the pronunciations of his chief disciple but charged him not to disclose such to people until fullness of time.

A personality is defined from three basic points of his life. Those points are as thus, personal name, personal character and personal destiny.

A personal name is always seen as pronouncements of the person’s entire being in regards to his real aim and obligations to earth which he must finally live into.

So when there is shift of character it requires change of name to reflect the characters, and destiny that lies ahead it.

Our topic remains as follows, “Is Christianity founded by the saviour?”.

The name of the saviour is properly identified as Yahoshea Meshiyach, so how did such person with such name founded Christendom?

Yahoshea means- “SALVATION OF YAHWEH” and that was exactly his purpose in life because he manifested to save the people of the world.

The next term is “Meshiyach” which means “ANNOINTED ONE”.

So the name of the savior and his title deserve no replacement because he lived completely into the meaning of his name and his office.

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