
Is Yahweh Responsible For Natural Disasters?

These unholy images are seen in Churches, Synagogues, Mosques and temple alters of those acclaimed international religions. Faithfuls forge their types and keep at family or community alters where such images are adorned as done by local idols worshippers.

For example, the cross is an image of worship of Catholics and  faithfuls forms crosses and hang on their necks and keep some at family alters for worship. They equally form scapulas of Mary, Jesus and Joseph or other acclaimed holy men and hang them on their necks and equally kept in family alters as sign of holiness.

The Pentecostals although believe that the saviour died on the cross and do not formally form cross and hang on their necks, but such evil characters are carried out by their bishops and arch-bishops. The common Pentecostal faithfuls can be identified by an image or art of sprinkle of fire, dove and blood as identity of their faith.

All these attitudes provokes Yahweh to anger. these spiritual disobedience is capapble of stirring natural reactions and disasters as noticed in the present flooding.

Check out the real situation, men are killers of their fellow mortals. They do this easily for sake of little material gains.

A man may decide to kill his brother simply because of a small portion of land in dispute. Other kill as money rituals for material prosperity, equally others kill for sake of community sake or merely ideological differences with opponents.

Both political, economical, social and religious differences have led to killing of billions of mortals by others. Some of these victims are thrown into rivers or buried on the mother earth, why shouldn’t earth and rivers react in what we observe as natural disasters? Man know thyself.

Check out the real situation and see what the sons and daughters of men are doing. Yahweh gave law that we should not commit adultery and fornications. How do mortals respond to such laws? At the moment, all acts of promiscuous and seduction life is on loose range. Men have proven of late that the beast in him is wilder and more negative than those of other wild animals.

Since men left Yahweh’s consciousness, all his efforts as individuals, communities or governments are identified to be beastly. That is why the government of men are rightly identified as beast governments. This is true because the operators of the governments are not better than wild beasts in the forests.

All animals obey the divine laws approved for them but only human family that violates Yahweh orders at will. Consider the effects of manufacturing of warheads and armories by world governments aimed at mass destructions of living beings.

Greater percentage of natural and human resources trusted unto worldly leaders are annually earmarked to purchase such deadly weapons for security purposes by nations. In the cause of reacting towards security alertness and aggression, huge wastes are done by either prosecution of wars, ethnic cleansing and maintenance of nationhood.

In those same nation equally, are high rate of poverty, unemployment, hunger and underdevelopment. Why should our governments face security challenge than our welfares, because men has left Yahweh’s laws that seek that each mortal must love others more than self.

If we love each other, why do we waste such resources to prepare for our security? Since we manufactures weapons, we have to make wars, then why do we blame Yahweh for being responsible for natural disaster as wars.

Check out the true situation and you will know that man is the architect of all disasters on earth.

Again, Yahweh warn against adultery and fornication: – what do we see? The rate of such evil has aggravated beyond control. Since information technology has been introduced to third world countries as Nigeria, men use such services as GSM to communicate with married women right at the presence of their husbands or while at bedrooms with their husbands. It is noted that few years before the introduction of such services, it appears more difficult for both lustful and inquisitions people to meet physically to arrange for such unholy hosts or deeds.

But with GSM services, what both parties need is exchange of phone numbers and they will discuss at distance to arrange for how to host each other. When the partners of those wild and unfaithful people tend to know who is on the call, they will be fed with lies that it is either one of their relations or the other. When such rightful partners will be inquisitive to know about the identity of the caller, he will be adviced to desist from peeping into the phone privacy or discussion of their partners.

Some of those married women can boast of fifty phone numbers of other men assumed to be their male-friends. What a shameful situation. A virtuous woman cannot have a secret lover or cheat on his partner. She can never store a phone number that is not related or known to the husband. She can never make her phone a private business because as a couple all businesses of both parties are accessible to each other.

At the moment, the information science has agravated the adultery and fornication performances through their new services as e-goings, chating, pinging, facebook,twitter, youporn and many other social networks where inquisious and useful adulterers have easy access to chat and exchange seductive images to each other. What of the dressing patterns of people-seductive dresses are freely used by women and even of married ones to seduce men in our public quarters. Abominable sexual acts as homosexualism, lesbianism, masturbation, pornography, beastiality and all manners of gay attitude are on increase and remains unchecked by governments or their agencies. Men can freely have sex with other forms of animals. No other type of animal can go after another type of animal in sex. Why could’nt there be disaster?

Meshiyach  Yahzitere Yahmarabhi


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