
Touts Sap Sharks Trainer’s Salaries

Information available to The Newswriter sports desk has it that touts who claimed to be supporting Sharks football club of Port Harcourt are in the habit of extorting salaries of one of a Sharks trainer (name withheld) anytime he is paid his monthly salary.

A source revealed to The Newswriter sports desk that these group of supporters have made it their habit to hang around the GM’s office when salaries are due. Their pressure in demanding for their share of the young trainer salary as if he is owing them has become worrisome. This has continued from since he was engaged till now. Where money is not given to them they resort to threat leaving the trainer going home with part of his salary every month snapped which has made caring for his younger ones in the family difficult.

The Newswriter sports desk hindered from discovered that Sharks technical crew alongside the players are paid cash instead of receiving their salaries through bank.

However, paying of salaries through the bank has been suggested the general manager of the club.

We also gathered that this behaviour has become a regular routine to Sharks.

To avert the ugly development, June salaries for Sharks crews are been awaited since an option has been adopted.

The acclaimed supporter of sharks sees themselves making money from salaries of the players. ###




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